The 6 Traits of Writing *Ideas & Content *Organization *Word Choice *Sentence Fluency *Voice *Conventions
Ideas & Content If you don’t care about what you write about, your reader will be bored!
Ideas & Content Ideas & Content A writer should: ~ Narrow the topic to something specific ~ Use a fresh, original perspective ~ When possible, write from experience ~ Use important, interesting details (not just common knowledge) (not just common knowledge)
Organization A writer should: ~ use an inviting lead that hooks the reader ~ use logical and effective order, structure, & sequence ~ use smooth transitions to emphasize main idea ~ place supporting details where they are most appropriate ~ use a conclusion that gives the reader a sense of resolution (clincher)
Word Choice A writer should: A writer should: ~ Use words that create a mental picture for the reader ~ Use powerful action verbs (vivid verbs) ~ Use specific nouns and adjectives ~ Use language that is natural and not overdone ~ Be concise (tighten sentences) ~ Use words correctly ~ Avoid repetition, slang, and clichés
Sentence Fluency A writer should: ~Vary sentence beginning, structure, and length ~ Use complete sentences ~ Use transitions (internal & external) to promote cadence
Exit Slip Independent Practice Write each sentence with a better choice of verb. 1.Sam took his mother to her birthday party. 2.Ron said into Steve’s ear, “Don’t tell her!” 3.“Shut the door!” said the angry child. 4.“I’m so happy,” the winner said as she held up her trophy. 5.Sally makes her own clothes from her own patterns.
Practice and Apply: COPY and Choose a better verb 1.This oven makes a perfect cake all the time. 2.Rio makes himself run two miles every day.
Voice A writer should: ~ Write honestly and from the heart ~ Interact with the reader * without using YOU * without using YOU ~ Use language that brings the topic to life ~ Care about topic ~ Use expression to voice personality
Conventions A writer should: A writer should: ~ Turn in a clean, edited, and polished final draft ~ Turn in a clean, edited, and polished final draft ~ Reinforce the organization with good paragraphing ~ Reinforce the organization with good paragraphing ~ Use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar ~ Use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar
Exit Slip INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Using your notes: 1.Create a mneumonic device for the Six Traits of Writing. 2.Illustrate it. You have 10 minutes Mnemonic devices are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something
Practice and Apply COPY and make a better verb choice. 1.Dwight goes slowly down the hall. 2.Jan goes, “It’s your turn to wash the dishes!” 3.Liz angrily took her diary from her brother.