Minnesota’s Disability Employment Initiative (DEI): Partners for Youth Third Round of DEI Grants October 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Minnesota’s Disability Employment Initiative (DEI): Partners for Youth Third Round of DEI Grants October 2013

What Does Congress say needs to be accomplished? “Improve the accessibility and accountability of the public workforce development system for individuals with disabilities” by: – Improving coordination and collaboration among employment and training programs, including Ticket to Work – Building effective community partnerships that leverage public and private resources

Department of Labor (DOL)’s Support for DEI “To thrive in the competitive international marketplace, employers need access to a diverse pool of qualified job seekers. These federal grants expand that pool and show our commitment to creating career pathways and employment opportunities that result in economic self- sufficiency for people with disabilities.” Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez

DOL’s Support for DEI “This funding will provide a range of training and employment services to people with disabilities, and it expands the capacity of the public workforce system to serve them.” Eric M. Seleznow, Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training

DOL’s Support for DEI continued… “Access to quality employment and training services is vital to getting youth and adults with disabilities into the workforce and putting them on a career path to good jobs in high-growth, high- demand industries.” Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy

In issuing funds under the solicitation, DOL hopes to accomplish the following: Facilitate significant improvements in the delivery of services to individuals with disabilities through: Trained front-line and partner staff Increased partnerships

Documenting the Need MN Four-Year Graduation Rates* All Students: 77 Percent White: 84 Percent Communities of Color: American Indian/Native American: 42 Percent Asian/Pacific Islander: 72 Percent Black: 49 Percent Hispanic/Latino: 51 Percent Economically Disadvantaged: 58 Percent Youth with Disabilities: 56 Percent

Minnesota’s DEI Proposal Required Elements Youth focus Three implementation sites: Rural MN CEP, South Central MN, Southeast MN/Workforce Development, Inc. Two control sites: Central Minnesota Jobs and Training, Southwest Minnesota Designate Disability Resource Coordinators Help youth with disabilities make successful transitions to college and careers using the Guideposts for Success (see: Guideposts for Success) Guideposts for Success

Minnesota’s DEI Proposal Required Elements continued Improve collaboration and partnerships with state and local agencies Formulate and implement Integrated Resource Teams (IRT) Expand use of benefits counseling and Ticket to Work program Ensure physical and programmatic accessibility

Minnesota’s DEI Proposal Required Elements continued. Increase the capacity of Minnesota’s youth workforce system to serve diverse populations and youth negatively impacted by Minnesota’s achievement gap Enhance staff capacity to serve youth with disabilities

Use of DEI Funds* Recruitment and Outreach Assistive Technology Support Services Tuition Payments for Skill Training Benefit Planning Activities Financial Literacy Salary and Fringe for Staff, including DRC Partnering Activities/ Meetings Travel Data Collection Administration (limit 10 percent) Other, as included in the Local Plan

Activities to Accomplish Minnesota’s Objectives PACER Center Activities: Parent and Family Trainings: Social Security and Benefit Planning for Transition Age Youth Youth Profile and Youth Action Plan document use of Guideposts for Success in the development of youth service strategies Online MN DEI Stakeholders Needs Assessment for MN DEI implementation sites and partners Assistive Technology Training

Activities to Accomplish Minnesota’s Objectives continued Minnesota Department of Education Activities: Seven Community Transition Interagency Committees (CTICs) in the 3 MN DEI implementation sites to sponsor training for local education and workforce partners CTICs develop action/training plans to enhance capability of local partners to serve youth with disabilities

Activities to Accomplish Minnesota’s Objectives continued. Ticket to Work Activities: Implementation site identification of Ticket Holders (not only youth customers) Ticket Holder agreement to assign the Ticket to DEED Employment Network (EN) Services provided according to Individual Service Strategy (ISS) or Employment Plan Quarterly follow-up following placement Partnership Plus agreement with Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS)

Minnesota DEI Program Evaluation Social Dynamics, Inc., Independent National Program Evaluator under contract to U.S. DOL Compare implementation site services given to youth with disabilities to control sites

DEI Website DEED homepage Contents: Minnesota’s Technical Proposal and Fact Sheets Data Sharing Agreement DEI Partners: Contact information; Local DEI Plans DEI Steering Committee: Agendas and Notes Monthly and Quarterly Reports Questions and Answers (coming soon) Ticket to Work Resources

DEI Questions and Answers Question: Can DEI grant money be used for FTEs, mileage and other expenses related to benefits planning services for Ticket Holders over age 24 to increase future Ticket to Work revenues? Can grant money be used to pay for support services needed by individuals to allow them to work? Answer: Yes, these funds can be used for individuals over the age of 24. Even though the MN DEI project has a focus on youth, DOL advises that such a focus must not preclude the provision of services to all individuals with disabilities, regardless of age, who are accessing the workforce system.

DEI Questions and Answers continued Question: If an individual is participating in a subsidized work experience (i.e. through WIA) when they enter the DEI project, are they considered employed for the purposes of the DEI evaluation and performance outcomes? Answer: No, participants who enter the DEI project already engaged in a subsidized work experience are not considered employed. “Employed” is intended to refer to unsubsidized employment.