Welcome to our Year 10 Parents’ Seminar. SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD Mrs Roseblade Head of Year 10 and 11


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to our Year 10 Parents’ Seminar

SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD Mrs Roseblade Head of Year 10 and 11

Supporting your child through GCSE Helping your child to see: Short-term fun versus long-term benefits; They are responsible for their learning, organisational skills and levels of motivation; There needs to be a balance between work and social life and they need to stick to this; They need to be honest and seek help if they fall behind, feel demotivated or overwhelmed; It is important to keep everything in perspective.

Attendance is key to success

What do students need to do? Attend all lessons and work hard for you, particularly during the ones you may not like or find difficult. When your teachers tell you about exam techniques, try them all out and see which one works best for you. Focus on you and what you want to achieve. Make the most of the opportunities provided.

Get into good habits now Follow your homework timetable. This will prepare you well for when you come to plan your revision. Attend extra sessions provided in subjects where you need that further support (for example, period 7 classes, holiday clinics, etc) Keep focused on your work and don’t be influenced by others

PROGRESS AND SUPPORT Mr P Moody KS4 Progress Leader

Monitor and scrutinise your child's data in order to successfully guide them throughout their final years. Add additional support where required & monitor success of support. Revision skills workshops. Home support.


Changes to English Language, English Literature and Mathematics GCSEs In these subjects, grades will be in numerical form from 9 – 1, with 9 being the highest End of Course examinations There will be a mixture of old GCSE grades, BTEC pass, merit, distinction and number grades in Maths & English What will 6 th Form College or Further Education Providers look for? What’s changed?

English & Maths new GCSEs Grade 7 and above is equal to grade A and above Grade 5 (top of the old grade C) is what will be considered a good pass Grade 4 (bottom of the old grade C) and will be classed as a pass for Year 10 only Grade 1 is equal to a low grade F and grade G

Most subjects will still contain controlled assessments – these count towards the final grade Progress reports (Autumn, Spring) Written report (May) Parents Evening (May) End of Year 10 exams Early intervention How will you know how well your child is doing?

Year 10 Autumn Progress Report Subjects Effort Grade

Descriptors are on the back of the report Despite the differences between grades, courses, one thing that all students can do is to try their best

Year 10 Autumn Progress Report Subjects Effort Grade Level of Progress - Below - Above - Expected Department for Education Target Grade Predicted Grade

CHANGES TO GCSE MATHEMATICS 2017 Mr Duckworth Subject Leader of Mathematics

Mathematics GCSE 2017 Year 10 will be the first students to sit the new papers. More content at both Foundation and Higher Tiers Shift in content from Higher to Foundation Move to more problem solving, reasoning & interpreting More examination time New grading structure

What do the changes mean? Advantages Get to use their calculator for more of the papers. The pupils have the chance of getting a better grade. The grade will reflect the amount of effort the pupils put into it. Disadvantages More content to learn but with the help and support of the staff, we will ensure that all is covered prior to the exam. No formula sheet at the start of the exam, so students have to revise more thoroughly

Assessment structure Foundation Tier Grades 1-5 Half marks on each paper targeting grades 1 to 3 (lower part) and other half at 3 (upper part) to 5 Higher Tier Grades 4-9 (allowable grade 3) Half marks on each paper targeting grades 4-6 and other half at 7-9 Paper % Paper % Paper % Non-calculatorCalculator 80 marks 1 hr 30 mins All papers may assess any content domains and all assessment objectives in roughly same proportions across all three papers.

Useful Maths Sites

Necessary Equipment: Scientific Calculator- Casio or Sharp

YEAR 10 GCSE ENGLISH Ms Ingham Subject Leader of English

Overview of Year 10 4 exams, 7 hours 30 mins LINEAR EXAMS – Assessed at the end of Year 11. Language – 2 exam papers – 3 hours 30 minutes Literature – 2 exam papers- 4 hours Spoken Language task-Pass, Merit, Distinction 20% weighting on SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and gramma) Grading changes – 1-9 (5 = C GRADE) No tiers – all students sit the same exam irrespective of ability – No differentiation of Texts.

Language Language Paper 1 hour 45 Question 1 AO1 – find and summarise information (4) Q2- AO2 -Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views. (8) Q3 AO3 -Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed, across two or more texts. (8) Q4 –AO4 Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references. (20) Section B One question (40 marks) – 45 minutes based on an image. Creative focus

Paper 2 – 1 hour 45 mins Section A: Reading (40 marks) (25%) – two linked texts one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text 1 short form question (1 x 4 marks) 2 longer form questions (1 x 8, 1 x 12 marks) 1 extended question (1 x 16 marks) Section B: Writing (40 marks) (25%) 1 extended writing question (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy)

Literature 2 exams- 4 hours in total 1 hour 45 mins - Shakespeare and pre 19 th century novel 2 hours 15 mins– modern drama and poems Paper 1 Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Much Ado, Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, Macbeth Poetry 15 poems 2x clusters – Conflict and Power and Love PRE 19 TH CENTURY NOVEL Great Expectations, Christmas Carol, Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Sign of 4 Paper 2 Modern drama Animal Farm, Never let me go, Anita and me, Pigeon English, Telling tales anthology, An Inspector Calls, History Boys, Blood Brothers, DNA, Taste of Honey, Curious Tale Of the Dog in the Night. Poetry anthology- selection of named poems and an unseen.

Implications SPAG is more important than ever – technical accuracy is given more weighting. Students need to retain more information- have revision books, cards, notes, audio tapes as some texts are taught in Year 10 and assessed in Year 11. All students read texts written before 1900 and Shakespeare and need to understand them. All students sit the same paper – no course work so more mock exam practices.

Useful Websites Useful Links: Language Unit 1 English/ English Language: se/english-4700 Spell Anywhere BBC Skills Wise SAM Learning AQA Unit 1 English Literature: se/english-literature-9715 Unit 2 English Literature: se/english-literature-9715

CAREERS EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE Mrs A Rawlinson Subject Leader of PD and Careers

Year 10 Careers Three areas of careers covered in the Year 10 Personal Development Curriculum Building My Skills Programme Checkpoint 1 – My future Pathway Checkpoint 2 – CV’s Checkpoint 3 – Online Appearance Checkpoint 4 – Workplace Conduct Checkpoint 5 – Preparing for Interview Career Exploration and the World of Work via U-Explore Work Experience – July 2016

Explore Careers Section

Apprenticeships Section

Your Homework...

Pupils who put in an extra hour of homework or spent the time reading, did better in their GCSEs, scoring 23 points more than the average

Thank you for attending our Year 10 Parents’ Seminar