Orcid.org Contact Info: p. +353-01-716-7530, a. UCD Library, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland ORCID: Connecting Research & Researchers Michael Ladisch Bibliographic.


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Presentation transcript:

orcid.org Contact Info: p , a. UCD Library, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland ORCID: Connecting Research & Researchers Michael Ladisch Bibliographic Services Librarian / ORCID Ambassador University College Dublin

What is ORCID? 2 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

3 ORCID (“orkid”) = Open Researcher and Contributor ID “ORCID is like a DOI for researchers.” NOT: What is ORCID ? Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

What is ORCID ? The ORCID Unique, persistent identifier for researchers & scholars Free to researchers Can be used throughout one’s career, across professional activities, disciplines, nations & languages Embedded into workflows & metadata API enables interoperability between siloed systems The ORCID Organization Non-profit, non- proprietary, open, and community-driven Global, interdisciplinary Supported by the membership of organizations using the ORCID API  Funding organizations  Professional societies  Universities & research institutes  Publishers 4 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

5 Benefits The research community has lacked the ability to link researchers with their professional activities. As a researcher, you want to eliminate name ambiguity, distinguishing you from other researchers and ensuring proper attribution. ensure your work is discoverable and connected to you throughout your career; minimize the time you spend entering repetitive data online Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Common Names “Estimates by China's Ministry of Public Security suggest that more than 1.1 billion people — around 85% of China's population — share just 129 surnames. Problems with abbreviations, ordering of given names and surnames and inconsistent journal practices heighten the confusion.” 6 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Common Names 7 And in Ireland: How many people with the name Murphy, Kelly or O’Sullivan do you know? 10-most-popular-irish-last-names html Half of the population on the Korean peninsula share the three most common surnames (Kim, Lee, Park) P. Ghosh: International Business Times online, 15 th Nov Spanish names: Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña y de Ybarra What is first name and what are the surnames? tml Different writing systems Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Multiple Names Variations J. Å. S. Sørensen J. Aa. S. Sørensen J. Å. S. Sorensen J. Aa. S. Sorensen J. Å. S. Soerensen J. Aa. S. Soerensen Jens Å. S. Sørensen Jens Aa. S. Sørensen Jens Å. S. Sorensen Jens Aa. S. Sorensen Jens Å. S. Soerensen Jens Aa. S. Soerensen J. Åge S. Sørensen J. Aage S. Sørensen J. Åge S. Sorensen J. Aage S. Sorensen J. Åge S. Soerensen J. Aage S. Soerensen Jens Åge S. Sørensen Jens Aage S. Sørensen Jens Åge S. Sorensen Jens Aage S. Sorensen Jens Åge S. Soerensen Jens Aage S. Soerensen An illustrative example: Jens Åge Smærup Sørensen J. Åge Smærup Sørensen J. Aage Smaerup Sørensen J. Åge Smarup Sorensen J. Aage Smarup Sorensen J. Åge Smaerup Soerensen J. Aage Smaerup Soerensen Jens Åge Smærup Sørensen Jens Aage Smaerup Sørensen Jens Åge Smarup Sorensen Jens Aage Smarup Sorensen Jens Åge Smærup Soerensen Jens Aage Smaerup Soerensen And on and on it goes … Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Name Changes 9 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

idea People Team Collaborations Trainees Affiliations Employer Professional Associations Funding Grants Contracts Seed Funding Coop Agreements Publications Journal Articles Books Patents Legal Briefs Algorithms Software Code Datasets Physical Objects Electronic Files Protein Structures Genetic Sequences Impacts Policy Legal Health Environment Education Product Development Spin Off Workforce Service Activities Peer Review Working Groups Leadership Positions Training and Mentoring Many different research outputs 10 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Facilitating interoperable exchange of information The ORCID API enables the exchange of information between systems: Less time re-keying Improved data Easier maintenance Better sharing across systems 11 Grants Repositories Researcher Information Systems Publishers Other identifiers Society membership Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID Registration 12 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Sample ORCID record Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Take 30 seconds to register at Free to researchers Individual controls privacy at the item level Register for an The ORCID Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Add education & employment history Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Link to past works Use the multiple ORCID search and link wizards to connect your works to your ORCID record. Following linking, these records will appear in your ORCID record with no data entry by you Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Link to past works Users can link to past works in a number of databases, including: Scopus ResearcherID/WOS Uberresearch Europe PubMed Central DataCite figshare Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Manually add works Some of your works may not be included in the search results to link. You can add them to your ORCID record manually. Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

19 ORCID has issued over 750,000 iDs since our launch in October Integration and use is international. Over 140 members, from every sector of the international research community Adoption and Integration Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

20 “Where possible, it is also recommended that contributors be uniquely identifiable, and data uniquely attributable, through identifiers which are persistent, non-proprietary, open and interoperable (e.g. through leveraging existing sustainable initiatives such as ORCID for contributor identifiers and DataCite for data identifiers).” European Commission H2020 Grantee Guidelines nual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi-oa-pilot-guide_en.pdf ORCID & Funders “Greater precision and transparency of the research outputs linked to a particular funder or grant is vital to help us better understand the impact of our funding.” Liz Allen, Head of Evaluation, Wellcome Trust  Funding organizations are requesting ORCID iDs  Funders have the potential to capture ORCID information to improve grant submission process for researchers Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

