Environmental Impact Team 20 Justin Spencer Marble Maze
Abstract Our team is implementing a smartphone controlled marble maze. Players guide a marble through a maze by controlling the degree of tilt of the playing surface via a wireless link to a smartphone. The accelerometers in the smartphone capture the players' input and relay it to the game controller. The game controller then adjusts the tilt of the playing surface via stepper motors on each axis.
Components iPhone player input Rasberry Pi WiFi access point Custom PCB game logic & motor control Stepper motors position playing surface Marble Labyrinth game chassis
Life-Cycle Manufacture iPhone, Rasberry Pi, PCB, motors, maze Transport China (iPhone), UK (Rpi), Sweden (maze) Assembly Service Life Disposal Recyclables - maze chassis (wood), misc. plastic, misc. metal Waste - Rasberry Pi, PCB, motors, wiring
Impact Resources Used Wood - maze chassis Plastic - maze parts, Rpi case Metal - motors, maze control rods, hardware, copper conductors Electricity - during manufacture and use Waste Created o Packaging materials from sub-components o Pollution from transportation o Hazardous chemicals used in electronics manufacture (formaldehyde, dimethylformamide, and lead)
Improvements Use sustainable source of wood Incorporate Rpi functionality into PCB Reduce PCB parts count and decrease PCB size Use all RoHS & lead-free components Make device easy to dissassmble for disposal Place device in low-power sleep mode after a time-out