Autocratic leadership: The autocratic leader takes control of the situation. He or she does not allow employees to participate in decision making This.


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Presentation transcript:

Autocratic leadership: The autocratic leader takes control of the situation. He or she does not allow employees to participate in decision making This works when decisions need to be made quickly, when in additional input would not change the decision and when unpopular decisions such as layoffs must be made Too much autocratic leadership can lead to unhappy employees, who feel undervalued and many rebel against decisions made without their input Laissez-faire leadership: The laissez-faire leader leaves employees alone to do their job This is appropriate when employees are mature and have years of experience All employees need direction, guidance, and motivation from time to time. And all need to believe their input is valued. Without feedback, they can become uncertain about their work, unmotivated, and directionless. They often do not work well as a team. This is a very poor leadership style for employees who are new to their jobs F. Leadership styles

Democratic leadership: The democratic leader provides opportunities for employees to provide input, information, and creativity to the departments goals. This encourages staff, recognizes achievement, and increases team spirit and morale. Employees feel appreciated and work harder because they know their contributions are valued. Productivity increases This is the most effective of the three leadership styles in most cases The text book does not list any drawbacks

1.Managers can treat their employees ethically by providing fair pay, reasonable hours, vacations, and interesting work. They can also treat their employees with respect and dignity 2.A company’s ethical code of conduct outlines the company’s policies on discrimination, sexual harassment, bribery, kickbacks, and theft of company property, and may include whistle-blower protection for employees who report corporate wrongdoing 3.To minimize environmental damage, companies can construct factories and offices that use green building materials, have guidelines for energy conservation, and avoid polluting 4.Environmentally friendly practices are good for public relations because consumers are more inclined to buy from a company that cares about the environment. Environmentally friendly practices can also increase sales and decrease costs, therefore increasing profits in the long run 5.A company can organize fundraising drives or pay company staff to work for the charitable organization, helping to raise money H. Ethical behaviour and management

Informal team: a team that is not put together by management but forms naturally. Examples include a company car pool, a company softball team, or a lunch group Committee: made up of people from different areas that work on a specific task. Examples include a social committee or an employee benefits committee Task force: established to accomplish a specific task, after which it is disbanded. Examples include a task force for a new building design or a new product design Cross-functional team: made up of members from different functional areas to allow for diversity of input and quick decision making. An example is team consisting of sales people, accountants, and R&D representatives Self-managed work team: a team without an official leader, which manages its own hiring, training, development, and scheduling. An example would be a non- profit organization Virtual team: a team that works together across long distances through computer communication instead of face-to-face meetings. Examples include teams in multinational companies where the team members are in various parts of the world J. Teamwork in companies

2. Teams are common in corporations because they lead to better decisions and let people have input into their working environment 3. ADVANTAGES: Improved creativity More ideas More information Improved decision making, especially when no expert is available Greater commitment to decisions Higher motivation Improved employee discipline Improved morale Shared risk DISADVANTAGES: One group member may do less (or no) work and coast on the efforts of others Takes more time Costs more A group may produce a great idea, but with no one taking responsibility, it may never get done Personality conflicts may occur among group members May be difficult to get everyone ready to work together at the same time Some group members may arrive unprepared

Communication and negotiation: Ask questions Avoid jargon Be courteous Compliment another’s idea Critique the idea not the person Define a common goal Don’t express an opinion as a fact Don’t interrupt explain you reasons Give constructive feedback Listen actively Respond, don’t react Show patience Organization: Assign responsibilities Develop a checklist Develop a timeline List tasks to be completed Send reminders when deadlines approach K. Teamwork skills

1. The company works to protect the environment by reducing packaging waste and greenhouse gases. The company donates 7.5% of pre-tax profits to non-profit organizations and donates products to worthy causes. It gives back to the community through Project Joy by providing food, presents, and financial donations to needy families at Christmas time. Central office employees receive paid time to volunteer with non-profits. The company sent a team of disaster workers to help after Hurricane Katrina L. Ethical behavior: Ben & Jerry’s

1.Planning 2.Organizing 3.Motivate 4.Communicating 5.Controlling 6.Purchasing 7.Production 8.Research and development 9.Autocratic 10.Laissez-faire 11.democratic M. Review