Mauritius Institute of Education
Mandate of the MIE The mandate of the MIE, as per its Act (1973), is: to provide facilities and to engage in educational research, curriculum development and teacher education and thereby to promote the advancement of learning and knowledge in the field of education and, in particular, to provide a teacher education responsive to the social, economic, linguistic, administrative, scientific, agricultural and technological needs of Mauritius. (MIE Act, 1973:2)
Vision To excel as a renowned institution of higher learning, committed to the empowerment of educators and professionals in related fields through research, scholarship and pedagogical innovations. Mission ME is committed to: Promoting advancement of knowledge and innovation in education through research Informing educational policy Improving access to initial and continuous professional development in education Providing quality service in education Leading the process of curriculum development
MIE at a glance In our 33 years of existence, we have trained over 20,000 teachers, educational cadres and other resource persons at all levels of the education system in Mauritius, Rodrigues and the outer islands. …
Teacher Education 16 in- service programmes of study (both pre-service and in- service) are available at Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Post-graduate levels, including the MA in Education. Our programmes have been diversified to cater to the emerging needs of the education sector, e.g.: Special Education Needs including Pre-Vocational, ICT, Social Work, Value Based Education, Environmental Education. In the recent past, pre-service courses have gained momentum. In addition to the Teacher's Diploma Primary (TDP), we also run Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and Teacher's Diploma courses for prospective secondary school teachers.
Lifelong Learning The credit-laddering system enables professionals in education to engage in Lifelong Learning and, at the same time, gain social mobility. Those who enter the profession with a HSC can move up with the acquisition of a Diploma and eventually a B.Ed and MA. We run courses specifically designed for Rectors, Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, and Inspectors at Certificate and Diploma levels as well as Induction courses for Mentors and newly recruited Education Officers.
Democratizing Access The DE mode has gained prominence and we trained over a thousand primary school teachers in In line with new trends, we aim at developing online courses to reach out to a larger number of people. Many courses initially run part time, such as the Teacher's Diploma and PGCE, are now available on a full time basis. Teachers from the Outer Islands, namely Rodrigues and Agalega, can enroll on any course being run and attend special workshops conducted for their benefit. We also offer a structural and flexible pathways for continuous professional development from induction onwards through a system of accreditation.
Links To achieve international standards, we have established links with regional and international partners, e.g.: UNESCO/BREDA, UNICEF, SADC, OIF, IGNOU, IUFM Reunion Island, Institute of Education (London, Singapore), University of Brighton, University of Bangor, Deakin University, Edith Cowan University
Consultancy We provide professional and consultancy services at national, regional and international levels, e.g: MOEHR, NCCRD, MES, MCA, MIH, NGO's, SADC, NEPAD, UNESCO, OIF.
Research & Publications Over the years MIE has developed a strong research culture. The number of research active staff has increased considerably. Staff publications include books, research and position papers in peer reviewed journals. Research at MIE is increasingly being carried out by teams, often through a multi-disciplinary approach, at both national and international levels. The Action Research Network and the Annual Research Conference are two key features of the foray into research with trainees and other tertiary institutions. The focus is placed on carrying out action research in collaboration with schools with a view to producing contextualised findings.
Educational Reform & Curriculum Development MIE has always been a key player in all educational reforms since 1973 as shown through its participation among others, in the Richard and Glover reports, Master Plan, Action Plan, White Paper, Nine-Year Schooling. As a central player in the educational field, we are at present fully involved in curriculum planning, development and evaluation. The National Curriculum Steering committee is currently chaired by the Director of the MIE. We have always provided expertise in the writing of curriculum materials at primary and secondary levels. Most subject panels are headed by MIE staff.
Whom does MIE serve? It is the one edifice which covers the entire gamut of Government’s educational concerns: Pre-primary Primary Secondary
Pre-primary Proficiency Certificate in Education for practicing teachers in the sector Certificate in Education for the pre-primary sector. Entry qualification: ‘O’ level or Proficiency Certificate in Education Initially a programme offered by Distance, it is now being offered as a face to face taught programme Duration: 2years part time
Primary Pre-service Training Teacher’s Certificate Primary (TCP) (compulsory for all those joining the primary sector in Mauritius) See post 2003 for additional information. Post 2003 Teacher’s Diploma Primary Duration 2years & 3 months full time Entry Qualification: 5 Ordinary levels, including English, French and either a Science or a Social Science subject plus Higher School Certificate or 2 Advanced’ levels
Primary-In-service Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) (Mixed mode) –Entry qualification: Teacher's Certificate Primary Teacher’s Diploma Primary- in-service (Mixed mode)-1.5years part-time –Entry qualification: TCP + ACE Certificate in Educational Management (CEM) ( Mixed mode) –Entry Qualification: Practising Deputy Head teachers-2yrs pt Advanced Certificate in Educational Management (ACEM) (Mixed Mode) –Entry qualification: Practicing Head tecahers-1 years part time Diploma in Supervision and Inspection.- 2years part-time –Entry qualification: Practising School Inspectors Teacher’s Diploma Special Education Needs-Remedial Education- 3 years part- time. –Entry qualification: 5 subjects at Ordinary level plus HSC Teacher's Diploma by Distance Mode in association with the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Secondary In-service Programmes Teacher’s Diploma- 3 years Part time –Entry qualification: 5 subjects at Ordinary level plus Higher School Certificate Post Graduate Certificate in Education – 2 years part time –Entry Qualification: University Degree B. Ed - in association with the University of Mauritius –Entry qualification: Teacher’s Diploma. - MA Education - in association with the University of Brighton, UK. 2 years taught courses –Entry qualification: Degree plus PGCE or B.Ed or Degree plus post degree for those not possessing a professional qualification Note: Paid programme
Secondary Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)* 1 year full time –Entry qualification:5 subjects at Ordinary Level, H.S.C & University Degree Teacher’s Diploma* 2 years full time Entry qualification:5 subjects at Ordinary Level, H.S.C or 2 A level Teacher’s Licence* 6 months course for those wishing to join the teaching Profession * Note: Paid programmes Pre-Service Programmes
Other Programmes Induction courses for Mentors- Primary Inspectors- Primary Deputy Rectors- Secondary Short 1 week courses Certificate programme For Fire Fighters- Training of trainers 2 Years PT Induction of newly appointed Education Officers- 6 months- with Credit Banking
Challenges ahead With the new vision of education, the MIE is being called upon to empower the educational community in effecting the desired paradigm shift from a subject- centred to a child-centred curriculum by: Transforming pedagogical practices in the classroom context Providing more opportunities for lifelong learning Intensifying its initiatives in research and creating a database to inform policy Strengthening collaboration and partnerships with local stakeholders, regional and international institutions Engaging in curriculum renewal, development, monitoring and implementation
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