hawaiienergy.com Graceson Ghen
hawaiienergy.com Hawaii’s energy conservation and efficiency program Administered by Leidos Engineering, LLC under the direction of the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission Funded by electric ratepayers >> YOU! Helping to achieve Hawaii’s goal of reducing electricity usage 30% by 2030 and 100% clean energy by 2045 HAWAII ENERGY IS:
hawaiienergy.com Meet Hawaii’s energy demand through conservation and clean- energy sources Make Hawaii a national leader in smart energy use Create new jobs and a new, energy- based economy in Hawaii Governor Lingle & Department of Energy signed a historic memorandum in 2008: HAWAII CLEAN ENERGY INITIATIVE
hawaiienergy.com WHAT WE DO Provide Incentive funding for residential and commercial energy-efficient upgrades and equipment Support and provide education and training opportunities, ranging from teachers to energy industry professionals An opportunity for you to help your customers save money and energy, while growing your business 4
hawaiienergy.com We have the nation’s highest electricity rates 3 times the national average! WHY IS ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPORTANT?
hawaiienergy.com 6 U.S. Electricity Generation Hawaii Electricity Generation
hawaiienergy.com HIGHLIGHTS FROM OUR LAST PROGRAM YEAR In incentive paid to business customers $11,223, Million kWh saved per year million in customer savings per year $14.3 Overall Reduction vs. previous electricity sales 1.5%
hawaiienergy.com WHY INVEST IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY More competitive More profitable More valuable 8
hawaiienergy.com Low Risk / High Reward! 9 US T-Bills Long-Term Corporate Bonds 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40%30%20%10%0% Common Stocks Small Company Stocks Energy Efficiency Risk Index (year-to-year volatility) Average Annual Return Efficiency Investment Risks and Returns Source: ACEEE estimates for energy efficiency; other estimates adapted from the Vanguard Group. Steven Nadel, ACEEE, Testimony for July 24, 2014 Hearing.
hawaiienergy.com Residential and Commercial ratepayers in Hawaii, Honolulu and Maui counties Commercial program is for commercial Businesses, Non- profits, Schools. Residential Ratepayers are eligible for residential program offerings. WHO QUALIFIES FOR HAWAII ENERGY INCENTIVES? 10
hawaiienergy.com TYPES OF INCENTIVES 11 PRESCRIPTIVECUSTOMIZED ENERGY SERVICES & MAINTENANCE LightingNew Construction/RetrofitEnergy Audits HVACLightingEnergy Study Assistance Water Heating Energy Study Project Implementation VFDsDesign Assistance Pumps & Motors Building Envelope Specialty Equipment
WHY INVEST IN ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING Improved lighting levels Improved visual comfort Improved aesthetics Improved productivity, sales, morale 14
hawaiienergy.com Energy Star ® or DLC or Lighting Facts approved LED bulbs LED Rebates A19 - $5 rebate MR16 & PAR Lamps - $9 rebate E NERGY S TAR ® LED L AMPS
hawaiienergy.com LED RETROFIT –H OTEL L OBBY 100 CFL recessed fixture at 35w per fixture 24/7 burn time Replaced with recessed LED on dimming controls at 12.5w Energy Savings: 2.26 kW 19,798 kWh HE rebate = $1,000 Annual Savings = $5,570
hawaiienergy.com 17 V ARIABLE R EFRIGERANT F LOW HVAC units with inverter driven variable speed compressors, air handler fans, condenser fans and high efficiency motors provide 20-35% reduction in energy use. $300 per ton
hawaiienergy.com A variable frequency drive control to Air Handler, Chilled & Condensing Water Pumps, Domestic Water Pumps $50-80/ hp (for retrofit only) VFD domestic water pump system $3000 plus $80 per hp for the system
hawaiienergy.com 19 R EFRIGERATED C ASE AND F AN C OIL U NIT ECM M OTOR /C ONTROLLER R ETROFITS Dramatic improvement over older shaded pole motors commonly used in refrigeration systems and fan coil units. Can save 30-40% Commercial Refrigeration $85 per motor w/ controls Fan Coil application $55 per motor w/ controls
hawaiienergy.com C USTOMIZED P ROJECTS Measure Life Reduction in Energy Use Incentive Evening Peak Demand Reduction (5-9 p.m. Weekdays) ≤ 5 years$0.10/kWh$125/kW > 5 years$0.15/kWh$125/kW Measure Life Reduction in Energy Use Incentive Evening Peak Demand Reduction (5-9 p.m. Weekdays) Day Peak Demand Reduction (12-2 p.m. Weekdays) ≤ 5 years$0.10/kWh$125/kW*$100/kW > 5 years$0.20/kWh$125/kW*$100/kW * HVAC application only Customized Lighting All Other Measures
hawaiienergy.com 85% up to $5,000 3¢ per square foot for Lights / HVAC 5¢ per square foot for Specialty Process Loads
hawaiienergy.com 50% up to $15,000 Capped at 15¢ per square foot
SAVING ENERGY THE LEAST EXPENSIVE KWH IS THE ONE YOU NEVER USE. ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES WILL PAY OFF - IT’S WORTH YOUR EFFORT. Get the latest updates! Sign up for our e-newsletter at hawaiienergy.com/newsletterhawaiienergy.com/newsletter
hawaiienergy.com Graceson Ghen Neighbor Islands: Mahalo!