Mobilization on the Home Front
US gears up for the war Financing – Borrow from the Public Victory Bonds Liberty Bonds Taxation: Only on luxury items – Tobacco – Alcohol – Ect.
Government strength in economic programs War Industries Board: encouraged companies to standardize production techniques to increase efficiency Fuel Administration: adopts daylight savings time as a way to conserve fuel National War Labor Board: Helped settle disputes between workers and management Food Administration: Encouraged Americans to grow victory gardens and practice “Meatless Mondays” & “Wheatless Wednesdays” Wilson was given control over economy – allowed to fix prices and regulate industries that were vital to war effort
Silencing Opposition Patriotism went to extremes US citizens with German last names were ridiculed – Some changed their names German composers music was not played or listened to – Bach, Beethoven, Wagner German food: Sauerkraut Victory Cabbage
American rights during war times During war times American citizens for all intensive purposes lose their first 10 amendment rights
Espionage Act of 1917 Aimed at checking spying treasonable acts Stopping the use of the mail to send treasonable materials
Sedition Act 1918: “Barred disloyal Utterances” Criticism of the government or the constitution & disrespect for the American flag
Selective Service Act The Draft years of age
Convoy System Doughboys How we deployed American soldiers – Method of surrounding US merchant ships with war ships and escorting them to Europe
Social Changes
African Americans Great Migration (~ ): large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks to cities in the north – Many seeking an end to racial discrimination in the South – Looking for jobs in the north – WWI caused decrease in immigration which led to need for workers
Women Women joined the work force and did jobs that had been thought of for men – Increased respect for women to work
Aftermath of WWI
The War’s End Germany didn’t lose any big battle – only ran out of food and supplies WWI was very anticlimactic Cost countless lives and money
Establishing Peace
The Big Four US Britain France Italy They began discussing ways to bring peace Left to right: Vittorio Orlando of Italy, David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France and President Woodrow Wilson of the United States.
Wilson’s Fourteen Points Wilson Proposes his 14 points – Wilson wanted to bring about peace in the most fair way possible Includes the following – No secret alliances – Freedom of th seas – Self determination for colonized people – Free trade – Arms reductions – A league of Nations to prevent war
League of Nations (The purpose of the League was to prevent war) 1.Secretariat A.Administrative & secretarial 2.Council A.Executive body with 5 permanent members France Great Britain Italy US B.Germany & the Soviet Union would be excluded 3.Assembly A.All member nations have a vote
Opposition to the League There was no clearly defined way for the league to take action to prevent war There was no guarantee of what the new political boundaries would be The League was totally unable to reduce arms Senators like Henry Cabot Lodge thought that by joining the League the United States would become TOO entangled with European affairs and the US would loose its independence.
Other Ideas Other Allied Nations had different ideas about peace. They blamed Germany for war and wanted to make them pay
Treaty of Versailles 1.Placed blame squarely on Germany “War Guilt Clause” saying Germany was solely responsible for ENTIRE WAR! 2.Barred Germany from maintaining an army Saying militarism had been a major cause of the war 3.Forced Germany to give portion of territory to France and pay $33 million dollars in reparations 4.Created 9 new nations, carved up the Ottoman Empire creating mandates in the Middle East Areas of territory controlled by someone else but eventually to be free once ready
United States Refuses to Sign! The United States refused to sign the treaty – It us Unjust & Harsh The united States saw the Treaty as a sell out to Imperialism
In the End The US didn’t ratify the treaty – Wilson had a stroke and couldn't get the support he wanted – He refused to compromise with the Senate – Eventually, U.S. signed a separate treaty with Germany – The US never joined the League of Nations: that was one of the MAJOR contributing factors in it’s ineffectiveness
Final Results Germany humiliated and broke – Could never repay money to allies Russia stripped of it’s territory – Because it had ended war first US determined to stay out of foreign affairs Europe left in Shambles
Map of Europe Re-drawn Austria Hungary Latvia Estonia Lithuania Poland Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia Finland
Other Countries had propaganda posters too