Palo Alto Utilities Key Account Rebate Programs Facilities Managers Meeting January 17, 2013 SAP
Classic Rebate Program Commercial Advantage Program Prescriptive rebates for Lighting, HVAC, Boilers, Refrigeration, Food Services, etc. Custom Rebates: – $0.10/ kwh saved – $1.00/ therm saved
Engineering Consultant Programs Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Installation Program Enovity Inc. Initial assessment of your facility with a detailed investigation of the opportunities, Implementation support, Rebate processing, and Post-installation measurement and verification.
Engineering Consultant Programs Laboratory Energy Efficiency Program Willdan Energy Solutions Similar to the Enovity Program, but Designed for facilities with at least 50% of their square footage dedicated to laboratory space.
Engineering Consultant Programs Business New Construction Program BASE Energy, Inc. Review your building plans, Suggest ways to make your building more efficient, and Rebates available on a sliding scale from $0.20 to $0.30/kwh based on energy usage percentage above Title 24 requirements.
Alternative Energy PV Partners Program Incentives for photovoltaic (PV) system electricity generation which is used on site and lowers the customer’s CPAU electric bill. PV systems may be owned or leased. Rebate payments are paid monthly for 5 years and are based on the metered electricity generation. Current rebate levels are 20 to 30 cents/kWh, depending on system size.
Alternative Energy PACLEAN program Fixed payment for photovoltaic (PV) system electricity generation which is not used on site and is sold to the City of Palo Alto Utilities as part of the City’s renewable electricity portfolio. The current PACLEAN payment level is 16.5 cents/kWh for a 20 year term.
Alternative Energy Solar Water Heating Program Rebates for solar domestic hot water systems (not pools/space heating). Contractor needs to be on CPAU’s approved list.
Alternative Energy Plug in Distributed Generation Incentives for your distributed generation project. Supports fuel cells, cogeneration, wind, and other renewable and high-efficiency power generation technologies.
Third Party Installation Programs Keep Your Cool Commercial refrigeration program. Upgrade to LED lighting, high efficiency motors, evaporator fan controllers, anti-sweat heaters, strip curtains, door gaskets and door closers in your cafeterias.
Third Party Installation Programs Right Lights Addresses lighting, refrigeration, and vending equipment. Low cost Proposals with Instant Rebates. Instant Rebate averages 81% of installed cost. Trusted, trained, local contractors. Comprehensive quality assurance.
Third Party Installation Programs Hospitality Program Air Duct Leaking Testing and Sealing, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Hard-wired Compact Fluorescent Light Fixtures, Low-flow Showerheads and Faucet Aerators, Pipe-wrap, and Additional measures available.
Water Programs Indoor Water Use Survey Free indoor water surveys, Available for commercial, industrial, school and institutional (CII) facilities, and Participants receive recommendations for improving efficiency, potential water and cost savings, as well as information about rebates and other free programs.
Water Programs Landscape Survey Landscape surveys for businesses and schools. The survey includes site-specific recommendations for improving irrigation system efficiency and analysis of potential water and cost savings. Qualifies sites to participate in the Landscape Rebate Program.
Water Programs Landscape Rebate Program The Landscape Rebate Program provides rebates for improving outdoor water use efficiency by replacing irrigated turf grass with a low water use landscape design. Rebates of up to $30,000 per site.
Water Programs FREE High Efficiency Toilet (HET) and Urinal (HEU) Installation Program Businesses with older, high volume toilets and urinals can receive free retrofits. Installation is included in this free service.
Water Programs Water Efficient Technologies (WET) Rebate Program Rebates are available for upgrading or replacing water-using equipment to improve the water use efficiency in various facility processes. Rebates of up to $100,000 or 50% of the project costs, for each qualified retrofit.
Public Works Rebates Cisterns Stormwater runoff cisterns are roof water management devices that provide retention storage volume in above or underground storage tanks. Install a rain water cistern at your home or business and receive a rebate of 15 cents per gallon. Maximum commercial rebate = $10,000
Public Works Rebates Permeable Pavement Install a driveway, patio, walkway, or parking lot using an permeable pavement material and receive a rebate of $1.50 per square foot. Maximum commercial rebate = $10,000
Public Works Rebates Green Roofs Green roofs, also known as vegetated roof covers, eco-roofs or nature roofs, are structural components that help to mitigate the effects of urbanization on water quality by filtering, absorbing or detaining rainfall. Install a green roof on your building and receive a rebate of $1.50 per square foot. Maximum commercial rebate = $10,000
Other Fantastic Programs Zero Interest Loans for Business Loans of up to $50,000 for any project that saves electricity. Repayment of the loan is based on the payback of the project up to 5 years if the project payback is over 5 years.
Other Fantastic Programs Commercial Fiber Optics If you are in this room, you are probably already on our network, or your corporate-wide contract won’t let you save money with us!
Other Fantastic Programs Meterlinks Access to 15 minute interval data of your electric meter (and a few gas meters) over the web. You provide the phone line to the meter, and we make the connection and read the meter daily.
Other Fantastic Programs My Utilities Account View and pay your utilities bill Sign up for paperless billing Access your billing history including payments and charges View historical consumption data Update your phone number or address Send a secure message about your account
Other Fantastic Programs Energy Star Benchmarking Class February 14 th – Location TBD Learn to use the EPA’s Portfolio Manager 1st step to get your building Energy Star rated Become a Palo Alto Green Business Leader Become a Facilities Rock Star!
Questions? Talk to your Account Representative or check our website at Thanks!