Information for Parents Redelivered by: Tony Jones, Anthony Blasingame, Dara Foy REAA Parent Presentation
Definition Unique Features Examining Item Types General Test Parameters Calculator Usage Policy Online Testing Transition Parent & Teacher Resources New Information for 2015/16 - Scoring, Promotion/Retention Assessment Dates Questions and Answers Agenda
A comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school. Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Launched Winter 2014
Georgia Milestones Comprehensive single program, not series of tests (e.g., CRCT; EOCT; WA); formative assessment tools to complement summative Coherent consistent expectations and sufficient challenge to position Georgia students to compete with peers nationally and internationally consistent signal about student preparedness for the next level, be it the next grade, course, or college/career consistent signal about student achievement both within system (across grades and courses) and with external measures (NAEP; PSAT; SAT; ACT) Consolidated combine reading, language arts, and writing into a single measure to align to the standards
Georgia Milestones Grades 3 – 8 ▫End of Grade (EOG) in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies High School ▫End of Course (EOC) in 9 th Grade Literature & Composition, American Literature & Composition, Coordinate Algebra, Algebra I, Analytic Geometry, Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, US History, and Economics
UNIQUE FEATURES Georgia Milestones
What is different about the new assessments? Students will be asked not only what the answer is to a question, but why – i.e. how they know or what evidence supports their answer. Open-ended items (also known as constructed-response) asks students to provide both short answer and extended types of responses.
Georgia Milestones: Item Types Selected-Response [aka, multiple-choice] – all content areas – evidence-based selected response in ELA Constructed-Response – ELA and mathematics (2014/2015) (2015/2016) Extended ( Constructed )-Response – ELA and mathematics(2014/2015) (2015/2016) Technology Enhanced – to begin in (EEE - Equation and Expression Entry ) – Field Test Items
EXAMPLE – GRADE 3 MATHEMATICS FRACTIONS Examining Georgia Milestones Item Types
Multiple Choice Which fraction is largest? A A B B C C D D The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only.
Constructed Response George and Ana each had a 12-inch pizza. Both pizzas were split into 8 equal pieces. The shaded pieces are the portion of their pizzas that George and Ana ate. Express in fractions how much pizza George and Ana ate. Use the symbol to show who ate more pizza. > The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only. George Ana Constructed Response
Technology Enhanced > The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only.
EXAMPLE – GRADE 5 MATHEMATICS EXTENDED RESPONSE ITEM Examining Georgia Milestones Item Types The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only. This example is paper and pencil – online testers will use text only until the technology enhancements are available
Extended Response Item 5.G.3
Rubric ScoreDescription 4The student successfully completes all parts of the item by understanding that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category (5.G.3). 3The student demonstrates clear understanding of the standards listed above by correctly answering all parts of the task, but the explanation or work shown for one part is weak or incomplete Or The student answers all parts with correct explanation or work shown, but makes one minor calculation error or omission Or The student answers three parts correctly with explanation or work shown. 2The student demonstrates a basic understanding of the standards listed by answering two parts correctly with explanation or work shown Or The student answers three or four parts correctly without explanation or work shown. 1The student demonstrates minimal understanding of the standards listed by answering one or two parts correctly without explanation or work shown. 0The response is incorrect or irrelevant to the skill or concept being measured. Rubric
Exemplar Response
Parts A and B are both correct, but the explanations are weak. The student needs to include a discussion of the angles. Student Response - Score 3
Part D is correct with explanation. Part C is also correct, but again the explanation is weak. The student needs to include a discussion of the angles.
Student Response - Score 2 Part A is correct, with a partially correct explanation. Part B is incorrect. A scalene triangle can also be acute. Part C is incorrect. A right triangle can also be isosceles. Part D is correct, with explanation.
Student Response - Score 1 Part A is incorrect. An equilateral triangle cannot be obtuse. Part C is correct, but without explanation. Part B is incorrect. A scalene triangle can be either acute or obtuse. Part D is partially correct (18 cm is correct, but 53 cm is not).
