Artifact – An object made by a human being in the distant past. Artisan – A worker with skill in a certain craft. Astrology – The study of stars and planets and their movements, with the aim of predicting events on earth. Babylon – A city on the Euphrates River ruled by Hammurabi when he when he conquered and united Mesopotamia. Bazaar – A marketplace. City State – An independent self-governing community and the surrounding area. Culture – The unique way of life of a people. Cuneiform – A system of writing used by the Sumerians and later peoples of the Mesopotamia area.
Domestication – To tame wild animal, making them useful to human beings. Dynasty – A series of rulers from the same family. Hieroglyphics – Ancient Egyptian writing. Monotheism – The belief in one god. Papyrus – A reed like plant from which the ancient Egyptians made paper scrolls. Pharaoh – The ruler of ancient Egypt. Polytheism – A belief in many gods Theocracy – A form of government in which the ruler is seen as a god or a representative of the gods. Torah – The Hebrew name for the first five books of the bible. Tribute – Payment demanded from a conquered people. Ziggurat – A large temple usually located in the center of the city
I.Mesopotamia Civilization A. The Geography of Mesopotamia 1. Mesopotamia is the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. 2. The rivers become shallow at the banks as they leave the mountains. This caused yearly floods. B. Approximately 6,000 years ago Sumarian nomads settled in the area creating the worlds first known civilization. 1. The city-state of Urk was one of the first cities ever built 2. Sun dried mud was used to construct homes. 3. At the center of each city was a large temple called a Ziggurate
Fertile Crescent
4. The Temple was the religious, social and economic life of the city-state. 5. Because of this, Theocracy developed.. Sumerians have social classes—kings, landholders, priests at top Wealthy merchants next; at lowest levels are slaves Women have many rights; become priests, merchants, artisans 6. People from other areas would come and trade goods at a bazaar. 7. Cuneiform writing was used by the Sumerians‘ to keep important records 8. Sumerians invent wheel, sail, and plow and are the first to use bronze C. The Babylon Empire 1. Around 1800BC the city-state of Babylon dominated the area 2. One of their leaders, Hammurabi ( BC) had the first written down. The code was based on an eye for an eye and social class. 3. The laws were called Hammurabi’s Code. D. The Mesopotamian area developed a number system with a base of 60. This gave us the 360 degree circle and 60 minutes in an hour.
The Egyptian Civilization
1.The Nile River was the life blood for early Egyptian Civilization. 2.Egypt would be a desert without this 4000 mile river. 3.Once a year in Ancient times the Nile would flood leaving silt and water for the area 4.Around 5000 BC settlers from Central Africa and the Fertile Crescent migrated and settled Around the Nile Delta. 5.To ensure water throughout the year the Egyptians built irrigation projects. 6.The Nile was also used for transportation.
1. The Egyptians believed in polytheism. 2.An important feature of the Egyptian religion was the belief in life after death. a. To make sure the dead reached the other world the Egyptians mummified the bodies. b. In the tombs the Egyptians placed items that the person could use in the next life.
1.In 3100 BC the leader of Upper Egypt, Narmer, conquered Lower Egypt. a. He moved the capital to Memphis (by present day Cairo). b. He started the first dynasty 2.The Old Kingdom lasted from 2700 BC – 2300 BC a. The pharaoh became the ruler of Egypt. The pharaoh was also considered a god b. During this time the pyramids were first built as tombs for the pharaohs. c. The country became more wealthy as trade increased around the Middle East.
1.By 2040 BC strong rulers again took control of Egypt. 2.Trade increased including trade to Central Africa. 3.The Middle Kingdom lasted until 1700 BC when invaders from Asia, Hyksos, conquered Egypt. a. The Hyksos had superior weapons (horses, chariots, and bronze swords.
1.By 1550 BC the Hyksos were kicked out and a new dynasty was started. 2.This time the pharaohs conquered parts of the Middle East and made the conquered people pay them a tribute. 3. The New Kingdom lasted until 1000 BC 4. The Pharaoh Tutankhamon ruled during the New Kingdom
1.The Egyptians used a writing called hieroglyphics which is picture writing. 2. They wrote on paper scrolls made out of papyrus. 3.The Rossetta Stone which was found in 1799 had hieroglyphics, Greek, and Egyptian Script which allowed archeologists to understand the meaning of the symbols. 4.The Egyptians understood the structure of the body, they studied astronomy, and they created a 365 day calendar.
5.The Social Class in Ancient Egypt looked like: a. Nobles and Priests b. Scribes c. Artisans d. Peasants and slaves 6.Upper class women could inherit and own property. Some women owned businesses and even helped govern.
Hittites Phoenicians Hebrews Assyrians Persians
1.Were descendents of a people called the Aryans. 2.The language of the Aryans is the ancestor of the languages spoken in Europe and India. 3.Hittites conquered Asia Minor and Northern Syria 4.They had the advantage of new Iron weapons. 5.They started the Iron Age around 1000 BC
1.The Phoenicians were the first sea trading people. 2.They set up colonies along the Mediterranean Sea. 3.They developed the first alphabet.
1.They appeared around 1900 BC in the Palestine area. 2.The Hebrews had the first monolithic religion called Judaism. 3.Moses, Exodus, and the 10 Commandments. 4.Their Torah, which is the book of law, will become the first five books of the Old Testament. 5.King Solomon built a huge temple which was destroyed by the Babylonians. 6.Messengers of god, called prophets, told people to be obedient to god.
1.They appeared around 550 BC, led by Cyrus the Great. 2.They created an Empire that extended from India to Greece. 3.They linked their Empire by a series of roads. 4.Allowed the conquered people to keep their religion and customs. 5.They later became the country of Iran.