A proposal to form a cabin crew sector. Proposal importance : it is aiming to... * reduce cabin crew human resources cost. * control cabin crew human resources. * improve cabin crew performance. * improve planning efficiency for cabin crew. * improve cabin crew human resources utilities. * improve span of control, centralization and formalization. * reduce decision interference which impacts management performance. it is aiming to... * solve problems of cabin crew structure deformations. * solve problems of cabin crew financial deformations. * improve work environment for cabin crew and ground staff.
Cabin crew sector Structure Cabin crew sector Structure
رئيس قطاع الضيافة الجوية الإدارة العامة للتشغيل إدارة المشروعاتإدارة الجداول إدارة الترحيل الإدارة العامة للضيافة إدارة تنسـيق الخدمة الجوية إدارة شئون الضيافة إدارة الإحصاء إدارة تنمية الموارد البشرية الإدارة العامة للتدريب إدارة التدريب الأرضى إدارة تدريب الخدمات الجوية إدارة التدريب الجوى إدارة إعداد وتطوير أدلة التدريب الإدارة العامة الفنية إدارة الزى إدارة المواد والإحتياجات إدارة برامج الخدمات الجوية إدارة التخطيط إدارة الخدمات الإدارية إدارة تقييم الأداء إدارة الرقابة على الجودة
قطاع الضيافة الجوية الإدارة العامة للتشغيل الإدارة العامة للضيافة الإدارة العامة للتدريب الإدارة العامة الفنية إدارة التخطيط إدارة الخدمات الإدارية إدارة تقييم الأداء إدارة الرقابة على الجودة GM. Functioning DEPT. GM. Cabin crew DEPT. GM. Training DEPT. cabin crew sector. GM. Technical DEPT. Administration DEPT. Planning DEPT. Cabin crew performance & evaluation DEPT. Safety & Quality Control DEPT.
cabin crew sector chairman. The occupant of this post carries out his duties under the supervision of the chairman of the organization and works in coordination with him, or by delegation from him, whether in his presence or in his absence, to manage all the duties and responsibilities of the cabin crew sector. Responsibilities : * Supervises all departments within cabin crew sector. * Ensures keeping records of the cabin crew sector personnel in accordance with what is prescribed by the law as well as by the organization`s regulations and manuals. * Ensures high levels of performance and efficiency in regard to the sector`s activities. Runs the cabin crew sector in accordance with policies and personnel regulations and contracts. * Coordinates with heads of the cabin crew departments for the implementation of safety management system, economy and efficiency.
* Taking the final decisions as concerning the staff of the cabin crew sector. * Participation in the drawing up of the general policy of the organization. * Participation in the high - committee for training at the organization. * To issue cabin crew manuals and approve amendments thereof. * Ensures high levels of safety and security performance of cabin crew sector operations. * Applying immediate corrective measures in coordination with concerned departments as assigned to ensure their effectiveness. * Control a risk as assigned in risk assessment. * Applying continuous contact on both local and international levels as concerning developments in the aeronautic industry. * raising any recommendation concerning the cabin crew sector to the chairman of the organization`s boar d of directors. * Organizes regular meeting with all management personnel periodically.
the post holder cabin crew sector has the right : * to select the management members of the subordinate functions, respecting the veto – right of the superiors. * to suspend subordinates from their duties functions and rights where this seems necessary for a safe conduct of flight operation or for disciplinary sanctions. * to approve procedures valid for subordinates functions. * to approve the conduct of flights concerning safety and quality. * Developments of special policies for the cabin crew sector aiming at the improvement of staff efficiency and their functions. * Liaison with the authorities, manufacture and other operational relevant external entities. * Performs other tasks assigned to him by the chairman of the organization`s boar d of directors.
Planning manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the cabin crew sector chairman. Responsibilities : * participation in the preparation of plans for the cabin crew sector requirements of personnel for the sector`s work, and follow - up of implementation. * Provision of up – to -- date information on available cabin crews and their actual abilities in order to assess to what extent they can meet operational requirements at present and in the future, to submit necessary recommendation in this regard. * Participation in the drawing up of immediate and future plans for members of the cabin crew and follow – up of the implementation of such plans. * follow – up the publication issued by the Egyptian civil aviation authority. * drawing up the cabin crew sector budget in coordination with concerned quarters..
