FOMIN 1 Turning climate threats into climate opportunities
FOMIN 2 FOMIN is The largest technical assistance provider in Latin America and Caribbean - US$120 million per year; average grant size of US$1.5 million; mobilized US$1.60 for every US$1.00 invested Focused on clear development impact - over 4 million small producers and micro entrepreneurs reached 43% of the projects approved in 2009 in the poorest countries A recognized track record completed projects, 87% of which achieved their development goals A cutting-edge innovator - testing and rigorously evaluating new business models to take development to the next level 39 donors - beneficiary and non- recipient countries
FOMIN 3 FOMIN is about ‘Leveling the Access Playing Field to empower economic activity’ FOCUS on 4 Access Areas 1.Basic Services 2.Finance 3.Markets 4.Skills & Capacity PEOPLE - Where the proactive attitude of every one of our people empowers small initiatives throughout the region PARTNERSHIPS - As the linchpin of a wide network of donors, local partners and NGOs and CSOs COUNTRIES - Offices in 26 countries in LAC and working to leverage solutions with development partners in Africa and Asia
FOMIN 4 34 million people in LAC do not have access to electricity 83 million people use traditional biomass, such as wood and dung, for cooking and heating US$36 billion could be saved in LAC over the next decade by investing in energy efficiency Many Small Emitters Can Make a Big Difference
FOMIN 5 Helping Many Small Emitters Make a Big Difference Increasing Access to Basic Services to the BoP through technologies that reduce GHGs and improve lives Supporting small farmers to improve sustainability and seize opportunities through sustainable biogas opportunities Working through VC Funds to spread sustainable innovation in the small business sector Increasing the reach of clean and alternative energy and related business opportunities to SMEs Helping MFIs develop new climate-friendly financial products and services, such as clean energy finance and micro insurance
FOMIN 6 VC investments in 43 Clean Energy SMEs ($23 million) FondElec Latin American Clean Energy Services Fund (FLACES) US$31.6M equity investment fund focused on energy efficiency Clean Technology Fund (CleanTech Fund) US$25.2M equity investment fund Central American RE and Cleaner Production Facility (CAREC) – small clean energy projects US$17M mezzanine financing facility 28 Technical Assistance Projects Clean energy markets, inclusive recycling, cleaner production, sustainable forestry 18 Countries $ 24 million in grant resources Climate Change FOMIN Highlights Present
FOMIN 7 Past FOMIN Stories of Sustainability La Esperanza– Delivering Electricity and Jobs in Honduras –13.5 MW small-scale hydroelectric plant located in Intibucá, Honduras – one the poorest regions –$2 million investment through Central American Renewable Energy and Clean Production Facility (CAREC) –10,000 homes electrified, 40,000 trees reforested, and 75 local jobs created Tecnosol – Delivering Low Cost Renewable Energy in Nicaragua –Provides primarily solar home systems of an average size of 60 W for approx. $660 –3 investments totaling $1.1 million through ECO-LAC, CASEIF II and the Social Entrepreneurship Program of IDB –Over 47,00 HH scale systems installed, 280,000 poor benefitted, over 1,500 tons of CO 2 offset ECAMI – Expansion of operations and the creation of innovative pre-payment technology –SEP loan and TA of approximately $1 million will help ECAMI expand operations and develop and pilot and new pre-payment technology (RFID card) as an alternative model for financing solar PV. Improving Natural Gas Connections at the BoP through Microfinance Institutions in Bolivia –Will provide 2,500 low-income families in El Alto, Bolivia with residential natural gas connections –US$ 800,000 PES loan and accompanying technical assistance grant –Supports an MFI to design and offer new credit products that facilitate residential gas connections as well as provide working capital loans to small companies
FOMIN 8 MicroCarbon Development² Fund (MCD²F) Piloting new models for carbon finance –Catalyzing private investment and expanding access to the $126 billion carbon market (2008) –Delivering benefits to low-income households, communities and municipalities $50 million target capitalization –$10 million from FOMIN –$40 million from private investors and multi/bi-laterals –7 to 10 investments, mobilizing at least $8.00 for $1.00 invested by FOMIN CDM Programmes of Activities –Demand-side energy efficiency initial focus –Up to 15% of committed capital to pilot land-use and forestry carbon sectors –IRRs derived from underlying projects and carbon credits TA component to build capacity in SMEs –$2 million TA facility for building capacity in SMEs to participate in carbon credit value chain (e.g., suppliers, ESCOs, and other small companies) –Knowledge dissemination and awareness programs
FOMIN 9 Energy Finance for MFIs Developing new products for energy finance for consumers and MSMEs Carbon Markets in Brazil Creating new verification and certification bodies for CDM credits 2010 Initiatives Biogas for Sustainable Agriculture Helping small farmers capture and productively use biogas from agriculture by-products Green Remittances in Haiti Financing access to clean energy through remittance flows in Haiti Adaptation in the Caribbean Developing sustainable solutions for climate adaptation in coastal communities through public private partnerships in Colombia and the Caribbean
FOMIN 10 FOMIN A Member of the IDB Group