To break down foods into smaller pieces. To absorb digested food into the blood circulatory system as nutrients for the body. Picture:
Small Intestine Large Intestine Anus Rectum Esophagus Liver Pancreas Appendix Stomach Mouth Gallbladder
Digestive Circulatory The digestive system interacts with the circulatory system. The small intestine absorbs digested food into the circulatory system as nutrients for the body.
Food gets chewed, then it moves from the mouth into the pharynx,down the esophagus, and into the stomach. Through peristalsis,the muscular action of the stomach, the food is churned. Digestive juices supplied by the liver and the pancreas emulsify the food and convert it into a semiliquid mass. The small intestine absorbs digested food into the blood circulatory system as nutrients for the body. The large intestine condenses unused food matter and expels it through the rectum and anus. About 24 hours is required for food to pass through the digestive tract.
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