Cabin Crew performance & evaluation manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the cabin crew sector chairman. Responsibilities : * prepare standards for measuring the cabin crew performance and modify it continuously. * responsible for preparing a full data base covering the cabin crew`s performance and updating it continuously. * issue a semiannual report to evaluate performance and submit it to the department`s GM. * issue an annual report on the general performance. * take all appropriate corrective measures to reach a better performance. * participate in naming and choosing the performance valuators. * supervise and prepare schedule for performance valuators. * follow – up and evaluate performance valuators. * establish evaluating measures and updating it. * prepare performance checklists. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Safety & Quality control manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the cabin crew sector chairman. Responsibilities : * Developing and maintaining safety and quality management policy. * Enhance safety and quality culture among all cabin crew using available safety recourses. * Control a risk as assigned in risk assessment. * Supervising, reviewing and reporting on compliance with safety policies, plans, systems and procedures. * Supervising, reviewing and reporting on compliance with quality policies, plans, systems and procedures. * Follow – up the strict compliance with the company`s safety and quality measures, environmental polices and mission and vision. * Taking immediate corrective measures against any irregularities. * Holding periodical meeting with the other department`s managers to minimize the work obstacles and avoid contradictory tasks. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Administration manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the cabin crew sector chairman. Responsibilities : * implementation of the systems, rules, resolutions, circulars, and orders issued by the sector as concerning all departments. * receipt of applications submitted by general managers and managers of the sector, study it, and present it. * carrying out of repeated contact with the relevant sectors for the implementation of recommendations and ensuring the achievement thereof. * implementation of schemes, social care and various activities for the sector`s personnel. * receipt of daily punctuality reports, checking it, and reporting on the absentees in compliance with the provision of law or the regulation of the organization. * keeping of records pertaining to the sector. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
الإدارة العامة الفنية إدارة برامج الخدمات الجوية إدارة الزى إدارة المواد والإحتياجات GM. Technical DEPT. Crew Uniform DEPT. Flight service Programming DEPT Materials & needs DEPT.
GM. technical DEPT. The occupant of the post is subject to direct supervision by the V.P. cabin crew sector. He has the right to : * Select the team leaders respecting the veto – right of the superiors. * To suspend team leaders and cabin crew from their functions. Responsibilities : * to supervise all activities in the department in order to ensure a maximum of professional performance. * he is responsible for the full administrative and technical supervision on all matters concerning materials & needs, crew uniform, flight service and programming departments. * apply corrective actions as assigned to ensure their effectiveness. * runs all the activities of the department in accordance with Company policies and regulations. * to submit reports to the cabin crew sector chairman indicating the department activities conditions as well as work regularity. * follow – up the offering of different needs. * participate in drawing up of immediate and future plans for in – flight service programming and needs.
Materials & needs manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. technical DEPT. Responsibilities : * participation in the preparation of plans for offering different materials and needs for cabin crew sector concerning services on board the flights. * He has to observe compliance with Company policies and regulations. * Ensures high quality of such materials needed to perform efficient service on board flights. * Ensures adequate prices of such materials needed to perform efficient service on board flights. * Participation in the drawing up of immediate and future plans concerning offering materials for all routes on the assigned time. * follow – up the implementation of such plans. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Crew Uniform manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. technical DEPT. Responsibilities : * participation in the preparation of plans for offering different materials and needs for cabin crew sector concerning uniform for the sector`s personnel. * He has to observe compliance with Company policies and regulations. * Ensures high quality of such materials needed for the uniform of cabin crew sector personnel. * Ensures adequate prices of such materials needed for the uniform of cabin crew sector personnel. * Participation in the drawing up of immediate and future plans concerning offering materials, designs and samples for the uniform of cabin crew sector personnel. * follow – up the implementation of such plans. * coordinate with the responsible departments within the organization to issue different manuals. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Flight service Programming manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Technical DEPT. Responsibilities : * participation in the preparation of plans for different flights service schedules according to the international policies. * He has to observe compliance with EGYPT AIRLINES policies and regulations. * Ensures high quality of service performance on board flights in accordance with planned schedule. * Participation in the drawing up of immediate and future plans for all routes respecting flights timing and time available for services. * follow – up the implementation of such plans. * drawing up the services budget in coordination with concerned quarters. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
الإدارة العامة للتدريب إدارة إعداد وتطوير أدلة التدريب إدارة التدريب الجوى إدارة التدريب الأرضى إدارة تدريب الخدمات الجوية GM. Training DEPT. Flight training DEPT. Ground training DEPT. Prepare & develop Training manuals DEPT. Flight service Training DEPT.
