(date) © Copyright 2014
People at Work Project - Context People at Work Project - Implementation Process People at Work Project - Survey Respondents and Response Rates Main Findings for Psychological Well-Being Main Findings for Job Demands Main Findings for Job Resources Main Findings for Workplace Bullying Summary Next Steps
The People at Work Project is a psychosocial risk assessment process. It aims to help organisations identify and manage psychosocial hazards that are detrimental to the psychological health of workers.
5-Step Risk Management Approach for the People at Work Project
The psychosocial risk factors included in the survey are based on a comprehensive review of the occupational stress literature. Research highlights the importance of managing high levels of Job Demands (i.e., work pressures) and low levels of Job Resources (i.e., protective factors) as these have been shown to have a detrimental effect on the psychological health of workers. The People at Work Survey assesses: High Job DemandsLow Job Resources Role OverloadJob Control Role ConflictSupervisor Support Role AmbiguityCo-Worker Support Cognitive DemandPraise and Recognition Emotional DemandProcedural Justice Group Task ConflictChange Consultation Group Relationship Conflict
# workers invited to participate. # responded. #% response rate for the workgroup. #% response rate for the organisation.
#% agree to High Levels of Psychological Well-Being Organisation Average is #%; Australian Benchmark is 62%
#% agree to High Levels of Job Demands Organisation Average is #%; Australian Benchmark is 20% Results are broken down for each of the 7 Job Demands
#% agree to Low Levels of Job Resources Organisation Average is #%; Australian Benchmark is 10% Results are broken down for each of the 6 Job Resources
Experience BullyingWitnessing Bullying “In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace bullying in your workgroup?” “In the past 6 months, have you witnessed workplace bullying in your workgroup?” #% never #% rarely to some of the time #% monthly to almost daily
Workers were asked to indicate how often they had experienced the following behaviours in the last 6 months. Behaviours with the 3 highest percentages across monthly, weekly, and almost daily are shaded in red.
Workers who indicated that they had been subjected to workplace bullying, or experienced one or more behaviours, were asked to indicate the source(s). The source(s) with the highest percentage is shaded in red.
This is what your workgroup manages well compared with other organisations in Australia: › [ insert summary statements from executive summary of your report ] This is what your workgroup manages less well compared with other organisations in Australia: › [ insert summary statements from executive summary of your report ]
For your recommendations, High Job Demands and Low Job Resources that are 10% or greater in prevalence have been identified as areas to inform the design of interventions within your workgroup. Reduce: › [ insert job demands listed in executive summary of your report ] Increase : › [ insert job resources listed in executive summary of your report ] These psychosocial risk factors have been shown to have a negative impact on Psychological Well-Being and thus it is suggested that your workgroup focuses on interventions designed to reduce these factors.
Your workgroup has been compared with the organisation for all variables. Instances where your workgroup average is 5% above or 5% below the average for the organisation are listed below: › [ insert summary statements from executive summary of your report ]
Share the outcomes of the survey process with your workers Use multiple communication mediums (intranet, e-newsletters, team meetings, and so on) Explore any issues raised in more detail (e.g., in focus groups) in order to confirm the main findings of your report Through focus groups or small group meetings, generate ideas for managing the key psychosocial risk factors identified Develop, communicate, and implement a Risk Control Plan Regular review, evaluation, and communication of action against the Risk Control Plan Step 3 Consulting on Outcomes Step 5 Reviewing and Improving Share ResultsExploreGenerate IdeasAction PlanReview Step 4 Taking Action
Partner Organisations The views, opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations contained in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Partner Organisations, including their employees or administration. The Partner Organisations make no statements, representations, or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of, nor should you rely on, any information contained in this publication. The Partner Organisations disclaim all responsibility and liability (including, without limitation, liability in negligence) for any expenses, losses, damages, and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason or in any way from the use of, or reliance on, the information contained in this publication.