1 JAG/CCM COPC Status Updates and Recommendations May 4-5, 2016 LCDR Tristan Borne JAG-CCM Chairperson
2 Outline CCM Team Membership Network Outages Process Towards the End Goal –End goal diagram –Process Flow Chart –Decision Points Primary Connection Status 2 nd Connection Status Bandwidth Sizing DREN and DSRC
3 CCM Team MemberOrganization Jason Rance Billy Cowgill Marvin Cunningham TSgt Michael Dent Air Force/557 WW *Doug FendersonNOAA/NWS/NCEP/NCO Craig Wade OSGS Russell Dyson OSPO NOAA/NESDIS Tracy LePireNavy/NAVO *LCDR Tristan Borne (CCM Chair) Trent Hancock Derek Eddington Navy/FNMOC Kevin GreenleeNavy/NAVIDFOR/N462 Ken BarnettOFCM Technical Advisor/SME/AlternateOrganization MAJ Rubin Neypes Bruce Kenison (alternate) DISA Field Office USSTRATCOM Jagdish RaiDISA * New to the role or group
What JAG CCM is working towards 4 DoD NOAA
Process Flow Chart 5 Navy Bandwidth upgrade NMIC SN9K Install Suitland SFP OC48 NOAA Boulder MSPP Enable 3 DOD circuits Test end to end connectivity Perform a failover test Boulder Submit the NFG connection request Test the latency through NFG Switch secondary path to NFG Final Goal: dual NFG connections Decision Point 1 Decision Point 2 COPC CCM/DISA
COPC Network Decision Points CCM / DISA Decision Point 1: COPC Action : Make a recommendation about the utilization of the 2nd COPC network path (Boulder). [Concurrent usage or regular scheduled failover tests]. –CCM recommends keeping this action item open. –Once the dual paths are in place, CCM can provide COPC recommendations for usage (concurrent or failover-only). Pursue the first NFG connection through Suitland to Columbus or through Boulder to San Antonio. COPC Decision Point 2: COPC Action Item : Implement an end-to-end latency test exchange using representative proxy data from NOAA (NESDIS, TOC, and NCEP) through NFG to each DOD OPC]. –CCM recommends keeping this action item open. Utilize NFG as primary COPC data exchange paths. Final Goal: Establish dual paths from the two NOAA access points (Suitland & Boulder). –Per 557 th WW, direction was to hold off migrating to NFG until further notice and focus on 2 nd P2P connection from Boulder AFB. –Determine the supportability of Navy going through NFG and 557 th WW staying on P2P link. 6
Primary COPC Network Connection Since the last COPC, both pending upgrades were completed on the primary COPC connection. After the F2F meeting with the NMIC in Oct: –Road blocks were understood and a process to move forward was developed. –NMIC upgrade (SN9K multi-service switch activation) was completed mid Nov Coordinated moving the two Navy operation circuits to the new switch and upgrading the bandwidth. –Currently 557 th is 1gb, FNMOC is 400mb (upgraded from155mb in early Feb), and NAVO is 400mb (upgraded from 28mb in mid Feb). 7
2 nd COPC Network Connection Status NOAA Boulder and DOD Buckley trunk (6QU2) has been established. –Special thanks to Mark Reeser (NOAA contractor at Boulder) and Bob Risky (DISA) for configuring the Boulder MSPP. FNMOC to Boulder circuit (73LA) established and able to ping each end point. Other 2 circuits need to be established (NAVO and 557). Boulder will mimic the Suitland connections with 557 1GB, 400MB, & 400MB. DoD circuit cost sharing for the OC48 Boulder/Buckley: –Planning to use a DD Form 1144 Support Agreement as the official document for sharing costs to replace the MOA method. 8
9 Questions