Welcome to Curriculum Night Welcome to Curriculum Night First Grade- Mrs. Hughes
Welcome to First Grade! This is an important year for you! I will give you an introduction to 1st grade and to our classroom. Please feel free to ask questions at the end of the presentation.
About Me… I feel so blessed to be your child’s teacher this year. This is my third year in first grade. Before teaching first grade, I taught second grade here at Avery since the school opened in I LOVE First grade! I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education and Curriculum and a Specialist Degree in Elementary Curriculum. I also have a Reading endorsement and a Gifted endorsement. I have five beautiful children; four girls and one boy. I also have an adorable Biewer Yorkie named Oliver who rules the house. My favorite thing to do is to spend time with my family and pets! I love to rent movies and eat spaghetti. Life…It’s all about family…
I love children and I have always wanted to be a teacher. I believe that every child is special and unique and has the potential to learn. It is my job as an educator to get to know the capabilities of each of my students, and develop meaningful ties with them and encourage their growth. I believe it is important to motivate and spark children's interest and creativity, but also necessary to differentiate instruction and assessment because children learn in different ways, and have different needs. Children need a loving, nurturing environment where they can feel safe and comfortable while they open their minds and busy their hands to new learning experiences. I intend for my classroom to be a safe haven where they can thrive while they are learning. I feel it is a privilege to be a part of shaping the lives of young people. In our classroom, I will stress self control, cooperation and individual responsibility. I also believe a partnership between home and school is very important. By working together, we can make First grade a wonderful experience. Let's make this the best school year ever!
Reading level assessments to help differentiate instruction are completed with Fountas and Pinnell. Reading Comprehension assessment weekly Sight Words …..IMPORTANT!! Daily 5-Guided Reading and Literacy Centers– Small group Technology Enrichment – RAZ Kids Genres Realistic Fiction, Fiction, Non-Fiction Fables Fairy Tales Fantasy Plays Biographies
Students will read fluently with sufficient accuracy and comprehension. Saxon Phonics Skills build on each other Purpose of coding – builds confidence as they learn to decode unknown words Spelling
Grammar Complete Sentence Noun Verb Adjectives Pronouns Spelling Daily writing Daily phonics Journals- Every student writes every day. Writer’s Workshop Students as authors Writing across the curriculum.
Daily Math /Daily 5 Number Sense Addition Subtraction Patterns/Graphing Time Money Word Problems Calendar Technology Differentiated Math Groups
Water Cycle Fire Safety Animals and Plants Sound Weather Light and Shadows Magnets
American Folktales Society – then and now Historical American Figures Maps Needs and Wants Producers and Consumers Spending and Saving
Dental Health Nutrition Germs
Homework will go home every Monday and will be due back on Friday. Homework is a choice board that goes along with the story of the week. There will also be some projects from time to time. OutstandingO SatisfactoryS Needs ImprovementN UnsatisfactoryU
Progress Reports go home Every 4 – 5 weeks Report Cards go home Every 9 weeks
FROGS Binder Ice Cream-Not on sale at this time but might be at a later date. Snack and Water bottles!! Asp Money and Transportation Changes
Field Trips-One in-house and one outside of the school Tellus Museum-date to be announced 2 Parties – Winter, End of Year Grandparents’ Day Celebration-September 11 th Birthday Treats- Non-Edible brought in by student or dropped off at the office PTA – Please join! Last few details!
I am thrilled to be spending this year with your child. I want to work together with you to provide the best possible education. If you need anything, please jot me a note or send me an at
It takes ALL of us working together to help your child be the best that he or she can be! Home School PTA Community
Before You Go… 1. Look through your child’s Journal 2. Turn to the next clean page and write your child a note. Thanks so much for coming!