Memoirs=Remembering Memoirs share life experiences as the writer attempts to explore the deeper meaning of the experience. They involve much more than just a recounting events – the writer also reflects on the possible meaning and/or significance of the experience. “Writers create memoirs when they have true personal stories that they hope will inspire others to reflect on or understand interesting questions or social issues” Memoirs
Purpose: to reflect Audience: others who are interested Expects to engage with author and story Expects to reflect on some aspect of the human experience; new perspective/insight Thesis: Explore/reflect on central theme or question Generally placed in conclusion Generally implied – encourages reader to reflect on the central theme Memoir
Characteristics of Memoir Introduction that sets the scene Hook that captures reader’s interest Plot – draws reader forward Description of a complication and immediate reaction Tension or conflict Values, beliefs, inner conflict Evaluation and Resolution of the complication How did you/others make sense of event? How did you/others adjust? Conclusion – what the writer learned Implied thesis – make your point/reflect Sense of closure
Review Food Memoir examples in the Moodle Proficiency Assessment site Review “Coffee” Hook Complication Evaluation of Complication Resolution Reflection Review Food Memoir Lib Guide: Looking at What Others Have Done
Break into groups 3-4 Brainstorm ideas for Food Memoir Round Robin: Share ideas Group Work
Ways to organize: Space and time Emphasis Problem-solution Climatic organization Familiar to unfamiliar, simple to complex Organizing Your Ideas
A good place to start – just tell the story You will end up writing several drafts as you work out: Best approach to your story Best tone, style Your theme Include rich details that allows the reader to visualize the setting and get to know the characters. Be sure you provide just enough details to set the scene but not bog down the progression of events! Drafting
Revising Essays Choose two essays that you think represents your best work Review feedback – identify ways you can revise and improve your writing Resources: Tutor at Writing Center – make your appointments now! MWL Tutor Service – allow hours for feedback One-on-one conference to discuss revisions needed Proficiency Assessment Moodle site – examples of revised essays Freshmen English Grading Scale - LBH
Write! Which two essays do you plan to revise for Proficiency?
Homework Continue with prewriting activities for Food Memoir Essay. Have rough draft for Food Memoir ready for class Tuesday so you can work with a partner and do Peer Review. Bring print outs of the two graded essays you plan to revise and be ready to discuss revisions needed