Get to know what associations are and choose the best one for you! Introduction
WHAT ARE ASSOCIATIONS? Every student of Paderewski is supposed to be a member of school association. Associations are similar to additional classes. You have to choose at least one association and work 10 hours in group for this association. However, if you are student of III class of high school, you have to work 5 hours, only in the first semester. Moreover, if you take part in additional classes preparing to contests or sport competitions, it is enough to work 10 hours during these classes. The goal of this presentation is to help you the most appropriate association for you. Good luck! Choice of category
CHARITY ASSOCIATIONS Amnesty International Group Association of Inquire Ecologists Good Hope Association Light and Faith Association MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World Choice of category
HOBBY ASSOCIATIONS Association of Alive Philosophers Association of Alive Philosophers Association of American Lawyers Association of American Lawyers Association of Lovers of Latin America Association of Lovers of Latin America Association of Rebellious Bluesmen Association of Rebellious Bluesmen Bicycle Association Declamatory Association Discussion Club in English Discussion Club in English Everyone’s Music Chorus Association Everyone’s Music Chorus Association Green Pea Association Journalists’ Jeans Association Journalists’ Jeans Association Literature Association Teens on Tour Association Teens on Tour Association Time Vehicle Association Trips’ Lovers Association Choice of category
SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATIONS Science Association Exploratorium Choice of category
SOCIAL ASSOCIATIONS Comenius Grafiqua Club International Association Lawyers’ Association Lawyers’ Association P&P Association Safe Internet Association School Radio Association Self-Governors Association Choice of category
FULL LIST OF ASSOCIATIONS Amnesty International Group Association of Alive Philosophers Association of American Lawyers Association of Inquire Ecologists Association of Lovers of Latin America Association of Lovers of Latin America Association of Rebellious Bluesmen Bicycle Association Comenius Declamatory Association Discussion Club in English Everyone’s Music Chorus Association Good Hope Association Grafiqua Club Green Pea Association International Association Journalists’ Jeans Association Lawyers’ Association Lawyers’ Association Light and Faith Association Literature Association MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World P&P Association Safe Internet Association School Radio Association Science Association Exploratorium Self-Governors Association Teens on Tour Association Time Vehicle Association Trips’ Lovers Association Choice of category
Amnesty International Group Purposes: Learning people about human laws Developing understanding, empathy and caring of others Dealing with intolerance and aggression in school and our environment Charity associations Full list of associations Next charity association Association of Alive Philosophers
Association of Alive Philosophers Purposes: Discussing (also with invited guests and audience) about philosophical topics connected with actual ethical and social problems Shaping opinions connected with present irrational behaviours Publicating own philosophy essays in the Internet Full list of associations Hobby associations Association of American Lawyers Next hobby association
Association of American Lawyers Purposes: Learning fluent argumentation and public speaking Getting to know American law and how the American process looks like Taking part in simulation of process Full list of associations Hobby associations Association of Inquire Ecologists Next hobby association
Association of Inquire Ecologists Purposes: Rescuing local environment according to the rule “think globally act locally” Recognizing needs and ecological dangers in local environment Acting against ecological dangers Full list of associations Charity associations Next charity association Association of Lovers of Latin America
Association of Lovers of Latin America Purposes: Learning and spreading knowledge about Latin America Activities and social actions for needy in Latin America Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Association of Rebellious Bluesmen
Association of Rebellious Bluesmen Purposes: Getting to know Woody Allen’s creations Realizating of activities inspired by his films Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Bicycle Association
Bicycle Association Purposes: Creating plans of trips Taking part in bike trips Promoting riding a bike Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Comenius
Purposes: Realization of activities planned for the second year of partner project Comenius “To live in agreement. Together against violence and conflicts” Social associations Social associations Full list of associations Next social association Declamatory Association
Declamatory Association Purposes: Practicing pronunciation, loud reading, declamation Learning how to behave on the scene Preparing declamations, monodramas, actor monologues etc. Full list of associations Hobby associations Discussion Club in English Next hobby association
Discussion Club in English Purposes: Discussing: various social, cultural, anthropological topics Promoting tolerance for culture differences Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Everyone’s Music Chorus Association