GM. Training DEPT. The occupant of the post is subject to direct supervision by the V.P. cabin crew sector. He has the right to : * Select the team leaders respecting the veto – right of the superiors. * To suspend team leaders and cabin crew from their functions. Responsibilities : * to supervise all activities in the department in order to ensure a maximum of professional performance. * he is responsible for the full administrative and technical supervision on all matters concerning Flight service Training, ground training, flight training, prepare & develop training manuals departments. * apply corrective actions as assigned to ensure their effectiveness. * to supervise & ensure that the civil aviation regulation are applying. * to submit reports to the cabin crew sector chairman indicating training conditions as well as work regularity. * follow – up the training of different aircraft types and models on which cabin crew are working. * hold periodical meeting with trainers.
Flight service Training manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Training DEPT. Responsibilities : * preparation of ground training programs for In - flight services and controlling their implementation. * laying down of a plan for the theoretical studies needed for the cabin crew, both for basic and refresher courses concerning in - flight services. * carrying out of all procedures relating to the implementation of the cabin crew ground training concerning in - flight services on time. * keeping records concerning all ground courses for cabin crew concerning in - flight services. * keeping records concerning all types of ground training courses for cabin crew concerning in - flight services. * hold joint meeting with scheduling and dispatching department heads. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Ground training manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Training DEPT. Responsibilities : * preparation of ground training programs and controlling their implementation. * laying down of a plan for the theoretical studies needed for the cabin crew, both for basic and refresher courses. * carrying out of all procedures relating to the implementation of the cabin crew ground training on time. * carrying out of training courses for ground staff of cabin crew sector. * keeping records concerning all ground courses for cabin crew. * keeping records concerning all types of ground training courses for cabin crew and ground staff. * ensures applying the civil aviation program during all training phases. * hold joint meeting with scheduling and dispatching department heads. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Flight training manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Training DEPT. Responsibilities : * preparation of flying training programs and controlling their implementation. * laying down of a plan for the training on board different types of aircrafts. * carrying out of all procedures relating to the implementation of the cabin crew flight training on time. * keeping records concerning all flight training for cabin crew. * keeping records concerning all types of flight training for cabin crew. * ensures applying the civil aviation program during all training phases. * hold joint meeting with scheduling and dispatching department heads. * follow – up licenses validity for cabin crew in accordance with the international and local regulations. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Prepare & develop Training manuals manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Training DEPT. Responsibilities : * implementation of the systems, rules, resolutions, circulars, and orders issued by Company and cabin crew sector as concerning all types of manuals. * supervise the implementation of manuals in accordance with the civil aviation authority`s rules. * keeping records concerning all types of the issuing manuals. * providing the sector with all kinds of the issuing manuals. * providing the cabin crew individuals with all kinds of the issuing manuals. * coordinate with the responsible departments within the organization to issue different manuals. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
الإدارة العامة للضيافة إدارة تنسـيق الخدمة الجوية إدارة الإحصاء إدارة شئون الضيافة إدارة تنمية الموارد البشرية Statistics DEPT. In-flight Service Co-ordination DEPT. Human resource Development DEPT. Cabin crew Personnel DEPT. GM. Cabin crew DEPT.
