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Teacher’s identity Abdus Salam Assist,teacher ( computer) Barapukuria S,S Dimokhi Girl’s Dakhil madrasah Gmail: Mobile: Introduction Lesson introduction Class: nine Sub: English first paper Unit-3 Lesson- 4
Today’s lesson: International mother language day Total students number: 40 Present: 32 Absent: 08 Total = 40 Date: Time: 40 minuties
Aims and objects: By reading this lesson you will be able to learn – about translating in Bengali from the text. completing the following table with information from the text. filling the gap in the following passage with a suitable word. summarizing the above passage.
Presentation: 1952 mv‡ji fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi knx`‡`i‡K ¯^iY K‡i cÖwZeQi 21 †deªæqvix knx` w`em wn‡m‡e cvwjZ n‡”Q| DcjÿwU ïiæ nq w`‡bi cÖ_gfv‡M †kvKm½xZ †M‡q Avgv‡`i fvlv knx`‡`i gnvb Z¨vM‡K ¯^xKvi K‡i| gvbyl Kv‡jv e¨vR c‡i,Lvwj cv‡q,‡kvKm½xZ MvB‡Z MvB‡Z knx` wgbv‡i hvq| Zviv wgbv‡i dz‡ji gvjv †`q| Zv‡`i A‡b‡KB AvwRgcy‡i knx`‡`i mgvwa `k©b K‡i Ges Zv‡`i Rb¨ cÖv_©bv K‡i| Zviv fvlv knx`‡`i ¯§i‡Y Av‡qvwRZ wewfbœ Abyôv‡bI Ask MÖnb K‡i| evsjv‡K b¨vh¨ ¯’vb †`Iqvi Rb¨ knx`‡`i Z¨vM‡K ¯^xK…wZ w`‡q BD‡bm‡Kv ( RvwZms‡Ni wkÿv,weÁvb I ms¯‹…wZ welqK ms¯’v ) 17 b‡f¤^I 1999 G 21 †deªæqvix‡K AvšÍ©RvwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em wn‡m‡e †NvlYv †`q | fvlvMZ I ms¯‹…wZMZ ˆewPΨ I eûfvlvi e¨vcv‡i m‡PZmZv m„wó Ki‡Z eZ©gv‡b wek¦e¨vwc w`emwU cÖwZeQi cvwjZ nq|
Who/what The fact How/hhy Where/when i. …………………… …….. Has been observed as Shaheed Dibosh every year Throughout the country. The occasionii. ……………………….At the early hours of the day. The occasionbeginsiii. ………………………… peoplePlace floral wreathsiv. ………………………… 21 st FebruaryWas proclaimed as international Mother Language Day by UNESCOv. …………………………. complete the following table with information from the text.
Presentation: Table information – a)21 st February observes as Shaheed Dibosh ever year throughout the country. b)The occasion begins at the early hours of the day. c)People place floral wreaths at the Shaheed Minar. d)The occasion begins with the mourning song. e)21 st February was proclaimed as International Mother Language Day by UNESCO on 17 November in 1999.
Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word. 21 st February is (a)…observed worldwide. UNESCO proclaimed the day as the (b)……. Mother Language Day. The Day has thus assured new (c)……….. The sacrifices of the (d)……….. Sons of the soil have received now a (e)……….and new recognition.
Presentation: fill the gap: a) annually b) International c) language d) martyrs e) Bangla language
Presentation: 21 st February is a red letter day in our national life. By sacrificing some valuable lives we have got our rightful demand as a mother tongue in1952. The nation observe the day with arranging defferent programmes annually. The people wear black badges, singing mourning songs and remaining barefooted in procession.Not only they go to the Shaheed Minar to place floral wreaths and visit the martyr’s graves but also pray for their peaceful soul.The UNESCO declared 21 st February as the International Mother Language Day, on 17 November in For this we remember them who contributed to get mother language in every year.
Alone action: answer your route with names: How many martyrs were there for our mother language?
Solution: There were mainly four martyrs as – Salam, Rafiq,Barakat and Jabbar.
Group works : Make a dialogue only two sentences about the duty of prime minister and president on this day. Dear friend, Do you know the duty of prime minister and president on this day ? Yes, tell me two sentences about their duty.
Solution: a)The prime minister and the president go to Shaheed Minar to place floral wreaths early in the morning. b)They call our nation to observe the day mournfully with defferent programmes and tribute to the martyrs.
Evaluation: a)What is called Shaheed Dibosh? b)When did we get back mother language? c)How do Bangalees observe the day? d)As a nation what should we do?
Solution: a) 21 st February is called Shaheed Dibosh. b) We got back our mother language in c)The Bangalees observe the day with arranging various mourning singing songs, wearing black badges etc. d) As a nation we should remember the fighters who laid down their lives for mother language and should pray for the departed soul.
Thanks for all my dear students.See you again. Daffodils