Human – Environmental Interaction
Human Environmental WHAT?!?! OK, let’s make this easy to understand. 1. Humans live in the world / environment. (Duh)
2. Humans use the world to meet their needs. Food Water Air Shelter
3. Humans adapt to the world. Example: If humans live in a place where it is hot, they learn to live with heat.
Humans adapt to the world, cont. Another example: If humans live in a cold place, they live in such a way that they can tolerate cold.
More Human Adapting to the World Example #3: If people live in a dry place, they learn to live with less water.
Even More Adapting . . . If people live where there is good soil, they learn to farm. If people live where there is plenty of game, they learn to hunt.
Review Humans Live In the World / Environment Humans Adapt to the World / Environment
3. Humans modify or change the environment. Example: We clear the forests and cut down trees to have lumber. To create electricity, we build dams that change the landscape of the environment.
4. Sometimes the World Changes Human Environments. Example: A hurricane, flood or other natural disaster may change our world.
5. We call all this adapting and changing back and forth between humans and the environment . . . Human Environmental Interaction
5. People and the environment continually interact. Humans change the world. And the world changes humans.
6. Unfortunately, human changes often hurt the environment. Can you think of when this happens?
Human Environmental Interaction Questions Textbook pp. 39 - 40 1. Why does human-environment interaction occur? 2. T/F Human society and the environment are often separated. 3. A. Why are some places the way they are? B. Give an example. 4. Give an example of how humans harm the environment. 5. Given an example of how the environment might hurt people. 6. A.T/F The clothes you wear and the sports you play might reflect the environment you live in. B. Give an example of this. 7. Because of _______, people aren’t as closely adapted to the environment as they once were.
Answers 1. Human Environment interaction occurs because humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the world around them. 2. F. 3. Some places are the way they are because people have changed them. Ex: meadows created by farmers. 4. pollution 5. hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. 6. a. T b. if you live in a hot place you wear cool clothes 7. technology