Digital Inclusion Empowering people and communities through digital services, The Deal and Get Online #digitalwigan 06 August 2015 Alison McKenzie-Folan, Director - Customer Transformation
Background Increasing pressure on Council budget - by the end of 2016/17 the Council will have reduced its budget by £105.8m Our approach needs to be transformational and innovative Finding new ways of working through reforming local public services – Building self reliance among individuals and communities – Joint working with other agencies and authorities – Changing customer demands Reducing unnecessary costs Better relationship with staff and public The Deal is a new contract between the Council and residents - defines a new relationship based on shared responsibility.
Principles of Delivery A different conversation with residents leading to a better understanding of their interests and assets and not their deficits and needs. Working with – rather than doing to or for. Taking an asset based approach and building on community, family and individual’s strengths. Working with the whole family in a joined up and coordinated way. Utilising evidence based interventions and developing an evidence base for new interventions. Understanding and supporting the assets of a community People in control, not passively receiving services
1.To encourage behaviour change 2.To focus on people and communities 3.To make the campaign visibly engaging 4.To encourage a two way conversation 5.To communicate a consistent message about the council and what we stand for Aims and Principles of The Deal
How The Deal works
Story so far… Engaging with local groups £4m community investment
Two way conversation Web sign up Twitter activity- 14,000 followers Facebook - 8,000 likes Intranet – messages to staff
Getting key messages out - engaging residents
Our part: Help communities to support each other Our £4m investment fund has supported around 100 community groups since its launch
Your part: Get involved in your community The Deal in Action will hit every corner of the borough as part of a two year programme
Encouraging behaviour change
Digital - the case for change 1 in 5 adults don’t have basic online skills and 5.9M have never been online £164 billion of online sales lost per year for businesses that are not online 1 in 3 SMEs don’t have a website – 2/3rds of SMEs don’t market themselves online The benefit of new users being online is estimated an average of £1,064 per annum 37% digitally excluded are social housing tenants 80% of the governments interactions are with the poorest 25% of the UK population 12.6% of Greater Manchester (North) have never used the internet 44,000 adults in Wigan have never accessed the internet 8,000 children without home internet access
Legend LSOAs ranked within the top 3% most deprived LSOAs ranked within the top 10% most deprived LSOAs ranked within the top 20% most deprived Map displays those LSOA’s identified by ONS as socially and digitally excluded
Inclusion and Skills We have over 200 community access points. Greater Manchester (North) 12.6% never used internet 10% won’t ever be able to access due to disability etc. (25,990) In Wigan Libraries provided over 215,450 computer sessions for the public 45% use library computers because it is free 40% using library computers were unemployed 40% use library computers for job search 54% of people using library computers did not have internet access at home The benefit of new users being online is estimated an average of £1,064 per annum. 21% of population lack basic digital skills (reducing by 1% per year) 37% digitally excluded are social housing tenants.
Economy and Business Growth Live Superfast Fibre Broadband Cabinets installed in the borough Businesses linked to cabinets 7.7% Size of the Creative and Digital sector in Greater Manchester 8,000 Digital & Creative Businesses in Greater Manchester £2bn In economic output generated Greater Manchester is home to the largest digital and creative cluster outside London 45,000+ Jobs with these businesses 40% Of businesses in the Sector likely to recruit additional staff in the next 12 months Number of high value jobs the sector will generate to Greater Manchester’s economy 6,500 50% Of these jobs will require Level 4 skills Digital and creative sector related training courses, undertaken each year 75,000 £164 billion of online sales lost per year for businesses that are not online SHOP Download speeds available through Superfast Broadband 80 Mbps
Wigan’s Digital Strategy Launch of new Digital Strategy for Wigan Borough in March Aim is to position Wigan as a digital borough over next 3-5 years and to grow the competitive advantage this will bring for both residents and businesses Need for better connectivity, improved skills and use of digital in communities to drive reform are key to help future regeneration and growth Strategy will help drive Council’s and Partners priorities around Public Sector Reform and The Deal
The Aims Greater Manchester to be a world top 20 super connected city region by 2020 Successful delivery of a true digital borough Ensuring everyone enjoys the power of digital Empowering people and communities through digital services – The Deal - Get Online Support businesses to better exploit the digital age - to become more successful, boost their profile and create new business growth Empower residents to reach their full digital potential
What are we doing? Digital Leadership Steering Group – ambassadors to provide steer and direction to the Strategy and Action Plan, provide challenge and resources to maintain progress, and exploit opportunities Digital Inclusion Task Force – a working group made up of Wigan Council and its partners in private, public and voluntary sectors to jointly tackle the issues via Task & Finish
Taskforce Partners Wigan and Leigh Homes Joining Communities CIC Barclays Pensioners Link Wigan Jobcentre (DWP) Trade Unions Wigan and Leigh College Library services WAND Children’s services Argos More joining each month Adult Skills and Learning Tea n Tech Central Park – Wigan Warriors training NHS
What are we doing? Taskforce – data collection with partners, embedding an outcomes framework and progress tracker Priority Investment Areas: £500,000 1) Digital Skills Children without internet access 2) Connected Business Digital Growth Advisor, Infrastructure 3) Connected Communities The Deal for Communities Investment Fund
Actions Reassess remaining Community Investment Funding to implement digital innovation funding through the Deal for Communities e.g community hub development, infrastructure, wi-fi hotspots in communities, digital skills, crowd funding Exploit opportunities from GM Devolution deal on work and skills commissioning programmes and infrastructure improvements Explore investment proposal between TFGM, private provider and Council to expand free wi-fi in public places Widening remit of digital skills through all apprenticeship programmes and employment for dedicated digital apprentices, Council leading by example Working with Schools to explore further solutions for children without home internet and widen volunteer capacity to develop digital skills and coding clubs through and other volunteer
New Digital Strategy launched at Business Hub breakfast bringing together targets for engaging residents and business New council website delivered and its development is fundamental in bringing on board web based council services Get Online courses delivered free of charge to residents in libraries across the borough and at community venues Online digital platform ‘MyAccount’ to deliver personalised council services to residents Digital Champions scheme in place for volunteers Promoting learning events and targeted activities to promote the benefits of getting online and use of digital services across the whole of the borough e.g. Get Online Week What have we done?
MyAccount is a personalised account for residents to access council services online Launched March now has 29,405 registered users Most users in 10 months Behavioural Economics and The Deal The aim is to increase self-serve online transactions, linked to The Deal. It is a substantially cheaper form of customer contact than telephony and face-to-face
Engage - Online Customer Insight Tracks customer journey on web pages and identifies what customers want to view online Profiles customers based on primary and secondary interests – segments based on engagement, pages viewed, channel, profile, transactions, response to chat/roadblock Content performance analysis - provides analytics and monitoring reports Roadblocks to encourage customer to transact Web chat to encourage customer to stay online and engage online – advisors can do 4 web chats instead of one call Web chat pilot took place on parking permits and now being rolled out across waste services
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