CCSDS SAWG2 Presentation Outline XASTRO study analysis phase conclusions Relationship between XASTRO and UML 2 / SysML XASTRO architecture Relationship between RASDS and XASTRO viewpoints
CCSDS SAWG3 XASTRO 2 Analysis Phase Conculsions Development of XASTRO metamodel Alignment with OMG‘s Model Driven Architecture Based on concepts of RM-ODP separation of concerns by viewpoints Very close alignment with RASDS, with focus on formalised language and tool support some minor differences Alignment with a subset UML 2.0 \ SysML concepts to enable the development of a UML profile
CCSDS SAWG4 XASTRO and UML 2.0 UML 2.0 supports many of the modelling requirements of XASTRO UML 2.0 has much better support for modelling systen architectures Still being finalised (4Q) Related technologies still being finalised (MOF and MOF-XML mapping) Some tools providing limited UML 2.0 support – it is likely to be sometime before there is full support
CCSDS SAWG5 XASTRO and UML 2.0 Convergence XASTRO would like to use UML 2.0 Timescale of the XASTRO study however does not fit well with UML 2.0 XASTRO metamodel shall be aligned with UML 2.0 UML 2.0 profile for XASTRO could be defined in the future once the specification and tools become more mature Take advantage of rich behavioural model Take advantage of standard tools Modelling based on accepted technologies Transformation of models between XASTRO metamodel and XASTRO UML Profile should be possible Profile for UML 1.4 will be supported for Information Modelling including interchange with XASTRO information viewpoint metamodel
CCSDS SAWG6 UML 2.0 vs SysML Which is most suitable for XASTRO? SysML advantages Requirements model Adds support for modelling physical systems SysML disadvantages Removes some UML 2.0 packages (such as deployment) that may be useful for software intensive system Will have smaller user base and therefore choice of tools is likely to be more limited UML 2.0 specification and tools will be avaliable earlier Both are suitable, although Requirements model is very nice feature of SysML
CCSDS SAWG7 Proposed XASTRO Architecture XASTRO Framework (metamodel) GSIMMIM GOSIF Applications (XML Server) Applications Framework & Models XASTRO Applications (Editor)
CCSDS SAWG8 XASTRO Framework (Metamodel)
CCSDS SAWG9 Separation of Concerns Information Viewpoint Functional Viewpoint Enterprise Viewpoint Physical Viewpoint Communications Viewpoint Standardised Data Models Standardised Services XASTRO 2 Framework
CCSDS SAWG10 Ground System Information Model
CCSDS SAWG11 Mission Information Model
CCSDS SAWG12 Modelling Tools – XASTRO Editor
CCSDS SAWG13 Modelling Tools – UML
CCSDS SAWG14 XASTRO vs RASDS Viewpoints Requirements Enterprise Information Information Functional Functional Physical Connectivity Communications Communications
CCSDS SAWG15 XASTRO vs RASDS Enterprise Viewpoint XASTRO does not support the RASDS enterprise viewpoint Provides requirements model Supports conformance of system design against requirements Requirements are assigned to model elements Base on SysML Requirements Model
CCSDS SAWG16 Requirement Model Example from SysML
CCSDS SAWG17 XASTRO vs RASDS Functional Viewpoint XASTRO functional viewpoint maps well to RASDS security concerns not addressed in this viewpoint Supports 3 types of interface, as defined by RM-ODP Operation Stream Signal Standard services are defined in functional view Mapping of interfaces to CORBA IDL shall be supported
CCSDS SAWG18 XASTRO vs RASDS Information Viewpoint XASTRO information viewpoint maps well to RASDS The Distribubed Infomation Intrastructure (DII) not supported, although could be modelled in the functional viewpoint Standard information models (such as XTCE) are defined in the information viewpoint Modelling of the information viewpoint in UML 1.4 shall be supported Mapping of information to XML Schema supported
CCSDS SAWG19 XASTRO vs RASDS Connectivity Viewpoint Connectivity viewpoint is renamed physical viewpoint in XASTRO Scope is slightly wider than in RASDS and is not just concerned with connectivity issues between physical system elements Can assign physical properties to components that represent physcial elements in the real system
CCSDS SAWG20 XASTRO vs RASDS Communications Viewpoint XASTRO Communication Viewpoint maps well to RASDS Is a subset of RM-ODP Engineering Viewpoint
CCSDS SAWG21 Viewpoint Consistency Viewpoint consistency not discussed in RASDS Need to identify relationships between viewpoints