21 NIH DOE, Office of Scientific & Technical Information (OSTI) FDA Autism Speaks Wellcome Trust National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (UK) Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (Portugal) Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan Swedish Research Foundation Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) ORCID & Funders Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Works are discoverable— and distinguishable from others—by iD, not just name Publishers are now requesting ORCID iDs in manuscript submission ORCID iD is a part of the metadata—in addition to the author’s name Data then flows into search tools like PubMed, Scopus, and WOS Works discoverable—and distinguishable from others—by iD, not just name ORCID & Publishers Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Thousands of journals now request the ORCID iD Publishers include: Elsevier Cambridge UP Nature Oxford UP PLOS PNAS Wiley Hindawi APS ACS MLA And many more.... ORCID & Publishers Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Recognizing reviewer service Acknowledge Peer Reviewers Link Authors, Reviewers, Members, and Meeting Participants 24 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

How are Universities/ Research Institutes Integrating? 25 Researcher Information Systems Institutional Repositories Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) Campus directories (LDAP) Record creation for faculty and students Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Member institutions U.S. Institutions Boston Brown Caltech Carnegie Mellon Cornell Harvard MIT MSKCC Notre Dame NYU Langone Medical Center Penn State Purdue Stony Brook Texas A&M University of Colorado University of Kansas University of Michigan University of Missouri University of Washington University of Virginia Worldwide Cambridge CERN Chinese Academy of Sciences European Bioinformatics Institutes (EMBL-EBI) Consorcio Madroño Glasgow Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KISTI) Oxford Stockholm University College London University of Hong Kong University of Sydney 26 For more on university integrators see Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Sample integrations Adoption & Integration Program (U.S.) Repositories U Notre Dame—Hydra Plug-in Purdue—HUBzero Reactome—integration into international biological pathways knowledge center Professional Societies SfN—membership management Researcher Information Systems Boston University—Profiles Cornell—VIVO Multi-faceted integrations Texas A&M—Vireo ETD workflow, record creation for grad students U Colorado—FIS Jisc-ARMA projects (UK) 27 Researcher Information Systems Aston University—CRIS & HR Imperial College—CRIS University of York—CRIS, ePrints, enabling tracking, outreach Institutional repositories & ETDs University of Kent—ETDs, institutional repository, outreach to early career researchers Southampton University—institution-wide roll out and ePrints integration Swansea University—institutional repository, CRIS, & HR; facilitating longitudinal tracking of post-graduate researchers (PGRs) Publishing University of Oxford—linking to university profiles, in collaboration with CUP Northumbria University—scholarly publications, streamlining apps & tracking Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID and Bibliometrics 28 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID makes it easy to round up different research outputs (articles, blogs, datasets etc.) Integrated in Web of Science no integration in InCites (yet) Integrated in Scopus Integrated in ImpactStory (altmetrics) Integrated in figshare 29 ORCID & Bibliometrics Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Web of Science 30 ORCID & Bibliometrics Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Scopus 31 ORCID & Bibliometrics Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ImpactStory 32 ORCID & Bibliometrics Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID Support at UCD Library 33 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

34 Currently the only ORCID “Ambassador” in Ireland ORCID promotion in presentations to research and research admin staff Presentation to Liaison Librarians ORCID slides/posters in Library ORCID LibGuide ORCID at UCD Library Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

35 ORCID at UCD Library Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

36 Promotional “blitz” in March 2014 Targeted s to researchers Package with flyers/posters sent to research administrators Library homepage Plasma screens Social media (Twitter, Facebook) Promotional video ( ORCID at UCD Library Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

37 Success? Hard to tell – ORCID IDs are personal identifiers Doubled the number of registrations with UCD extension – to ca. 600 Probably more, if personal was used ORCID at UCD Library Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Using ORCID 38 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

... in grant applications Import information from ORCID record Link grant application to ORCID identifier Funding organizations like the Wellcome Trust and the U.S. Department of Energy are now requesting your ORCID iD during grant submission. Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

... in manuscript submission Include your ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript. Your ORCID iD is attached to your publication metadata, improving discoverability. Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

... Link to your datasets You can now link your ORCID iD with your data, enabling you to display your datasets in your ORCID profile. Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Display so people can find you Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Orgaisational membership 43 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID Membership Member organizations may use the member API to: Read information from an ORCID record Send data such as publications to ORCID records Integrate a search and link wizard to enable researchers to connect with their works Link ORCID identifiers to other IDs and registry systems Create ORCID records on behalf of employees or affiliates Validate information in ORCID records 44 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID Membership Standard  One organization signs a member agreement Consortial  One lead member organizes consortial participants & technical support, all which are listed in the lead agreement. Payment is per participant, and multiple categories are allowed w/n the consortium. Consortia of 5 or < receive 10% discount. National  One lead member organizes recruitment & tech support. Could include individual NP universities, government institutions, and other non-profit research-conducting organizations. Complete information about membership available at 45 Non-profit organizations receive a 20% discount Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Organizational and individual volunteers who support ORCID outreach activities Work within their own networks to share information about ORCID Organize & lead ORCID presentations & posters Provide leadership for organization or national membership & integration Promote and educate about ORCID ORCID Ambassadors 46 Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

ORCID Ambassadors Ambassadors from 27 countries Michael Ladisch, University College Dublin 3 rd Bibliometrics in Libraries meeting, York, UK, 4 th July 2014

Resources Find out more at Integrations at other institutions Use case examples – Record creation guide – ORCID Ambassadors – Membership information – Learn about tools to embed ORCID iDs at  Blog: 48

orcid.org Contact Info: p , a. UCD Library, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Questions? Thanks to Rebecca Bryant at Orcid.org for slide templates and part of the content