Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Turning Ideas into Reality…..
What do the following have in common?
The answer ….. Mechanical Engineers are everywhere! They design, build and plan products and systems and manage projects. They are responsible for many of the machines that form part of our everyday life Mechanical Engineers….
What is Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering is a very broad range of disciplines that blends scientific knowledge (principles of physics, chemistry and materials) with core engineering concepts of mechanics, statics, kinematics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and dynamics to provide …..
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS who…. Designs Analyses Manufactures Plans Manages Researches Supervises Investigates Consults Maintains machines and systems to meet the needs of mankind
Where do Mechanical Engineers work? Almost every industrial sector requires mechanical engineers – e.g. Transportation Manufacturing Food processing Medical Construction Automation Power Generation and many more ….
So, if you enjoy … Problem Solving Designing Building Planning Applying theory Research Innovation Challenges … then Mechanical Engineering is for YOU
How we can help …. There are three main benefits of studying Mechanical Engineering at USQ:- Our Programs, Our Flexibility, and Our Staff
Our Programs … At USQ we offer the following programs in Mechanical Engineering:- Associate Degree in Engineering - [2 yr] Bachelor in Engineering Technology (Mechanical) – [3 yr] Bachelor in Engineering (Mechanical) – [4 yr]
Our Programs … Our programs provide:- Courses that offer a strong foundation in Mechanical Engineering theory Laboratory resources to conduct appropriate practical courses to develop skills and enhance theory Usually small class sizes
Our Programs …. Our graduates are industry ready to apply their learned knowledge and skills in multi-disciplinary engineering teams. Our programs provide :- Core Mechanical Engineering knowledge Problem-based learning Team skills Industry relevant courses Accredited by Engineers Australia – which may result in professional registration.
Our Programs … Our programs allow almost complete articulation between programs. ADNG BETC BENG 2 Yrs 3 Yrs 4 Yrs Engineering Officer Engineering Technologist Chartered Professional Engineer
Our Flexibility …. All our programs are offered in the following modes:- Full-time on-campus Part-time external (distance) Or a combination of the above.
Our Flexibility …. For Part-time external study, we allow you to choose the number of courses most appropriate to your commitments (work, social, family, etc.), and… We provide comprehensive study material and on-line resources to help you study.
Our Staff Our staff are committed to help you in your journey through university Provide an open invitation to students to meet with us to discuss their concerns We are here to provide the best learning environment to help you succeed
Mechatronic Engineering
What is Mechatronic Engineering…. Mechatronic Engineering is a combination of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering. Mechatronic Engineering ElectronicMechanical
Where do Mechatronic Engineers work? In any industry/system that requires automatic electronic/computer control Mechatronic Engineering Defence Systems Appliances Aerospace Automotive Food Processing Material Processing Manufacturing Robotics
What programs do we offer ? At USQ we offer Bachelor in Engineering (Mechatronic) – [4 yr] In the following modes:- Full-time on-campus Part-time external (Distance) Or a combination of the above
How can I find out more? Our staff will be happy to answer any of your questions. Telephone: (07)
How can I find out more? From our website Mechanical Engineering Mechatronic Engineering
We wish you well in your choice of career The future is in your hands But we are here to help you the best we can…
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