Fractions: Stage 4 – 5 AC -EA Honor Ronowicz
Introducing fractions What activities do you do when you introduce fractions to your students?
Equal sharing activities Conveys the idea of parts to a whole. Proportional reasoning activities Its about relative size Measurement Activities Fractions are numbers with magnitudes
Measurement Activities Use fraction tiles to measure around the class. Measure the students feet cuts outs with Cuisenaire rods Make gingerbread men and measure them Emphasize that the size of the object is defined by the size of the original unit (tile,rod)
Top and Bottom Numbers What does the bottom number in a fraction tell us? What does the top number in a fraction tell us? The top number counts The bottom number tells what is being counted A shorthand symbol for how many of what? ½
You have 12 jelly beans to place evenly on the cake. If you get a ¼ of the cake how many jelly beans do you get? Equal sharing activities
Moving Stage 4-5 Advanced Counters to Early Additive Level 1- level 2 Counters to adders
Play time! Finding Fractions Double and half Double somersaults Find a fourth Flipping fractions Shark attack And others
Books! The Great Divide
Proportional reasoning Bigger and smaller activities Balancing a see saw.
The Key Ideas Language Relate equipment/models to symbol Sharing measuring and proportional reasoning Add/sub strategies link to Fractions. Use lots of equipment. Allow explorations, investigations and discussions. Don’t rush to teaching rules!