Mid-term Prepared by Runlin Cai, CAUPD Affiliate
My Issue Transit mode share of LA county was 3% in 2000 What factors determine the mode choice?
Mid-term Outline Range and Unit Population Data Transport Network Travel Demand Data My Issue Transit mode share of LA county was 3% in 2000 What determine the mode choice?
Range and Unit Range: Los Angeles County Unit: Census track
Population Factors Overall Population: 9.8 million Mean Density: 2,419/sq.miles
Urban Form Factors
Transport Network Transit Network 5 urban rail lines Rapid lines Local lines Community circle lines 5.2 million population (53%) covered in 0.5 mile buffers
Transport Network Urban Rail Network 5 urban rail lines Mainly covered Downtown and southern area Just 74 thousand people (7%) around 0.5 mile distance to rail stations
Transport Network Road Network Express way covering almost everywhere 4.7 million population (48%) within 1 mile distance to expressway
Travel Demand Side Trip-to-Work Time Mostly over 20 minutes and more Trip-to-Work Density High density along corridors
Future Work Explore the travel demand characteristics Analyze some typical areas Compare the different effect between transit and freeway system
Skills Used Map inset Graduated symbol Creating indices Field calculating & statistics Merge Attribute selection Buffering of points and lines
Thank you