Career opportunities with the European Institutions for Lawyer-Linguists Selection Procedures 2013 European Personnel Selection Office
2013 Court of Justice Parliament Council
Who are we looking for? European citizen Highly skilled Resilient Communicative Motivated Result driven Analytic Speaking EN/FR/DE And… at least two other official EU language? At least a bachelors degree in law Enjoying working in multicultural teams Ready to move to Brussels or Luxembourg?
Lawyer-Linguist As a l awyer-linguist you have a vital role in law making, ensuring that all new legislation has the same meaning in every European language. Your role will vary upon the institution your work for: - Court of Justice - Council / Parliament Lawyer-linguist are specialists (AD7) Salary: € 5500 / month
Lawyer-Linguist Your profile in general You are a capable lawyer with : Outstanding linguistic abilities ( perfect command of one official European language (your main language ) and a thorough command of at least two others ) Experience in drafting or translating, checking or revising legal texts. Able to discern precisely what EU legislation is intended to convey, and faithfully reflect that intention in your own native language.
What we offer Interesting & challenging work International working environment Travel Training languages skills Work-life balance Job mobility Social Benefits Brussels or Luxembourg based careers a chance to make a difference for Europe…
Open competitions in 2013 Court of Justice Language DE/LV/NL/PT Open for application September 19, 2013 Apply before: October 22, 2013 Parliament / Council Language DA/DE/EN/GA/DE Open for application October 17, 2013 Apply before: November 19, 2013
Lawyer – Linguist Court of Justice
Open competitions in 2013 Court of Justice Language DE/LV/NL/PT Open for application September 19, 2013 Apply before: October 22, 2013
Lawyer-Linguist Profile Court of Justice Translating legal texts into your main language from at least two official languages of the European Union; Providing legal analysis in cooperation with the Registries and the other departments of the Court of Justice. Legal texts are judgments of the Court of Justice, Court of First Instance, and Civil Service Tribunal, opinions of the Advocates- General, written pleadings of the parties, etc.
Lawyer-Linguist Your profile Court of Justice 2013 NLDELVPT Law Degree Nederlands recht Belgisch recht Deutschen Recht österreichischen Recht augstāko juridisko izglītību Latvijas Licenciatura em Direito Language 1 NL DELV PT Language 2 FR DE/ES/FR/IT/ENDE / FR Lanugage 3 1 of the official EU languages other than language 1 or 2 DE/EN/FR/IT *language 2 or 3 needs to be FR
Lawyer-Linguist Your qualifications Court of Justice Professional experience is not mandatory Depending upon the number of applicants, selection on the following qualifications can be considered: Proven experience in the field of legal translation Professional experience in drafting legal texts Relevance of the candidate's linguistic profile in relation to the language coverage requirements of the competition Knowledge of additional official languages of the European Union (possibly attested by a certificate)
Selection Process Lawyer-Linguist Court of Justice 2013 Apply online Computer Based Translation Tests* Assessment Centre Luxembourg Reserve List All candidates are invited to the translation tests. When the number of candidates is 20 times or more the number of laureates needed CV sift is put in place. Only the best performing are invited for the Assessment centre, this is about 4x the number of laureates needed
Online Application
Translation of a legal text [Test A] (without dictionary) Language 2 into language 1 Computer based tests Lawyer-Linguist – language tests Translation of a legal text [Test B] (without dictionary) Language 3 into language 1 Passmark per translation test: 40 points (out of 80) If the minimum is not obtained in test A, test B is not corrected.
Assessment Centre Lawyer-Linguist Court of Justice I.Computer based tests Verbal, numerical, abstract reasoning II.General Competencies Structured interview Group exercise III.Specific competencies Structured interview on specialist knowledge (national law, EU law) including an oral presentation All tests in your main language!
Assessment Centre 8 competencies Analysis & Problem-Solving Communicating Delivering Quality & Results Learning & Development Prioritising & Organising Resilience Working with others Leadership (potential to lead)
Reserve list & Recruitment Data base of successful candidates Valid for at least 1 year – may be extended No guarantee for a job Institution has a vacancy - Checks reserve list - Invites candidates to interview - Job offer to ‘best fit ‘ Candidate accepts offer, or remains on reserve list Recruitment EU Institutions Reserve list EPSO
Lawyer – Linguist Parliament Council
Open competitions in 2013 Parliament / Council Language DA/DE/EN/GA/ NL Open for application October 17, 2013 Apply before: November 19, 2013
Lawyer-Linguist Profile Parliament / Council Follow-up of the legislative procedure and checking legislative texts in your main language which have already been translated and revised for both linguistic and legal consistency with other language versions of the texts. Checking the quality of the drafting and compliance with the formal rules on layout. Frequent contact with the various participants in the legislative procedure. Occasionally translating short legal texts, particularly from English or French.
Lawyer-Linguist Your profile Parliament / Council 2013 DA/DE/EN/GA/NL Law Degreecompleted university studies attested by a degree in national law Language 1DA/DE/EN/GA/NL/EN Perfect knowledge Language 2DE/EN/FR thorough knowledge [ must be different from language 1] Language 3DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/PL thorough knowledge [ must be different from language 1and 2] For all language – except EN: language 2 or 3 needs to be EN
Lawyer-Linguist Your qualifications Parliament/Council Professional experience is not mandatory. Depending upon the number of applicants, selection on the following qualifications can be considered: Experience in drafting legal texts acquired in a national administration Experience in drafting court judgments acquired in a national Court Experience in the field of law acquired: - in a law firm - as an in-house lawyer in a company - in a national administration or an international organisation Experience in transposing and implementing EU law Post-graduate studies in a legal field relevant to the nature of the duties Diploma attesting language training Translation and/or revision experience
Selection Process Lawyer-Linguist Apply online Computer Based language Tests* Assessment Centre Brussels Reserve List * Only the best performing are invited for the next stages in the procedure To the language tests : about 3x the number of laureates needed To the assessment centre: about 2x the number of laureates needed
Online Application
Multiple choice Test [Test A] Language 1 Computer based tests Lawyer-Linguist – language tests Translation of a legal text [Test B] (without dictionary) Language 2 into Language 1
Assessment Centre Lawyer-Linguist I.Computer based tests Verbal, numerical, abstract reasoning (in language 1 ) II.General Competencies Structured interview Group exercise (in language 2: English, French or German) III.Specific competencies Structured interview on specialist knowledge (national law, EU law) (in language 1) including an oral presentation, and writing a summary ( language 3 )
Assessment Centre 8 competencies Analysis & Problem-Solving Communicating Delivering Quality & Results Learning & Development Prioritising & Organising Resilience Working with others Leadership (potential to lead)
Reserve list & Recruitment Data base of successful candidates Valid for at least 1 year – may be extended No guarantee for a job Institution has a vacancy - Checks reserve list - Invites candidates to interview - Job offer to ‘best fit ‘ Candidate accepts offer, or remains on reserve list Recruitment EU Institutions Reserve list EPSO
Law Selection procedures 2013 For full overview visit our website Publication date DescriptionGrade* September Lawyer-linguists for the Court of Justice - main language German, Latvian, Dutch or Portuguese AD7 October Lawyer linguists for the European Parliament or Council – main language Danish, German, English, Irish or Dutch AD7 November Intellectual property - OHIM- Alicante AST3/ AD6 Nov/DecAssistants in the field of: 1. European public administration 2. Law 3. Statistics 4. Finance 5. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) AST3
Overview of staff categories Permanent staff: Officials Contract staff: CAST through EPSO Temporary staff: mostly in agencies Interim, Freelance, Seconded National Experts Traineeships not through EPSO
Austria European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice Top Belgium Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) European Defence Agency (EDA) Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) Research Executive Agency (REA) European Research Council Executive Agency (ERC) Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) Top Czech Republic European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA) Top Denmark European Environment Agency (EEA) Top Estonia European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice Top Finland European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Top France Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) European Railway Agency (ERA) European Union Institute for Security Studies (ISS) European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Top Germany European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) Top Greece European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) Top Hungary European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Top Ireland European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) Top Italy European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) European Training Foundation (ETF) Top Latvia Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Top Lithuania European Institute for Gender Equality Top Luxembourg Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) Top Malta European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Top The Netherlands The European Union’s Judicial Cooperation Unit (EUROJUST) European Police Office (EUROPOL) Top Poland European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders (FRONTEX) Top Portugal European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Top Slovenia Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) Top Spain European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market – Trade Marks and Designs (OHIM) European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA) European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (Fusion for Energy) European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC) Top Sweden European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Top United Kingdom European Medicines Agency (EMEA) European Police College (CEPOL) European Banking Authority (EBA) EU Agencies and bodies
What about… Bulgarian applicants?
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Example verbal reasoning
Example numerical reasoning
Example abstract reasoning