Cheryl Woodruff Local Partnership Advisor Love Food Hate Waste
What is the issue? UK households waste £12.5 billion worth of good food and drink each year, costing the average family with children £700 a year, or around £60 a month. Most of this waste could have been avoided if only we’d eaten it in time, or knew how much food to prepare and what we could do with our leftovers.
How much food and drink is thrown away in the UK each year?
UK food and drink waste in the UK is around 15 Million tonnes * This covers part of the profit sector, and schools; ** incl. other parts of the hospitality and food service sector, other out of home food waste, and pre-factory gate food waste. NB data for household also includes waste to sewer, which is not currently available for other sectors
7 million tonnes would fill Wembley 9 times!
Why does food waste matter? Wasting food and drink is a waste of money. Producing, storing and transporting food to us uses up a lot of energy and resources. If we were to stop wasting food it would be the equivalent of taking 1 in 4 cars off UK roads.
What can we do? WRAP launched Love Food Hate Waste in 2007 to help UK Households recognise and tackle the issue of food waste.
Love Food Hate Waste offers Training sessions for organisations including local authorities, businesses and community groups, who wish to take an active role in reducing food waste.
Training- Covers the background to food waste; the key behaviours to help reduce food waste and support on engaging with others to pass the messages on. Is designed to be fun and interactive and includes practical activities. Support is available through monthly online newsletters and via our partners websitepartners website
Partner Resources recipe bank image bank - photos press, outdoor, and event template artwork logos template wording for articles etc monthly/seasonal themes to get involved with
Love Food Hate Waste offers Practical tips about a range of food-saving measures, from planning to food portioning, and from better food storage to using up leftovers. More details can be found at:
How are others working with Love Food Hate Waste?
Essex County Council Wanted to increase the skills and knowledge of people seeking education in area, to help them save money and increase their environmental impact. Love Food Hate Waste delivered to the Adult Community Learning Trainers. Result- LFHW information and messages incorporated into their existing classes. Love food Hate Waste pie charts used in maths classes, tips and advice in cookery, and in IT classes.
Nestlé engaged with their staff on food waste reduction Nestlé decided to make food waste a key area for their internal KISS (Keep it Simple and Sustainable) Week. home. They They organised workshops and events to get the right messages out to their staff.
Buckinghamshire County Council Waste Prevention Team Wanted to increase awareness of the significance of food waste and start a community-led project to help reduce food waste across the county. They recruited and trained a group of volunteers who are committed to spreading the word in their community about reducing food waste in the home, growing your own and buying local
The Co-operative The Co-operative worked with Love Food Hate Waste They held over forty ‘Watch Your Waste’ events at their stores. These included a cookery demonstration with a community chef cooking up tasty recipes using food items that are commonly thrown away.
Fresher for Longer Initiative launched exclusively with Marks & Spencer in Tunbridge Wells with Kent Resource Partnership, Incpen, The Packaging Federation and the FDF. A call to action to keep our food at its best for longer in the home, therefore wasting less and saving money
Fresher for Longer 61% of us mistakenly think that keeping food in its original pack will make it sweat and go off quicker. From zip locks to breathable fruit and veg packs modern packaging has been cunningly designed to help keep food at its best.
What's new? Love Food Hate Waste App has arrived on iphone and android. It allows you to easily keep track of food planning, shopping, cooking meals and has great recipe ideas and tips for using forgotten foods and leftovers to make great tasting meals. iphoneandroid
Thank you from Love Food Hate Waste