Key Findings From Pilots of Formative Open-Ended Items Overall performance shortfalls –S–Students were not familiar with these types of items Many responded ‘dnk’ – as in ‘do not know’ –S–Students did not show their work, detail their thoughts, rationales, cite evidence to support their answer or claim - cited answer only – as if a multiple-choice item –S–Students did not read carefully and answer all parts of the question/item –A–Answers were too brief
General Test Parameters ELA will consist of 3 sections, 1 of which will focus mainly on writing Mathematics will consist of 2 sections Science will consist of 2 sections Social Studies will consist of 2 sections Each section will be approximately 70 minutes. (Actual times on separate slide)
Administration Times EOC and EOG Content Area/Course Test Section(s) Minimum Time Per Section(s) Maximum Time Per Section(s) English Language Arts 1 and 260 English Language Arts Mathematics1 and 260 Science1 and 270 Social Studies1 and 270 A section may not be stopped until the minimum allotment of time has expired. If students are still productively engaged with the test content, the maximum amount of time, per section, may be given in 10 minute increments. Note: These time limits do not apply to those students who have the accommodation of extended time. Administration Times EOC and EOG
10 EOC ASSESSMENTS Ninth Grade Literature American Literature & Composition Coordinate Algebra Algebra I Analytic Geometry Geometry Physical Science Biology US History Economics
CALCULATOR POLICY Georgia Milestones
Georgia Milestones Calculator Policy Content AreaGrade Level/CourseType of Calculator Mathematics Grades 3 – 5 EOGNo Calculators Allowed Grade 6 EOGBasic 1 Grades 7 – 8 EOGScientific or Basic 1 Algebra/Coordinate Algebra EOC Graphing 2 or Scientific Geometry/Analytic Geometry EOC Graphing 2 or Scientific Science Physical Science EOCScientific or Basic 1 Social StudiesEconomics EOCScientific or Basic 1 1 Basic four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions. 2 Graphing calculator with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models. Calculators are not permitted on certain designated sections of each mathematics test.
Online BASIC Calculator A basic calculator is permitted in Grade 6 This is a BASIC calculator
Online Scientific Calculator: A scientific calculator is permitted in Grades 7 and 8 EOG; Physical Science EOC and Economics EOC
Online Graphing Tool: A graphing Tool is permitted in Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry EOC’s
Transition to Online Testing Online administration will be the primary mode of administration for Georgia Milestones, with paper/pencil serving as back-up Transition will occur over time ( 1- 5 years )
What does this possibly mean? What makes you say that? What Evidence do you have? How do you know you are right ? How do you know that answer is wrong ? A reasoned, logical, oral (and written) argument Tell me, (Show me) how you got that answer…
37 Assessment OR…
38 Georgia Milestones Assessment System
Transition to Georgia Milestones: Resources Available NOW EOG Study/Resource Guides (Gr 3-8) EOC Study/Resource Guides (6 available – 4 coming soon) Assessment Guides for Educators (and parents) provided to acquaint Georgia educators and other stakeholders with the structure and content assessed
Transition to Georgia Milestones: Resources Available NOW Content Standards – Frameworks, Formative lessons, PARCC evidence statements ( Sample items – Formative items/benchmarks via Georgia OAS → GOFAR; – Released items via PARCC, SBAC, other states (KY, NY), NAEP Georgia Milestones Test Blueprints/Content Weights Georgia Milestones Calculator Policy Allowable Accommodations Formula Sheets, Reference Sheets
Transition to Georgia Milestones: Resources Available NOW ALD’s – Achievement Level Descriptors (show what a student should demonstrate to show mastery at that achievement level – NEW ITEM! Informational videos [parents, public & educators] Eliciting Evidence of Student Learning (Understanding and Using Constructed Response Items)
Parent Questions & Answer Brochure
PowerPoint available at Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Lexile-Framework.aspx
A Lexile is a standard score that matches a student’s reading ability with difficulty of text material
NEW VERSION – Available NOW Online Practice Center (to aid students in gaining familiarity for DRC’s online test administration system) Available approximately 3 weeks before tests - A secure online practice experience opens for students
» This practice site lets students see what Georgia Milestones testing online is like. » Parents, Students and Teachers will find: ˃General items from four content areas that reflect three grade bands. ˃Items do not necessarily reflect of the range of content or challenge that students will experience on actual tests. ˃Three short accommodated demonstration tests – Screen Reader, High Contrast, and Large Font. ˃ Available NOW
55 Page Turner
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” 4 ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Achievement Levels Beginning Learners do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness.