GM. Cabin crew DEPT. The occupant of the post is subject to direct supervision by the V.P. cabin crew sector. He has the right to : * Select the team leaders respecting the veto – right of the superiors. * To suspend team leaders and cabin crew from their functions. * he is responsible for the full administrative and technical supervision on all matters concerning Human resource development, cabin crew personnel, statistics, in – flight service co – ordination departments. * apply corrective actions as assigned to ensure their effectiveness. * to supervise & ensure high levels of performance in regard to the sectors activities. * to submit reports to the cabin crew sector chairman indicating Needs and activities. * runs the cabin crew department in accordance with the Company policies and personnel regulations. * to supervise the collection of monthly and annual statistical data, and issues relevant graphs and diagrams. Responsibilities :
The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Cabin crew DEPT Human resource Development manager. Responsibilities : * implementation of the systems, rules, resolutions, circulars, and orders issued by the sector as concerning its personnel. * receipt of applications submitted by staff members of the sector study it, and present it. * keeping records concerning all types of achievements as well as penalties, of the sectors personnel. * providing the sector with personnel particulars as shown in their files and records. * receipt of the staff annual reports, follow - up of their completion and return to the administration affairs at the appointed times. * To Establish side service – files for the sectors personnel and keeps documents relating to them. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Cabin crew DEPT Cabin crew Personnel manager. Responsibilities : * reporting any changes taking place in the particulars of the sectors personnel. * to submit vacation annual plan for cabin crew members. * to keep records of cabin crew vacations. * follow – up cabin crew documents and their validity. * follow – up on passport and visa issuance necessary for cabin crew members. * follow – up on the accuracy of flight sales accounts. * follow – up on monthly cabin crew bonus. * follow – up the annual sick leaves for cabin crew members. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Cabin crew DEPT Statistics manager. Responsibilities : * Supervision on the recording of cabin crew flying hours. * Supervision on the recording of cabin crew duty period. * Supervision on the recording of cabin crew bonus flights. * Supervision on the recording of cabin crew extra flying hours. * Supervision on the collection of monthly and annual statistical data. * Supervision on the issuance of monthly statements of cabin crew bonus flights. * Supervision on the issuance of monthly statements of cabin crew extra flying hours. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Cabin crew DEPT. In-flight Service Co-ordination manager. Responsibilities : * choose the cooperative inspectors according to required specifications. * Submit t he standards and specifications of the services presented by company to inform the coordination inspectors. * Supervise the training programs required for coordination inspectors. * Receive the coordination inspectors reports and follow up of deficiencies. * Follow - up on the flight coordination inspectors performance. * Meet returned air flights and review the returned materials and presenting them to the different supplying departments in order to decrease the loss and analyze returns ( flight arrivals ). * Correspond and coordinate with different departments for un - matching cases reported by the inspectors. * Prepare reports for any flight service deficiencies and determine the department responsible for such deficiencies and present such reports to higher departments to take necessary action, if required. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
إدارة الترحيل إدارة المشروعات إدارة الجداول GM. Functioning DEPT. Schedule DEPT. Dispatching DEPT. Flights planning DEPT.
GM. Functioning DEPT. The occupant of the post is subject to direct supervision by the V.P. cabin crew sector. He has the right to : * Select the team leaders respecting the veto – right of the superiors. * To suspend team leaders and cabin crew from their functions. Responsibilities : * to supervise all activities in the department in order to ensure a maximum of professional performance. * he is responsible for the full administrative and technical supervision on all matters concerning scheduling, flights planning and dispatching departments. * apply corrective actions as assigned to ensure their effectiveness. * to supervise & ensure that the civil aviation regulation are applying. * to submit reports to the cabin crew sector chairman indicating operating conditions as well as work regularity. * follow – up daily changes, such as “ apologies “ and “ sick “. * follow – up of the implementation of the roster during the period of the applicability.
Cabin crew scheduling manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Functioning DEPT. Duties and responsibilities : * hold joint meeting with flights planning and dispatch department heads before issuing a schedule. * ensures applying the civil aviation program in scheduling. * issuing professional schedules on the assigned times. * he has to lay down rosters for cabin crew members according to aircraft types. * he has to cater for the fair distribution amongst cabin crew members as regards the type of trips and the number of hours. * he has to ensure that every cabin crew receives a copy of the roster. * receiving of training and test schedules for implementation under the operating schedules. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Cabin crew flights planning manager. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Functioning DEPT. Duties and responsibilities : * hold joint meeting with scheduling and dispatching department heads. * hold joint meeting with the projects department. * participate in drawing up of immediate and future plans f or cabin crew flights. * follow - up the publication issued by the Egyptian civil aviation authority. * follow - up the instructions received from the Company as well as circulars issued by the cabin crew sector department. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.
Cabin crew dispatching manager. Duties and responsibilities : * hold joint meeting with flights planning and scheduling department heads. * he has to observe compliance with operating hours as well as rest hours in accordance with the applicable civil aviation regulations. * follow – up daily changes, such as “ apologies “ and “ sick “ with the purpose of operations regularity. * ensures cabin crew members, prior to being assigned to duty, are qualified and current.. * he has to cater for the fair distribution amongst cabin crew members as regards the type of trips and the number of hours. * ensures that cabin crew members are concurrently qualified to operate assigned aircraft types. The occupant of the post carries out his duties under the supervision of the GM. Functioning DEPT. * Performs other tasks assigned to him.