Sociocultural cognition Major
3 SAQs or 1 LAQ & 1 SAQ As the major assignment for this section on sociocultural cognition, you will complete 3 SAQs or 1 LAQ & SAQ on Tuesday 15 th November next week You have 20 minutes per SAQ IF you are given an LAQ, you need to do that in 40 minutes – remember you must EVALUATE on the LAQ and address the command term effectively **Make sure you are well prepared for this with model answers for all the questions **
Command terms: These require more critical thinking: LAQ SAQ command terms
Possible LAQs: (Discuss/ Examine/ Evaluate/Compare/Contrast/Compare & contrast) one/two errors in attributions. FAE & research support - Jones and Harris (1967)/ Ross et al. (1977) SSB & research support – Lau & Russell (1980) Cultural differences are a key evaluative point for both errors in attribution Fiske & Taylor (2008) FAE & Kashima and Triandis (1986) SSB Wiki Link: Textbook pages: 104 to 105 (Discuss/ Examine/ Evaluate) social identity theory, making reference to one/ two relevant studies. Tajfel’s (1978) SIT – so social identification, social comparison, and social categorization Causes Stereotype, Prejudice &Discrimination Research support Tajfel et al.’s (1971) Kandinsky & Klee, Sherif (1961) Robbers cave covert observation, Elliot’s (1968) overt observation – blue eyes brown eyes. Evaluate the research and the theory itself – BOTH strengths & weaknesses Wiki Link: Textbook pages
Possible SAQs: (Explain/ Describe/ Outline/ Analyze, Distinguish between) one/two errors in attributions. FAE & research support - Jones and Harris (1967)/ Ross et al. (1977) SSB & research support – Lau & Russell (1980) Cultural differences are a key evaluative point for both errors in attribution Fiske & Taylor (2008) FAE & Kashima and Triandis (1986) SSB Wiki Link: Textbook pages: 104 to 105 (Explain/ Describe/ Outline/ Analyze) social identity theory, making reference to relevant studies. Tajfel’s (1978) SIT – so social identification, social comparison, and social categorization Causes Stereotype, Prejudice &Discrimination Research support Tajfel et al.’s (1971) Kandinsky & Klee, Sherif (1961) Robbers cave covert observation, Elliot’s (1968) overt observation – blue eyes brown eyes. Evaluate the research and the theory itself – BOTH strengths & weaknesses Wiki Link: Textbook pages (Explain/ Describe/ Outline/ Analyze) the formation of stereotypes and their effect on behaviour. reasons why stereotypes form : a) SIT & social categorization (Tajfel, 1978) b) The Illusory Correlation (Hamilton & Gifford, 1976), c) Confirmation Bias (Snyder & Swann, 1978) d)The Grain of Truth Hypothesis (Campbell, 1967) the effects that stereotypes have on behavior – providing evidence to support this: a)Discrimination (Elliot, 1968) b)Stereotype threat/Spotlight anxiety & performance (Aaronson, 1995) (Steele, 1997) (Herrnstein, 1994) Wiki Link: Textbook pages
Rubric for SAQ command terms (Explain/ Describe/ Outline/ Analyze/Distinguish) Rubric for LAQ command terms requiring evaluation (Discuss/ Examine/ Evaluate/Compare/Contrast/Compare & contrast) Four marks will also be awarded for overall organization of the two/three essays Total Marks: = 28