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Achievement Levels Developing Learners demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified by in Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness.
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Achievement Levels Proficient Learners demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level or course and are on track for college and career readiness.
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Achievement Levels Distinguished Learners demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level or course and are well prepared for college and career readiness.
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” SPECIAL NOTE: O There are New Scale Score Ranges (different score levels across grades, subjects and courses)
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” EOG Scale Score Range Content AreaGrade Lowest Obtainable Scale Score (LOSS) Developing Learner Cut Score Proficient Learner Cut Score Distinguished Learner Cut Score Highest Obtainable Scale Score (HOSS) English Language Arts Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Mathematics Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Science Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Social Studies Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” EOC Scale Score Range 65 Content Area Lowest Obtainable Scale Score (LOSS) Developing Learner Cut Score Proficient Learner Cut Score Distinguished Learner Cut Score Highest Obtainable Scale Score (HOSS) 9th Grade Literature & Composition American Literature & Composition Coordinate Algebra Analytic Geometry Biology Physical Science U. S. History Economics
Individual Student Report (ISR) O District receives electronic copies O School receives electronic copies O School receives Paper copies O Paper copies distributed O Parental Portal* updated with scores Score Reports
To access the Parent Portal: O Contact your school O Complete the application (only one needed per family) O Present your picture ID O Your school will provide information on setting up your login name and password. Parental Portal
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” End of Grade - Individual Student Report (ISR) Sample ** Illustration purposes only **
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” End of Course - Individual Student Report (ISR) Sample ** Illustration purposes only **
Promotion & Retention Below Grade Level or On/Above Grade Level To be eligible for promotion, students in grades 3, 5, & 8 must demonstrate reading skills needed to be college and career-ready upon graduation. The determination is based on the linkage of the Lexile scale to Georgia Milestones School Year
Promotion & Retention Reading – Grades 3, 5, and 8 Student performance on the reading portion of the ELA test will be used to provide a grade level reading determination: School Year
Promotion & Retention Reading – Grades 3, 5, and 8 Generally speaking, students in the Beginning Learner achievement level and some at the lower end of Developing Learner will need reading remediation and are eligible to retest School Year
Promotion & Retention Mathematics - Grades 5 and 8 Students must achieve the Developing Learner achievement level to be considered eligible for promotion. ‒ These students have demonstrated partial proficiency of the grade level concepts and skills and can proceed to the next grade level ‒ These students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level School Year
Promotion & Retention Mathematics – Grades 5 and 8 Student who achieve the Beginning Learner should receive remediation and be provided the opportunity to retest. O These students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course School Year
Reminder of Policy Uses: Georgia Milestones 75 The End of Course (EOC) measures serve as the final exam and comprise 20% of a student’s final course grade
2015/16 Promotion/ Retention 76 End of Grade (EOG) Determines Promotion/ retention status in: grade 3 (reading only), grade 5 (reading and mathematics) grade 8 (reading and mathematics) – Reading: a student who has a Below Grade Level Reading status will require remediation and retesting in ELA – Mathematics: a student who is classified as a Beginning Learner will require remediation and retesting in mathematics
EOG – GR 3-8 APRIL 14 - APRIL29, 2016 RETEST OPPORTUNITY MAY 16-20, 2016 Georgia Milestones 2016 Assessment Dates
EOC – HS – 10 ASSESSMENTS MAY 5 – MAY 18, 2016 Georgia Milestones 2016 Assessment Dates