Welcome Families! Miss Ramirez First Grade Room 16
Teacher Introduction Miss Ramirez I grew up and went to school in Encinitas. I received my Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies from Cal State San Marcos in 2009, and received my credential there in This is my 5 th year teaching in San Marcos Unified, and my 3 rd teaching First Grade.
Campus Procedures Campus Opens:8:15 School Starts:8:45 Dismissal:3:10 (M,T,Th,F) 2:10 (Wed.) Pick up is located near the ramp/benches outside the office. Walkers or students going to KOC will go to their locations on their own immediately after school.
Campus Procedures Absences: call office in advance to excuse Tardies: Students must obtain late slip in office Lunches & Snack: Wellness Policy Cafeteria: lunch cards Campus Visitors: must check in at front office to obtain badge, closed campus
Weekly Schedule P.E.: Monday and Thursday (10:40-11:30) Library: Wednesday (11:00-11:30) Music: Friday (11:00-11:30) Flag Salute: 8:45, two Fridays a month
Daily Schedule 8:45-11:35Language Arts Block 11:35-12:20Lunch 12:20-1:45Math Block/Writing 2:05-3:10Phonics
Common Core State Standards standards adopted by states A single set of clear educational standards for K-12 Better prepare students for college and their future careers Focus on critical thinking and multiple paths to a solution Greater depth of knowledge and concept development, especially in math More information & resources can be found on my website or the district website. -Go to the SMUSD Website -Go to Departments -Go to Elementary Education (K-5) -Go to Back to School Videos and Common Core Standards -Choose their child's grade level...and there's the info for the units! (English and Spanish )
Reading Phonemic Awareness (vowel & consonant sounds) Decoding (sounding out whole words) Sight Words/ High Frequency Words Reading Comprehension in Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
Accelerated Reader (A.R.) Students read books independently and take comprehension quizzes online ( at school only) Earn points for correct answers and move through levels to earn recognition at Friday Flag Salute and it the library
Math Solve Word Problems Counting to 120 Addition & Subtraction Place Value Measurement (length & time) Representing and Interpreting Data Shapes and their Attributes
8 Math Practices 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Writing Journal Writing Complete Sentences & Parts of Speech The Writing Process 1.Brainstorm with a Graphic Organizer 2.Rough Draft 3.Self-Editing & Peer Editing 4.Final Draft/ Publishing
Types of Writing Informative Writing Polar Bears have a layer of blubber to keep their bodies warm in the Artic Opinion Writing The best thing about polar bears is they can move 25 mph on land. Narrative Writing One day, I visited the San Diego Zoo to learn about Polar bears.
Social Studies & Science Topics are taught in Reading and Writing Units of Study. Science: Structure and Process: Animals Earth’s Place in the Universe Social Studies: Citizenship & Friendship Past & Present American Symbols & Traditions
Homework In 1 st grade, students will spend 20 minutes on homework 3-4 times a week.
Homework Will be sent home on Monday and due back on Friday Will consist of a reading response, word club practice, and math practice
Room 16 Procedures Water Bottles: allowed in class Bathroom: as needed, but encouraged to go during lunch/recess Backpacks: on hooks outside, no toys Before School: must stay on playground Volunteers: must check in at front office to obtain badge (mornings only)
School Supplies The school and I have provided each student with supplies for the class. Please send a backpack, water bottle, and snack to school each day. Helpful things to have at home: pencil, erasers, crayons, scissors, glue sticks, fiction and nonfiction books, math counters, writing paper
Technology 6 student computers Access to class set of Chromebooks 1 IPad
Supporting Our Classroom Classroom Donations: Pencils, tissue boxes, glue sticks, Clorox wipes, white copy paper, thin dry erase markers, gently used or new children’s books Volunteers: If you are able to volunteer, please sign up at the side table Working with students one on one, homework folders, Wednesday envelopes, word club, etc.
Scholastic Book Clubs Quality, affordable children’s books at every reading level Catalogs are sent home every month with featured titles Can return the order form and money to me at school, or order online When you order online, you and I both earn free books –Class Activation Code: MMG4M
Parent Communication Wednesday Envelopes are sent home every Wednesday and due back empty on Thursday Notes home School and Classroom Website Remind 101
Contact Information ext Website: