A big shout out to Mr. Boocher for helping with this presentation! Rich EgyptiansPoor Egyptians ANCIENT EGYPT WEBQUEST The following WebQuest takes you into the world of Ancient Egypt. Answer the following questions. 1. DAILY LIFE IN ANCIENT EGYPT - Egyptian Life - Write down 4 things that are different for poor and rich Egyptians.Egyptian Life
2. THE SPHINX - Guardian's SphinxGuardian's Sphinx a. The body of a _____________ with the head of a ______________ b. What was the purpose of the Sphinx? c. How long is the Sphinx? d. How has the Sphinx changed over time ?
NameGod of…Appearance Anubis Horus Osiris Thoth Isis 3. RELIGION - Egyptian Gods - People believed in many different GodsEgyptian Gods - People believed in many different Gods in Ancient Egypt. Complete the chart below. a.Under the section Entitled Symbols explore and find the meaning of a crook and flail.
4. THE EGYPTIAN CALENDAR - The Egyptian CalendarThe Egyptian Calendar a. The ancient Egyptian calendar depended on the _____________. b. The calendar was divided up into _____ months of _______ days with _____ days added at the end. c. This created a calendar of __________ days.
5. HIEROGLYPHICS - Online Hieroglyphics TranslatorOnline Hieroglyphics Translator Write both your first and last name below the line in English and above the line in hieroglyphics. _____________________________________
6. THE PHARAOHS OF EGYPT - Egyptian Kings and RulersEgyptian Kings and Rulers Record at least four facts that seem important about Cleopatra’s life. A. Raised to Rule________________________________ B. Divine Queen ______________________________ C. Sibling Rivalry ______________________________ D. Cleopatra and Caesar_________________________ E. The End of Egyptian Rule_________________________ ***Make sure you look at the quick facts at the end. They are interesting. ***
7. PYRAMIDS - The Pyramids –The Pyramids How many blocks were used? ______ Each stone weighing an average of ____ In which city are the Great Pyramids located? ___________________ How were the massive blocks raised to such heights(see “Construction”)?______________
8. ROSETTA STONE - The Rosetta StoneThe Rosetta Stone a. What was the Rosetta Stone? b. Where and when was it found? c. Why was this artifact important in understanding Egyptian civilization? Fun fact: Remember this is a primary source written by someone who was actually there.
9. MUMMIFICATION - MummificationMummification A. Provide at least 5 resources needed to create a mummy. B. What do you think it says about the society that only the highest members of society were mummified? Support your view.
Once you have finished, make sure you have answered all the questions. You may go back and look into the webpages in more detail, play the online Egypt games, go to (Asia or Africa maps under world games), or you may read. I hope you enjoyed exploring Egypt!