Nutrients (6 Essential) Power Point Lesson
What is Nutrition? The study of how food affects one’s health
Proteins A protein is a nutrient that is needed: – For growth – To build, repair, and maintain body tissues – To regulate body temperature – To supply energy – About 20% of your diet
Complete Protein Contains all of the essential amino acids. – Body needs 20 amino acids – 11 are produced naturally – Must get 9 that the body can not produce (essential amino acids)
Incomplete Proteins Protein from plant source that does not contain all the essential amino acids.
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Carbohydrates Nutrient that is the main source of energy for the body (About 50% of your diet) Simple Carbohydrate: sugars that enter the bloodstream quickly – Fruits, honey, milk, table sugar, processed sugar Complex Carbohydrate: starches and fiber. – Starch: made and stored in most plants. – Fiber: part of grains and plant food that can not be digested.
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Fats Nutrient that provides energy and helps the body store and use vitamins (About 30% of your diet) Saturated Fats: type of fat from dairy products, solid vegetables, meat, and poultry. Unsaturated Fats: type of fat obtained from plant products and fish. – Usually liquid at room temperature – Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated
Amount of Calories Protein: – 1 gram of protein = 4 calories Carbohydrates: – 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories Fats: – 1 gram of fat = 9 calories (Calorie: amount of energy in food that is available through digestion)
Vitamins Nutrient that helps the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats – Fat-soluble vitamin A, D, E, K – Water-soluble vitamins B complex and C
Function of Vitamins Vitamin A- Beta carotene – Improved vision and night vision Vitamin D – Helps to use calcium in bones and teeth Vitamin E – Helps with skin elasticity Vitamin K – Aids in blood clotting B Vitamin Complex – Helps body to utilize energy sources Vitamin C – Helps build immune system
Minerals Nutrient that regulates many chemical reactions in the body. – Macro minerals (greater amounts) Calcium and sodium – Trace minerals (smaller amounts) Iron and zinc
Minerals Inorganic substances the body cannot produce Functions: – Speed reactions in body to regulate process of the body – Each mineral has a different purpose Iron- carries oxygen in blood Calcium- Develop bone strength, muscle contractions, blood clotting Sodium, Chloride and Potassium- Electrolytes that maintain body fluid
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Water Nutrient that is involved with all body processes – Basic part of the blood – Helps with waste removal – Regulates body temperature – Cushions the spinal cord – Makes up 60% of body mass
6 Classes Of Nutrients 6 Nutrients Provide Energy CHO’sFatsProteins Build and Repair Body Cells Proteins Regulate Body Functions VitaminsMineralsWater Through digestion, Nutrients serve 3 functions:
Energy and Teens The avg. person needs 2000 calories in their diet. Calorie: energy contained in food How many do you need? – Typically, teens require more calories (energy) because they are: – MORE ACTIVE – GROWING
Gain or Lose Weight 3500 Calories: gain or lose one pound Average human can shed no more than two pounds per week