Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Oct. 2008
Agenda Why Essential Evidence plus? Who is it aimed at? How is the information delivered? What’s in Essential Evidence plus? Earning CME credits Training and support Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept 2008
Why Essential Evidence Plus? However, most have had little formal training in assessing the clinical usefulness of the information obtained from each source, this can lead to information overload Healthcare clinicians rely on many sources of medical information to make decisions: Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept 2008
Why Essential Evidence Plus? Essential Evidence Plus - a powerful electronic resource packed with all of the medical evidence needed to make critical patient care decisions Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
Who is it aimed at? Family Physicians, General Practitioners, General Internists Emergency and Critical Care Physicians Hospital Physicians Sub-specialists responsible for a significant amount of primary care, e.g. paediatricians, geriatricians, obstetricians /gynaecologists, cardiologists Medical Students and Residents Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
Platforms Online Palm OS Pocket PC web – palm – pocket pc Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
Content comprises of two main parts: Alerting Tool (AKA Foraging tool) – daily alerting service that keeps the clinician informed of new developments in medicine that are relevant to their practice Searching Tool (AKA Hunting tool) –allows the clinician to find information, quickly and effectively, when necessary - Essential Evidence Plus Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
ALERTING TOOL (AKA FORAGING TOOL) Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
Daily POEMs (alerting service) Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters Daily POEMS are designed to be a “First-Alert” to new information Filtered, graded, synopsized daily summaries of evidence- based research articles that alert physicians to the latest developments in clinical medicine research Sent via Monday – Friday Peer-reviewed Written by primary care physicians, free of pharma support
Daily POEMs emerge from continuous review, grading, and critical appraisal of all studies published in more than 100 journals Daily POEMs (alerting service) Instead of reading the 100+ journals that we summarize, you can rely on the POEM evaluation system for valid information presented in an easy-to-understand format Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
SEARCHING TOOL (AKA HUNTING TOOL) Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
Databases Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Oct Consists of 10 top quality evidence based databases: 1.E-Essential Evidence (coming soon!) 2.EBM Guidelines 3.EBM Summaries 4.Daily POEMs 5.Cochrane Abstracts 6.Selected Practice Guidelines 7.Derm Expert 8.Database of History and Physical Exam Accuracy 9.Databsase of Diagnostic test Accuracy 10.Clinical Decision Rules and Calculators
E-Essential Evidence (coming soon!) An interdisciplinary Editorial Team and a team of over 400 authors from all specialties summarizes the best available evidence on over 600 common conditions. This is a truly evidence-based, interactive reference that includes: – Highly structured, concisely written topics – “Bottom-line” recommendations for diagnosis and treatment – Every recommendation carries an evidence rating – Extensively linked to interactive decision support tools, thousands of calculators, POEMs, Cochrane, and practice guidelines – Continuously updated to include the best evidence
Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Oct E-Essential Evidence (coming soon!)
EBM Guidelines & EBM Summaries concise and easy-to-use collection of clinical guidelines for primary care combined with the best available evidence. It includes: – 1,000+ concise primary care practice guidelines – 3,000+ high quality evidence summaries – a library of 1,000 photographs and images continuously updated, EBM Guidelines follows the latest developments in clinical medicine and brings evidence into practice. Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept. 2008
Daily POEMs (database) searchable repository of the Daily POEMs service archived collection of 3,500 regularly updated Daily POEMs. each POEM is assigned a Level of Evidence (LOE) uses criteria established by the Centre of Evidenced-Based Medicine in Oxford, England scale Ranges from 1a (Randomized Systematic Reviews) to 5 (expert opinion) Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Oct. 2008
Abstracts of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews the gold standard for evidence-based medicine and single most reliable source for evidence on the effects of health care includes the latest and most up-to-date summaries of systematic reviews summarized evaluations of the world’s best literature on the effectiveness of therapy for 3,000 clinical problems. Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Oct. 2008
Selected Practice Guidelines 1,500+ high grade evidence-based guidelines from a variety of sources. Includes recommendations for : – screening, diagnostic approaches – therapeutic interventions – monitoring patients to aid in the total management of specific conditions, such as congestive heart failure, otitis media and others
Answers questions such as: “What medical care should be provided most of the time for most patients? ” “What medical care is not effective and should not be used for most patients” Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept Selected Practice Guidelines
How evidence is graded Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Oct. 2008
Derm Expert diagnose dermatological conditions utilizing a series of simple steps 1,000+ images, along with clear guidelines, to help clinicians quickly and easily identify the right diagnosis
Database of History and Physical Examination Accuracy 1,500+ calculators help determine the likelihood of a patient having a disease based on information gathered during a history and physical evaluation find out the probability of disease, based upon the results of clinical evaluation before doing additional testing
Database of Diagnostic Test Accuracy 1,500+ help clinicians choose best diagnostic test and interpret the test results. offers test characteristics and an estimate of the probability of disease before conducting a test. also outline the probability of disease based upon test results tailor test result interpretations based on details of clinical circumstance
Clinical Decision Rules & Calculators 300+ Decision Support Calculators. Support the clinical decision making by offering risk and probability assessments. specifically designed to help estimate the likelihood of a diagnosis, calculate a patient’s risk for disease, estimate a prognosis, or calculate a drug dose.
Free Online Instructor- based Training: Free Prerecorded Online Tutorials: Free Product Support and User Guides: Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept Training and Support
Informatio Medicata, Budapest, Sept Thank you Marta Dyson Associate Account Manager