Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. The Digestive System
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. What does the Digestive System Do ? The digestive system digests the food we eat.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Lets Take A Journey Of The Digestive System.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. The Teeth The teeth chew and tear the food into small bits of pieces.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Salivary Glands They produce liquid like material called Saliva. Saliva softens the mouth and starts the breakdown of chewed food. The softened wet food is now called a bolus.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Esophagus The esophagus is the tube that carries food, liquids and saliva from your mouth to the stomach. It moves with a muscle contraction called peristalsis.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Stomach The main function of the stomach is to process and transport food. After feeding, the contraction activity of the stomach helps to mix and grind the food and turn it into a liquid.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Liver The liver produces bile, which helps the body absorb fat.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Gallbladder Bile is stored in the gallbladder until it is needed.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Pancreas The pancreas produces enzymes that help digest proteins and fats.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Small Intestine The small intestine digests all the nutrients. The small fingerlike projections absorb the nutrients and puts them into the blood steam. Major Nutrition takes place here
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Large Intestine Balance water is absorbed in Large Intestine The large intestine takes out the waste.
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Functions of the Digestive System Digest the food we eat Take the nutrients out of your food so your body can use it
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Healthy Habits Eat foods that are high in fiber like fruits and vegetables
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Drink plenty of water
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Chew your food completely before you swallow
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Avoid foods high in fat
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Interesting Fact Food is in your digestive system for about 24 hours
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Your stomach stretches when you eat like a balloon being filled with air
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. You have a trap door called the epiglottis to cover your windpipe when you swallow.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Your stomach mashes your food the way a baker kneads dough for bread turning it into Chyme, a liquid that can be taken in by the villi in the small intestine.
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Summary Functions Digests food Absorbs nutrients for the body Components Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Pancreas Liver Gall Bladder
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Summary Healthy Habits Eat high fiber foods Drink lots of water Chew food well Avoid high-fat foods
Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Thanks Submitted by Aditya Gurgaon
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Copyright of for more videos,visit us. Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “