Network Move & Upgrade 2008 Les Cottrell SLAC for SCCS core services group Presented at the OU Admin Group Meeting August 21,
Current State Successfully evolved from initial re-design in 1995: –structured wiring (twisted pair copper to closets & fiber between buildings) –switched network with a central core and ~70 buildings with switches Some buildings have multiple subnets –use of ~200 VLANS to associate groups of people Some VLANs are in multiple buildings –evolved from 10Mbps shared to desktop to 10 Mbps switched to 100Mbps switched –supports buildings, farms, special needs (MCC/LCLS, BSD, visitors, HVAC, …) –see
Must upgrade Much equipment is beyond end of life Enable increased performance/robustness, problem isolation etc. (more later) Also need to move core network racks to seismically retrofitted area by end of CY 2008 (i.e. early Dec ’08)
Move Move is a major project: –20 racks of equipment to move to new racks, ~ 140 separate units, includes switches/routers, management, monitoring, security equipment –Have to connect up, configure etc, minimize outages –Hardest part is moving the switches with the building connections and moving/upgrading fibres Will be some building outages in work hours In all cases will be re-addressing (single subnet/switch) and periods of a few days with no redundancy Needs coordination with user groups
Benefits auto speed/duplex (replace older switches) enable higher speeds to desktop (1Gbps with 10GBps uplinks) better problem isolation utilize redundant links (double capacity) isolate broadcasts (don’t go through core) enable better security
New Core –Up & running New needs –Clear space –Racks –Seismic retrofit –Power –Cooling Old –Remove Jan ‘09Old New Physical B50 2 nd floor New Core
New Network 10Gbps core and multiple redundant off site links, power Offsite=Border=Core=building-core recently completed in seismically retrofitted area –10Gbps, highly redundant power supplies, house & UPS Stanford Internet ( CENIC,ESnet ) BA- MAN Core Border Building Core Network
Then add on the Buildings Move building connections from current switches to new building-core switches (Kavli, MCC done) –Each building switch will initially have a single subnet –There will be workday outages & periods of no redundancy –Need to start on smaller buildings to fully understand BA-MAN Farm switches Border CoreBuilding Stanford Visitor Infrastructure server switches Wireless Access Points Computer Building Internet (CENIC,ESnet) SSRL, MCC … ~70 Building switches Kavli
Switch upgrade procedure The procedure for upgrading each building switch is: –net-eng creates and configures the new subnets on the switch –OU admins obtain new addresses for all the hosts involved –OU admins work with users on re-addressing hosts one at a time. Net-eng will be involved to change VLAN when an host is readdressed. –During this time, the switch has no redundant uplinks, because one uplink is used for the old subnets, one for the new ones. Therefore we need to keep the re-addressing time as short as possible! (make sure resources are available etc). –net-eng clears the old subnets from the switch and enables redundant uplink
Would like to start with smaller buildings/switches to refine the procedure Big buildings more challenging because of the amount of work that needs to be done in a limited time. Need to make sure resources are available before starting each building. If a building cannot re-address before Xmas: –Move to a temporary switch in earthquake safe location –Then later re-address & move again to building switch –Would like to avoid multiple outages, relocations, lack of backup periods List of OU admins, hosts, current IP addr, bldg & users etc. – Talk available at Questions? Last notes
More slides Old area circa Aug ‘08