Intermediate Algebra Redesign University of Central Missouri Department of Math & Computer Science
1. Based on your experiences thus far, what have your successes been? If you have data on learning outcomes and you think the pilot was a fair test, what was the impact of redesign on student learning and on course completion rates (grades of C or better)? Traditional sections had better course completion rates Redesign sections had better assessment outcomes Requirements to succeed may be different between traditional and redesign sections Will modify questions in the assignments and tests
1. Based on your experiences thus far, what have your successes been? Have there been other impacts of redesign on students such as improved attitudes toward course content? Some said they never did so well with math in the past Some felt that they truly understood the subject matters from the individual help and repetitive practice with the online courseware
1. Based on your experiences thus far, what have your successes been? Did the course work better for some types of students than others? The course worked better for those who completed most assignments and/or spent more time in the lab What particular kinds of outcomes appear to be most enhanced? All topics were covered in redesign sections – course drifting issue was solved
2. What implementation issues have you encountered thus far, especially those that might benefit from advice from your colleagues? What have been the greatest challenges you have faced in implementing your course redesign? Lecture delivery – has to be done in the lab, hard to get students’ attention Tests - entering password, proctoring, checking work for partial credits Students with diverse math background in the same class – some need more time to learn Teaching assistants – handling students’ request/ in time, putting efforts in helping students
2. What implementation issues have you encountered thus far, especially those that might benefit from advice from your colleagues? Did you encounter particular challenges in any of the following areas: adequate coverage of course content? technology? faculty development and support? student attitudes and reactions? To make sure students engage math-related activities in the lab Some would not work on homework until the due date – often asked to extend time due to unexpected situations happened on the night of the due day; technical or personal issues Some gave up trying after missing a few deadlines – ended up with DFW Students who did not complete review homework and practice test performed worse on tests Some students did not have internet service at home
2. What implementation issues have you encountered thus far, especially those that might benefit from advice from your colleagues? What kinds of reactions to your redesign have you gotten from your colleagues? What kinds of objections or reservations do they have about the course and its delivery? What are they most excited or concerned about at this point? What evidence of success seems to be the most convincing? Concern: Implementation of course redesign may result in losing teaching positions Convincing evident: better success rates in Intermediate Algebra and following math courses
2. What implementation issues have you encountered thus far, especially those that might benefit from advice from your colleagues? What kinds of support for your redesign project have you been receiving from your department or the institution more broadly? What specific aspects of departmental and/or institutional support have you been most gratified by and disappointed about? Financial support – Provost, Dean of College of Health, Science and Technology, Department Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science Timely technical support – networking, computers, multimedia, software issues Project Shop workers and furniture contractor – lab design, renovation and furnishing Math Department secretary – putting all things in place
3. How do you plan to scale your redesign for full implementation? Have your goals for the redesign changed as a result of activities up to now? If so, what caused you to revise your expectations and what do you hope to achieve in the project’s next phase? Change of lecture delivery – no room to accommodate 70 students Change of required lab hours from 4 to 3 hours per week Would like to find ways to help students with weak background – extend learning term from one semester to two
3. How do you plan to scale your redesign for full implementation? Looking back on the redesign project thus far, would you have done anything differently? May consider formats other than lecture/lab