Midway, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. SUHUPU…Internal Summary Directions: 1. Stand up, push your chair in and raise your hand. 2. On my command, find another.


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Presentation transcript:

Midway, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa

SUHUPU…Internal Summary Directions: 1. Stand up, push your chair in and raise your hand. 2. On my command, find another student (not your best friend) with their hand raised. 3. When you find your partner, give them a high five, decide who will be partner “A” and who will be partner “B” and face me with voices off. 4. I will then post a question for you to answer. 5. On my command, partner A will tell partner B the answer to the question. 6. After 30 seconds, Partner B will then sum up Partner A’s answer. (“What I heard you say was…” 7. The process will then repeat for Partner B to give partner A the answer to a new question. 8. When we have all finished, direct your attention to me, and we will have you share your ideas. 9. Are there any questions?

The Question There are 20,000-30,000 Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. By the WWII Pacific Theater campaign, Japan nearly had full control of the South Pacific (attacked at same time as Pearl Harbor…i.e.: Wake Island, Guam, Phillippines, etc...) How would you go about taking over control of these Islands? What is a strategy you would implement if you were the commanding officer knowing your ultimate goal would be to get to Japan’s mainland to end the war?

Island Hopping Can’t attack every Japanese held Island Invade Islands not heavily defended by Japanese Use captured Islands to stage further attacks

Battle of Midway June 4th-6th, 1942 Turning point in the War Japan’s sneak attack on Midway Island was decoded by America America surprised attack Japanese Aircraft Carriers Although outnumbered, America crushed Japanese fleet Japanese losses: -4 Aircraft Carriers -1 Heavy Cruiser -330 Aircraft American Loses: -1 Aircraft Carrier -150 Aircraft Causalities: -Japanese: 3,000 -America: 300

Battle of Iwo Jima February 19 th, 1945 – March 26 th st battle on Japanese territory Small Volcanic Island 3 days of ship bombardment prior to troop landing -ineffective due to Japanese caves and bunkers Americans captured Mt. Suribachi. Moral booster! Japanese: Death before Defeat Causalities: -Japan: 20,000 -America: 7,000 (20,000 wounded)

Iwo Jima Video death-march/videos/battle-iwo- jima?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false death-march/videos/battle-iwo- jima?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

Battle of Okinawa April 1 st, 1945 – June 22 nd, 1945 Final Battle against Japanese Tropical Island, massive amounts of rain Striking distance from Japan and set up invasion of mainland Very little Japanese resistance upon troop landings Fierce fighting took place on the Island Battle fatigue: endless fighting up to months Japanese committed suicide rather than being captured Bloodiest battle of the Pacific War Kamikaze: pilots flew planes into U.S. ships Causalities: -Japan: 100,000+ (only 7,000 left breathing) -America: 50,000

Okinawa Video death-march/videos/battle- okinawa?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=f alse death-march/videos/battle- okinawa?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=f alse

Quick Check-up 1. What is the term used to describe America’s strategy of conquering islands? 2. The Battle of Midway considered to be the____________________ of the war. 3. How many aircraft carriers did Japan lose at Midway? 4. What is the significance of Iwo Jima? 5. What is the name of the hill captured during Iwo Jima? 6. What is the significance of Okinawa (2 things)? 7. What was the name given to the Japanese pilots who flew their planes into US Navy ships?