Welding Terms Safety Colors Safety Equipment Welding Do’s and Don’ts Fire Hazards double jeopardy May 2007
Welding Terms for 100 Length from the tip of the electrode to the base metal Click to check answer
Welding Terms for 100 Answer: What is arc length? Back to game board
Safety Colors for 100 Danger or fire equipment color Click to check answer
Safety Colors for 100 Answer: What is red? Back to game board
Safety Equip. for 100 Lens used for arc welding Click to check answer
Safety Equip. for 100 Answer: What is a #10 lens? Back to game board
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 100 Caused by cutting metal too deep Click to check answer
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 100 Answer: What is undercut? Back to game board
Fire Hazards for 100 This class of fire includes fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, & motor oil Click to check answer
Fire Hazards for 100 Answer: What is Class B? Back to game board
Welding Terms for 200 Amount of strength needed to pull a weld apart Click to check answer
Welding Terms for 200 Answer: What is tensile strength? Back to game board
Safety Colors for 200 Warning or safety guard color Click to check answer
Safety Colors for 200 Answer: What is orange? Back to game board
Safety Equip. for 200 A coarse wool cloth used for putting out fires quickly Click to check answer
Safety Equip. for 200 Answer: What is a fire blanket? Back to game board
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 200 In arc welding, you never weld a second bead over the first without removing this Click to check answer
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 200 Answer: What is the slag? Back to game board
Fire Hazards for 200 A water fire extinguisher should only be used to put out this class fire. Click to check answer
Fire Hazards for 200 Answer: What is a Class A fire? Back to game board
Welding Terms for 300 Full name of the AWS Click to check answer
Welding Terms for 300 Answer: What is the American Welding Society? Back to game board
Safety Colors for 300 Caution color Click to check answer
Safety Colors for 300 Answer: What is yellow? Back to game board
Safety Equip. for 300 Fire symbol seen here: Click to check answer B
Safety Equip. for 300 Answer: What is flammable liquids? Back to game board
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 300 Caused by too much heat or being too far from metal Click to check answer
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 300 Answer: What is spatter? Back to game board
Fire Hazards for 300 This class fire may be caused by short circuit Click to check answer
Fire Hazards for 300 Answer: What is class C? Back to game board
Welding Terms for 400 Full name of TIG welding Click to check answer
Welding Terms for 400 Answer: What is Tungsten Inert Gas? Back to game board
Safety colors for 400 Radioactivity hazard color Click to check answer
Safety colors for 400 Answer: What is purple? Back to game board
Safety Equip. for 400 Tool used when picking up hot metal Click to check answer
Safety Equip. for 400 Answer: What are channel lock pliers? Back to game board
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 400 Correct length of an arc length Click to check answer
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 400 Answer: What is 1/8 of an inch? Back to game board
Daily Double Click to continue
Daily Double Highly flammable metal used in welding Click to check answer
Daily Double Answer: What is magnesium? Back to game board
Welding Terms for 500 Other name for Mig Welding Click to check answer
Welding Terms for 500 Answer: What is Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)? Back to game board
Safety Colors for 500 Safety information color, particularly found on “Out of Service” tags Click to check answer
Safety Colors for 500 Answer: What is blue? Back to game board
Safety Equip. for 500 A chart that displays hazardous materials Click to check answer
Safety Equip. for 500 Answer: What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)? Back to game board
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 500 Proper way to lay down safety glasses Click to check answer
Welding Do’s & Don’ts for 500 Answer: What is on its back? Back to game board
Fire Hazards for 500 The three components of a fire triangle Click to check answer
Fire Hazards for 500 Answer: What are heat, oxygen, and fuel? Back to game board Modified by Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office July 2002