Maximizing Partnerships and Resources to Increase Employment Outcomes AOA, CMS & VA National Grantee Meeting, February th, 2011 Barbara Otto, Health & Disability Advocates Eric Glunt, Ph D, CHIIP Project Director, California Health Incentives Improvement Project
How Does Employment Relate to ADRCs? ADRCs are often a “portal” to disability services and play an important role as the place to get accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of the aging and disability systems Employment is a key component of integrated community living – a priority for the Obama Administration and CMS
How Does Employment Relate to the MFP Projects? Employment is an opportunity for people with disabilities to engage with others and participate in the community around them Employment provides a direct avenue for individuals to develop relationships, and cultivate a sense of purpose Employment is a key component of integrated community living – a priority for the Obama Administration and CMS
What Are the Medicaid Infrastructure Grants? Established by the Ticket to Work Act 1999 Purpose: planning grants to create infrastructure at the state level to promote competitive, integrated employment Accomplishments: Expansion of Personal Attendant Care services Resource/Environmental Analysis of existing disability services and supports Data on disability services and health related supports Education & outreach on employment & health related employment supports
Opportunities for Collaboration with Medicaid Infrastructure Grants 1. Systems Analysis – MIGs have done significant “mapping” of disability services systems that can be used by ADRCs & MFP a) Content for Resource Guides on Disability Services, Employment and health related employment supports b) Analysis that can be used for building transition plans for individuals moving into the community c) Data from disability services systems that can be used for policy work – e.g. modeling costs or projecting changes to programs
Opportunities for Collaboration with Medicaid Infrastructure Grants 2) Education & Outreach – MIGs have created capacity within the disability services systems related to the following a) Work Incentives programs & networks b) HUD housing work incentives and other supportive housing services c) Independent living/community living supports like Personal Attendant Care d) Collaborate on training opportunities/cross agency- pollination
Opportunities for Collaboration with Medicaid Infrastructure Grants 3) Leadership Development – MIGs have been required to demonstrate engagement of high level leadership in state systems, policy and advocacy community and at the consumer level a) Leadership can be engaged on community living goals and objectives
Concrete Opportunities for Incorporating Employment ADRCs Include employment services in the services array when counseling youth and working age individuals with disabilities Employment is one of the many supports available in the state and federal disability services systems Engage state Vocational Rehabilitation agency partners materials and supports Connect/refer individuals to employment and health related employment supports Such as – state Vocational Rehabilitation, SSA-funded Work Incentives Planning & Assistance grantees or the Medicaid Buy-in program
Concrete Opportunities for Incorporating Employment into MFP Transition process – information and resources on employment can be a part of early discussions with individuals ready to transition Training for Transition Coordinators and other MFP team members to build knowledge and competency on the range of employment & health related employment supports Employment becomes a part of a natural dialog, a path to self sufficiency and economic independence Employment can become a part of an independent/community living plan
For more information: Eric K. Glunt, Ph.D. CHIIP Project Director California Health Incentives Improvement Project Interwork Institute/San Diego State University Phone: (707) Barbara Otto, CEO Health & Disability Advocates/NewEditions MFP TA Center Phone: (312)