Everyone’s Music Chorus Association Purposes: Preparing repertoire for concerts and competitions Yearly organization of school festival of artistic talents Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Good Hope Association
Good Hope Association Purposes: Helping ill kids from Children Hospital in Lublin in learning Full list of associations Charity associations Next charity association Grafiqua Club
Grafiqua Club Purposes: Helping school society in making film edition and graphics (websites, posters, leaflets, advertisements) Organizing school information agency Conducting school information service in the Internet Full list of associations Social associations Social associations Next social association Green Pea Association
Green Pea Association Purposes: Promoting healthy lifestyle and diet Making new receipts Common cooking Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations International Association
International Association Purposes: Striking up acquaintances with other MYP schools abroad Creating programmes Organizing tours and students’ exchange with schools abroad Full list of associations Social associations Social associations Next social association Journalists’ Jeans Association
Journalists’ Jeans Association Purposes: Developing journalistic interests Getting to know text editors Redaction of school magazine Active participation in journalistic and literary life Creating own magazine Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Lawyers’ Association
Lawyers’ Association Purposes: Taking part and helping in activities of school office of law advisers Full list of associations Social associations Social associations Next social association Light and Faith Association
Light and Faith Association Purposes: Promotion of voluntary work and being open-minded for disabled people Full list of associations Charity associations Next charity association Literature Association
Literarature Association Purposes: Developing literary interests Improving writing: own compositions and literature reviews Assessing own writing Active participation in city’s literary life Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World
MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World Purposes: Helping needy people, especially children, from Third World Educating the society why this kind of help is indispensable for people from Third World Full list of associations Charity associations P&P Association
P&P Association Purposes: C++ programming course for beginner students from our school Organising programming contest Full list of associations Next social association Social associations Social associations Safe Internet Association
Safe Internet Association Purposes: Spreading knowledge about dangers in the Internet Learning how to be safe in the Internet Creating tools which help in increasing safety of using Internet at school Full list of associations Social associations Social associations Next social association School Radio Association
School Radio Association Purposes: Conducting broadcast in school radio Showing school society various types of music Entertainment during breaks Discussions about music Full list of associations Next social association Social associations Social associations Science Association Exploratorium
Science Association Exploratorium Purposes: Popularization of physics and astronomy Acquiring information about newest discoveries in these fields Discussions and publications connected with physics and astronomy Full list of associations Scientific associations Self – Governors Association
Self-Governors Association Purposes: Activity in organs of school student government Full list of associations Social associations Social associations Teens on Tour Association
Teens on Tour Association Purposes: Organising tours abroad Promoting culture of English and German speaking countries Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Time Vehicle Association
Time Vehicle Association Purposes: Looking for historical places Shaping idea what we mean in the history Organising and realizing trips to historical places Presenting exhibitions from the trips Full list of associations Next hobby association Hobby associations Trips’ Lovers Association
Trips’ Lovers Association Purposes: Looking for interesting places in Poland Organizing trips Visiting Making relations and exhibitions after trips Full list of associations Hobby associations
Bibliography CONTENT (access: and ) IMAGES (access to all of images: ) Amnesty International Group Association of Alive Philosophers Association of American Lawyers Association of Inquire Ecologists Association of Lovers of Latin America Association of Rebellious Bluesmen Bike Association Comenius Declamatory Association Discussion Club in English Everyone’s Music Chorus Association Good Hope Association Grafiqua Club Green Pea Association International Association Journalists’ Jeans Association Lawyers’ Association Light and Faith Association Literature Association MAITRI Association of Solidarity with Poor People from Third World P&P Association Safe Internet Association School Radio Association Science Association Exploratorium Self-Governors Association Teens on Tour Association Time Vehicle Association Trips’ Lovers Association Back to choice of category