“Sanctuary” Training Ian Crone, Associate Dean of Students/ Director of the Frick Center
Portray the scope of the undocumented student experience Portray the human experience for undocumented students, Discuss the specific obstacles facing undocumented students, Explore the undocumented student experience, student development and well-being Explore our role in supporting undocumented student success.
According to Pew Hispanic Center, how many unauthorized immigrants resided in the United States in 2008? Passel, J., and Cohn, D. Trends in Unauthorized Immigration: Undocumented Inflow Now trails Legal Flow. Washington, D.C.: Pew Hispanic Center, Million
According to the Pew Hispanic Center, how many of these undocumented immigrants are school- aged children eligible to attend K-12 schools? Passel, J. The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the U.S.: Estimates Based on the March 2005 Current Population Survey. Washington, D.C.: Pew Hispanic Center, million
According to the Urban Institute, who many undocumented students were thought to graduate High School yearly? Passel, J. S. Further Demographic Information Relating to the DREAM Act. Washington, D.C. Urban Institute, ,000
According to the Pew Hispanic Center, what percentage of these undocumented students will attend college? Pew Hispanic Center (2009). A portrait of unauthorized immigrants in the United States. Retrieved from 49%
In 2006, the Pew Hispanic Center reported in an National Public Radio interview what percentage of undocumented immigrants initially entered the United States legally? Ted Robbins (June 14, 2006) Nearly Half of Illegal Immigrants Overstay Visas, National Public Radio 45%
An undocumented individual is a foreign national who: (1) entered the United States without inspection or with fraudulent documents, or (2) entered legally as a nonimmigrant, but then violated the terms of his or her status and remained in the United States without authorization. National Immigration Law Center, DREAM Act Reintroduced in Senate, Immigrants’ Rights Update, Vol. 17, No. 5 (September 4, 2003)
Generation 1.5 o Did not chose to migrate o Born outside the USA o Identity is formed by their experience in USA o Elementary and Secondary education in USA o Often bilingual o Fluent in English Rumbaut (2004) Ages, Life Stages, and Generational Cohorts: Decomposing the Immigrant First and Second Generations in the United States. International Migration Review Issue 28, Volume 3, 1160–1205, September 2004
o Parents and Family Life o Familial expectations for student generally very high o Families often have little educational background o Students struggle to balance appreciation and blame o Family living arrangement may be intergenerational and extended o May not know about their legal status until they begin the college application process Gildersleves, R.E., Ranero, J.J. (2010) Precollege contexts of undocumented students: Implications for Student Affairs Professionals. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall Perez, W., Cortes, R.D., Ramos, K., Coronado, H. (2010) “Cursed and Blessed”: Examing the socioemotional and Academic Experiences of Undocumented Latina and Latino College Students. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall 2010.
o Academic Preparation o K-12 experience similar to that of first generation students o K-12 sometimes in under-funded schools o Work experience o Many Latino and Latino students report working hours a week in high school Perez, W., Cortes, R.D., Ramos, K., Coronado, H. (2010) “Cursed and Blessed”: Examing the socioemotional and Academic Experiences of Undocumented Latina and Latino College Students. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall 2010.
o The financial obstacle is viewed by many to be biggest obstacle o Undocumented students cannot qualify for federal or state- based financial aid, including grants, work-study, or loan programs o Undocumented students cannot use Individual Taxpayer Identification Number in place of Social Security on FAFSA o Undocumented students qualify for private scholarships o While some banks will allow private loans, it is not common, and they will require a U.S. citizen co-signer o Some states allow undocumented students to qualify for in- state tuition. Adapted with permission of Emily Prieto, Ph.D. and Vanessa Segundo, Working with Undocumented Students, Latino Resource Center, Faculty & Staff Resource Guide (2011)
The National Origins Quota System (1924) Fourteen Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – people living in U.S. without legal authorization retain rights to emergency health care, emergency shelter and disaster aid, due process related to unlawful search & seizure arrest, and work –related discrimination, unfair employment practices and unfair housing discrimination. Plyler v. Doe (1982) understood to afford access to k-12 education, citing equal protection clause of Fourteen Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRRIRA) 1996 Section 505 – denies in-state tuition Gildersleeve, R. E., Ruman, C. Mondragon, R. (2010) Serving Undocumented Students: Current Law and Policy, New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall Johnson, K. (2004) The “Huddled Masses” Myth: Immigration and Civil Rights. Temple University Press: Philadephia, PA.
Family Educational and Privacy Act 1974 (FERPA)—This federal law protects the privacy of student records at educational institutions, including elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities. Still some confusion about interaction of FERPA and mandatory reporting Currently, at least ten states allow undocumented students to attend state college at reduced tuition rates: California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington. Five states specially bar in-state tuition for undocumented students: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Oklahoma, and South Carolina Gildersleeve, R. E., Ruman, C. Mondragon, R. (2010) Serving Undocumented Students: Current Law and Policy, New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall 2010.
