AIP-5 Kickoff Workshop Session Introductions 3 May 2012
AIP-5 Kickoff Sessions SBA Sessions Disasters preparedness and mitigation Health: AQ and Waterborne Water Resource Observations Energy Agriculture Technical Sessions User Authentication & Metrics Licenses for GEOSS Data-CORE Quality Data Model Semantics GCI Research – Broker WaterML/Water Info Mobile client applications Crowd sourcing System Design
Disasters SBA Session Leader: Herve Caumont c AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Disasters Management Work Group - Contributions
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Disasters Management Session - Responses Analysis CIESIN (S,C,A) –Global- and regional-scale datasets related to disasters –Development of web-service oriented scenario and use case for Disasters Management (e.g. impacts of coastal storms and sea level rise in Central America) –Tools for before and after analysis of storm's landfall, Population Estimation Service, monitoring services the performance capabilities of typical traffic NASA (S,C,A) –Provision of high-resolution reference water mask at 15m resolution –User generation of disaster management (data) resources to be shared in an open source format ( flood models, forecasts and flood extent maps ) –Several satellites potentially tasked during the period –Single sign-on management for exchange of information across workflows –Services : Campaign Manager, Notification Manager, Web Coverage Processing Server, Identity Server CSISS (S,C) –GADMFS subsystem to be integrated into the Information Systems for Hydro-meteorological Extremes (incl. Floods and Droughts) - Global Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System TU Dresden GLUES (C,A) –Datasets on land use and climate change, support integrated environmental/climate modeling –Processing services for climate classification and spatio-temporal data aggregation –Time-aware visualization client (Time4Maps)
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Disasters Management Session - Responses Analysis GIS FCU (S,C) –Near real-time satellite information portal –Planning of satellite acquisitions / Estimated time of arrival for a specific area Compusult (S,C) –Targeted GEOSS Disaster Management ‘community’ portal –Use of mobile Apps to display OGC services such as WMS and WMTS –Use of built-in sensors (GPS, camera, microphone, etc.) of mobile devices –Provide direct search capabilities of the CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) –Ability to manage and track relevant information about an event or situation within individual Portfolios PYXIS (C) –WorldView GeoWeb Client Application for use by decision-makers within the AIP-5 SBA scenario demonstrations NASRDA (C) –Earth resources datasets from NigeriaSat medium and high resolution satellites PML (C) –Routinely processed data from multiple polar orbiting satellites monitoring ocean parameters UNEP Live (C) –TBC
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Relationship between related scenarios Datasets Web Services Visualization clients Mobile Apps Enterprise Models GEOSS / GCI Components & Architecture AIP Disasters Management Cross SBA Resources
Health SBA Session Leader: Ingo Simonis, Angel Palomares Pérez AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Session: Health SBA Goals: –Develop scenarios that demonstrate the integration of EO and health data –Implement those scenarios using GEOSS data, clients, and mediator components Focus: –Air pollution –Waterborne diseases
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Session: Health SBA Meets Friday, 9:00, Room 2 Agenda: –Introduction –Overview of scenarios proposed by EO2HEAVEN –Your contribution (please limit presentation to 8min!) –Discussion of scenarios and next steps
Water SBA Session Leader: Jeff de La Beaujardiere AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Water SBA summary Goal: Improving water-resource management through better understanding of the water cycle Task: WA-01 Integrated Water Information Components: –C1 Integrated Water-cycle Products and Services –C2 Information Systems for Hydro-meteorological Extremes (incl. Floods and Droughts) –C3 Information Service for Cold Regions –C4 Global Water Quality Products and Services –C5 Information System Development and Capacity Building
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Speakers at breakout session Stuart Frye, SGT/NASA (US): Water & Flooding Mexia Deng, GMU (US): Global Drought Mon. Syst. Jochen Schmidt, NIWA (NZ): Station Info. Mgmt. Syst. Greg Giuliani, UNEP: UNEP-Live
Energy SBA Session Leader: Lionel Menard AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
S = Societal Benefit Area Alignment and Support C = Component and Service Contributions A = Architecture and Interoperability Arrangement(Standards) Development, including Tutorials DM = Disaster Management / He = Health / Wa = Water / En = Energy Ag = Agriculture Energy Session Response Analysis
Energy Session Responses Analysis Energy and related topic (SBA) –MINES ParisTech (S) Energy (Solar), meteorological, geographical information –NASRDA (S) Raw Earth observation data from NigeriaSat satellite –TU Dresden GLUES (S) Land use and biodiversity datasets –NIWA (S) EO for disaster, weather, climate, environment, biodiversity, water (freshwater), agriculture, energy systems (wind, tidal) Technical Topic (Component & Architecture) –PYXIS (C) GeoWeb Client Application for OGC compliant WS –TUD-GLUES (C,A) Web-Based visualization application for time aware OGC WMS –MINES ParisTech (C) WMS, WFS, Metadata, CSW (GeoServer) and WebGIS client –NIWA (C,A) Metadata, CSW, WFS, SOS, Best practices –INCOSE and GEOWOW (A) Modeling RM-OPD
Relationship between Energy related scenarios Web Services (MPT, Glues, NIWA) Metadata (MPT, NIWA) Catalogue (MPT, NIWA) WebGIS Clients (Pyxis, Glues) Modeling (Incose, GeoWow) GCI Components & Architecture SBA Energy (Mines ParisTech) Cross SBA Resources (NASRDA, TU Dresden Glues, NIWA)
Agriculture SBA Session Leader: Liping Di AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Agriculture SBA Session time and location: Thursday 3:15pm, Room 2 Theme: Crop condition and progress monitoring and yield estimation Contributors: CAAS&Tsinghua, CIESIN, CSISS/GMU, GeoViQua, GEOWOW Arch, INCOSE, NASRDA, NIWA, PML, PYXIS, TUD-GLUES, UNEP Live Presentations at AgSBA session: GeoViQua, INCOSE, PYX (video), GMU Expected outcome of the session: use case and work plan
User Authentication and Metrics Session Leaders: Steve Browdy, Lucia Lovison AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
Authentication Key Points User Authentication is a 2012 IIB priority Research began in AIP-3 Goal is to operationalize this going into 2013 User Authentication entails: –User registration –Single Sign-On (SSO) There exist multiple options: –Federated (lightest impact on GCI) –Centralized (heaviest impact on GCI) –Hybrid ??? Solutions that have been considered: –OpenID –OAuth –Shiboleth At this point, there is only interest in authentication, not access control Could there be a “GEOSS User” ?
Metric Key Points User metrics is a 2012 IIB priority Goal is to operationalize this going into 2013 User metrics initially discussed in early 2011 by DSTF (now DSWG) –Does not need to be coupled to registration and authentication, but could be –May aggregate metrics, but no individual tracking User metrics reports: –Provider used –Resource accessed –Date/time of access –Other metadata, as desired and within reason
Licenses for GEOSS Data-CORE Session Leader: Steve Browdy AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
Licensing Key Points Licenses for GEOSS Data-CORE is a 2012 IIB priority Research began in AIP-3 Goal is to operationalize this going into 2013 The DSWG spent a huge amount of time considering licensing –Published a Legal Interoperability White Paper accepted at 2011 Plenary –Initially only considered open access licenses compatible with the GEOSS Data-CORE What is GEOSS Data-CORE ? –GEOSS Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone –It is not necessarily free of charge or free of responsibilities for use –It is free of restrictions, not including attribution and user registration A broader licensing “framework” will be considered and researched in the coming year by the DSWG Goal is to support GEOSS Data-CORE licenses with an eye to the future Metadata plays a key role here, but can be problematic.
Quality Data Model Session Leader: Joan Maso AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
Quality parallel session summary Producer quality model –ISO + QI traceability (QA4EO) + Publications Extend the quality study to other catalogues integrated –Analysis of the quality data on the clearinghouse –EuroGEOSS broker integrates more capacity catalogues Completeness of the producer model –Extend the NOAA rubric XSLT –Similar strategy for metadata comparison Consumers quality model –Users what to express their opinions on the data. –Consumer quality data model The Need for Unique and Universal Identifiers –Reduce redundancy –Organize datasets in series –Datasets are related to the original data sources –User feedback connected Version 04 page 26
Semantics Session Leader: Masahiko Nagai AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
Semantics Session Lead: Masahiko Nagai (Univ. Tokyo) Existing Glossaries 1 WMO Glossary 2 CEOS Missions, Instruments and Measurements(MIM) Database 3 CEOS Systems Engineering Office(SEO) 4 GEMET 5 INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary 6 SWEET 7 CUAHSI 8 CF Standard Names 9 GCMD 10 Eurovoc Thesaurus 11 International Glossary of Hydrology/UNESCO 12 Marine Metadata Interoperability Exact Match Close Match Exact Match This session is forcing on the one hand the implementation of semantic interoperability arrangement with ontological information. DIAS Vocabulary Registry SKOS 146 observation parameters with SBA
GCI Research topics: Session Leader: Stefano Nativi AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Topics and objectives Discovery and Access Broker, Launching Enabler Applications To Lower Entry Barriers for –Users to access GCI, discover, and get data –Data Providers to contribute to the GCI and provide data and services
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 EO Data: Including Data-CORE pledges Applications: Web and PC Services: Catalog, Access, Processing e.g. IDN, CSW, WCS, WMS, OpenDAP, FTP Inventory Access: e.g. Landsat, FedEO, CBERS, NASA ECHO, NOAA CLASS, SeaDataNet, GEONETCast GCI: a Brokering Framework
WaterML2 Session Leader: Stefan Fuest AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
WaterML and Water Web Services
HydroDWG and Interoperability Experiments WaterML2 Development Sensor Observation Services Hydrological Profile for SOS Future objectives Discussion Identify AIP work fields
Mobile Applications Session Leader: Ingo Simonis, Angel Palomares Pérez AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Session: Mobile Clients Goals: –Understand participants interests & ambitions –Discuss scenarios that feature mobile clients –Discuss implementation plan for mobile clients
AIP-5 kick-off, Geneva 3-4 May 2012 Session: Mobile Clients Meets Friday, 11:00, Room 5 Agenda: –Introduction –EO2HEAVEN’s cholera data acquisition client –Your contribution (please limit presentation to 8min!) –Discussion of scenarios and next steps
Crowd sourcing Session Leader: AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
Crowdsourcing Two CFP responses referenced crowdsourcing –Compusult –NASA Are others interested? Should there be a parallel session? Who will lead
System Design Session Leaders: Larry McGovern, Herve Caumont AIP-5 kick-off meeting Geneva, 3-4 May 2012
Agenda for INCOSE GEOSS MBSE Session Societal Benefit Area(SBA) Alignment and Support effort plan – Development of RMP-ODP Enterprise View by completing Use Case realization for each SBA, and development of Information, Computational, Engineering and Technical views Use Case Realization of GEOSS Transverse Technology Use Cases and completion of the RM-ODP Five Viewpoints
RM-ODP Viewpoints and Modeling Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) is a reference model in computer science, which provides a coordinating framework for the standardization of open distributing processing (ODP) It supports distribution, Internet working, platform and technology independence, and portability, together with an enterprise architecture framework for the specification of ODP systems
RMP-ODP Standards RM-ODP, also named ITU-T Rec. X.901-X.904 and ISO/IEC 10746, is a joint effort by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electromechanical Commission (IEC) and the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) RMP View Model Viewpoints addressed in Volume 3 of ISO/IEC 10746
AIP-5 Kickoff Sessions SBA Sessions Disasters preparedness and mitigation Health: AQ and Waterborne Water Resource Observations Energy Agriculture Technical Sessions User Authentication & Metrics Licenses for GEOSS Data-CORE Quality Data Model Semantics GCI Research – Broker WaterML/Water Info Mobile client applications Crowd sourcing System Design
Agenda – 3 May
Agenda – 4 May
Lunch and Refreshments Cafeteria near the building entrance No host – pay your own way For lunches we will have table reserved in the back room of the cafeteria