CSU Egedammen Hillerød Denmark
In 2007 the goverment in Denmark decided ”Law on youth education for young people with special needs”. 1. The purpose of the ”Youth Education” is, that young people with learning disabilities and special needs develop personal, social and academic skills to achieve an independent and active participation in adult life - and if possible continue on further education and/or achieves employment in the public or private sector. 2. The ”Youth Education” is aimed at young people under the age of 25, who are unable to complete an ordinary youth education. 3. The local council have to ensure that young people with learning disabilities and special needs are informed about law nr. 564 June the 6th
Economy The school is rate-financed, which means that the local municipality pays for each student. If you want to get an education or attend a course at CSU Egedammen, we in Denmark have a “youth education supervisor”, who recommend the education or course to a committee in the local municipality. The committee has to approve before beginning education.
CSU Egedammen offers services for young people and adults with reduced physical and/or mental impairment. We are offering three different full time educations for young people with special needs: Education for young people diagnosed with general learning disabilities, some with multiple handicaps Education for young people diagnosed with autism and general learning difficulties (ASD) Education for young people diagnosed with contact, attention and hyperactivity deficit disorders (ADHD) Specially designed courses for people with physical and/or mental disabilities who needs a very high level of support
Students with general learning difficulties. In the education for the students with general learning disabilities, we have 35 students. We have 3 groups, where the students are divided by functionality. To each group there are 2-3 teachers and 1 or 2 assistants assigned.
Alternative Communication Students diagnosed with general learning disabilities, some with multiple handicap The group consists of students diagnosed with general learning disabilities, mental difficulties and some with severe physical handicaps. Most of the students have none or very little verbal language. All students need support for and teaching in communication. Students are during the lessons introduced to different types of alternative communication tools which will make them able to express themselves. In lessons picture supported communication and different communication apps on ipad are used. Few students work with programs controlled by switches or eye tracking. All students benefit from a well known structure.
Young people with autism and general learning difficulties (ASD) In the education of students diagnosed with ASD we have 21 students, diveded by functionality.To each group there are 2-3 teachers and 2 or 3 assistants assigned. The teaching is well structured, organized and adjusted to students needs for recognition and coping strategies.
Teaching of young people diagnoced with autism Teaching is characterized by a tight structure, clear and recognizable framework. The student will learn to create social relationships that extend beyond the classroom. The student learns to cope in the public domain in an appropriate manner. The student learns to help and take responsibility. The student`s academic level (general knowledge, Danish, Mathematics, Creative Arts, ICT) is trained and developed based on the four learning styles (see, hear, do and feel). The student develops physical skills through swimming, fitness and ball games, etc... Students train readiness for protected labor through company visits and internships.
Daghøjskolen Youth education for young people with contact and/or attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD.) 15 students General education School subjects Communication Job-sampling Above is fully integrated in the education: Awareness of general requirement and qualifications of the labor market, learning styles, working methods, structure, communication, cooperation, media and ICT.
Subjects in ”DAGHØJSKOLEN” Future prospects Danish Mathematics Social studies Media literacy Cultural understanding Self-awareness Theme projects
Individuel lessons One student, who is blind, is being taught by one teacher in connection with the teaching of young people diagnosed with ASD (signlanguage and brailled). One student, who is born deaf-blind. (service law § 104 – about activity and social interaction) (tactile signing)
3 years full time education preparation of an individual educational plan 840 time lessons per year a youth environment with peers providing advice and guidance to students and families and a certificate of competence after graduation Law on youth education for young people with special needs ensures
We emphasize: preparing students for adult life and increase their opportunities to be active in society to develop the students` special abilities and interests - and prepare them for future employment or training that students become independent and more willing to take initiative that students become more aware of their personal wishes and possibilities that students increase their self esteem
For each student we have to make an Individual Education Plan The aims of the specific teaching is determined by an individual education plan prepared in cooperation with student and parents. Starting point in education is always the students needs, wishes, qualifications and opportunities for development. The individual education plan is continuously evaluated throughout the education.
Adult life The education prepares students for adult life and is based on the subjects: vocational training, daily life, communication (sign language, speech machine etc.), working skills, leisure activities and society. Students are given tasks according to the individual challenges they will meet in youth and adult life. Our aim is that the students influence the goals and the content of the daily lessons.
Youth culture An important part of the education is the youth culture, which the students become part of at the school. The social contact is important and we therefore emphasize creating an environment of activity and good friendships. We want to give our students the oppertunity and teach them how to build long lasting friendships, discuss opinions and learn from each other.