Federal DREAM ActIllinois DREAM Act (Proposed, NOT approved) (Signed into state law on August 1, 2011) An undocumented high-school graduate or GED recipient would be eligible to adjust to conditional lawful permanent resident (LPR) status This LPR status would be granted on a conditional basis and valid for six years, during which time the student would be allowed to work, go to school, or join the military The conditional status would be removed and the person granted LPR status after six years once the student has either completed two years in a program for a bachelor’s degree or higher degree or has served in the uniformed services for at least two years DREAM Act students would not be eligible for federal education grants. Students would, however, be eligible for federal work study and student loans, and individual states would not be restricted from providing financial aid to the students. This legislation makes Illinois the first state in the country to create a private scholarship fund for undocumented youth. It allows anyone with an individual taxpayer identification number, including undocumented students, to participate in the State Treasurer’s College Savings Pool and the Illinois Prepaid Tuition Plan. High-school college counselors are required to be trained and prepared to know what college options are available for undocumented students It requires the Illinois Student Assistance Commission to establish an Illinois DREAM Fund Commission Does NOT: Offer legal permanent status. Offer a path towards citizenship. Allow students to legally work in their field upon graduation. National Immigration Law Center (2010, December). DREAM Act Summary [Fact Sheet]. Retrieved from: Illinois General Assembly (2011, August). Full Text of SB2185. Retrieved from: Session=0
o Socio-emotional experience o Accustomed to living with fear and uncertainty o Some may develop sense of shame for having to live in the shadows o Some report dehumanizing impact of discrimination and politicized language o Because of cultural heritage, some must navigate “triple minority status”– ethnic origin, lack of documentation, poverty Perez, W., Cortes, R.D., Ramos, K., Coronado, H. (2010) “Cursed and Blessed”: Examing the socioemotional and Academic Experiences of Undocumented Latina and Latino College Students. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall 2010.
Undocumented students can develop depression, apathy, frustration and even anger, due to persistent : o presence of fear in regard to themselves and their families, o financial difficulty in paying for college; o campus experiences that were often discriminatory, o the will to persist, as seen in the determination to overcome challenges in their personal and academic lives as well as to give back to their communities; o concerns about the future. Contreras, F. (2009). Sin papeles y rompiendo barreras: Latino students and the challenges of persisting in college. Harvard Educational Review, 79 (4).
Access to campus, and academic experiences may be limited by inability to attain a drivers license Student have limited access to internships Undocumented students eligible for all graduate exams [???] Some fields, such as Education and Law Enforcement, require background checks Adapted with permission of Emily Prieto, Ph.D. and Vanessa Segundo, Working with Undocumented Students, Latino Resource Center, Faculty & Staff Resource Guide (2011)
o Economic pressures often place work ahead of civic engagement o Family responsibilities may prevent students from being active on campus outside of class o Holding a leadership roles that receives a stipend would go unrewarded o Often simply driving to activities, or registering for experiences, may be eclipsed by fear of deportation. Perez,W., Espinoza, R., Ramos, K., Coronado, H., & Cortes, R. (2010). Civic engagement patterns of undocumented Mexican students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9,
“Being an undocumented student in the United States is like being ‘cursed and blessed’ at the same time. Cursed, in that you are marginalized by society, and that you have to live in fear almost every day. Blessed, in the fact that you use the experience, and you become a much better person.” Guillermo Perez, W., Cortes, R.D., Ramos, K., Coronado, H. (2010) “Cursed and Blessed”: Examing the socioemotional and Academic Experiences of Undocumented Latina and Latino College Students. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall 2010.
Informed Resource EmpowermentAdvocate Guide vs. Decide Communication and trust Adapted with permission of Emily Prieto, Ph.D. and Vanessa Segundo, Assisting Undocumented Students Webinar, NIU Latino Resource Center
o Informed Resource o Understand challenges for undocumented students o Avoid making assumptions o Have basic understanding of the legal history o Do not give legal advice o Use contemporary language o Empowerment o Connect students with appropriate resources (scholarship opportunities, leadership involvement) o Connect students to safe networks, on and off-campus o Encourage students to recognize their own courage
o Advocate o Understanding the challenges facing undocumented students, advocate for improved conditions within your area and across campus o Guide vs. Decide o When assisting a student, provide options and empower student to make decision o Remember that student may experience atypical work & family pressures o Never provide legal advice. Refer to immigration law agencies.
Communication & Trust o Safeguard the information the entrust in you o Outreach to students and ask if they need help in dealing with their mixed feelings. o Be genuine and assure them that they can trust you without being “found out”. o Allow students to experience relief by talking about their experiences and difficulties. o Validate their love of this country: They grew up “American.” Neves, S. D., (2011) Wellness Concerns of Undocumented Students, Working with Undocumented Students, NIU Latino Resource Center
Contreras, F. (2009). Sin papeles y rompiendo barreras: Latino students and the challenges of persisting in college. Harvard Educational Review, 79 (4). Gildersleeve, R. E., Ruman, C. Mondragon, R. (2010) Serving Undocumented Students: Current Law and Policy, New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall Gildersleves, R.E., Ranero, J.J. (2010) Precollege contexts of undocumented students: Implications for Student Affairs Professionals. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall National Immigration Law Center, DREAM Act Reintroduced in Senate, Immigrants’ Rights Update, Vol. 17, No. 5 (September 4, 2003) Neves, S. D., (2011) Wellness Concerns of Undocumented Students, Working with Undocumented Students, NIU Latino Resource Center Passel, J. The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the U.S.: Estimates Based on the March 2005 Current Population Survey. Washington, D.C.: Pew Hispanic Center, Passel, J. S. Further Demographic Information Relating to the DREAM Act. Washington, D.C. Urban Institute, Passel, J., and Cohn, D. Trends in Unauthorized Immigration: Undocumented Inflow Now trails Legal Flow. Washington, D.C.: Pew Hispanic Center, Perez,W., Espinoza, R., Ramos, K., Coronado, H., & Cortes, R. (2010). Civic engagement patterns of undocumented Mexican students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9, Perez, W., Cortes, R.D., Ramos, K., Coronado, H. (2010) “Cursed and Blessed”: Examing the socioemotional and Academic Experiences of Undocumented Latina and Latino College Students. New Directions for Student Services, no 131, Fall Rumbaut (2004) Ages, Life Stages, and Generational Cohorts: Decomposing the Immigrant First and Second Generations in the United States. International Migration Review Issue 28, Volume 3, 1160–1205, September 2004
Questions and Discussion