Chapter 20.1 An Age of Ideologies Liberals and Nationalists vs. Conservatives Pro or Con?
Focus Q: March 15 Nationalism How do Americans show pride in the US? When is this a good thing? When can it be destructive?
Focus Q Read “Witness History” at the top of page 634. Who is he? What does he fear? Why?
What you will learn…. 1.The results of the Congress of Vienna 2.Causes and consequences of some political revolutions. 3.How nationalism plays a major role in interaction btwn nations. 4.How democratic ideas influenced European society.
Why is this important? 1.Conservative leaders think very differently than liberals and nationalists. 2.Often, a main conflict btwn people and govts is “is power shared?” 3.What happens when power is not shared? (Monarchy, dictatorship)
Chapter 20 vocab Ideology 1autonomy 1 Radicals 2Napoleon III 2 Recession 2 Peninsulares 3 Mulatto3mestizo 3
Congress of Vienna (1815) 1.End of Napoleon era—tried to stop revolutions and suppress nationalism 2.However, the clash of people w/ different **ideologies—systems of thought and belief**—plunged Europe into 30 more years of war
Nationalism 1.Strongly identifying w/ your country 2.Sometimes related to the actions that the members of a nation take trying to achieve self-determination Sometimes breeds contempt for other countries
Conservatives Prefer Old Order 1.Congress of Vienna = victory for conservatives Monarchs, nobles, church leaders, also some peasants 2.**Concert of Europe: agreement btwn conservatives that supports the old (social) order**—like before 1789
Characteristics of Conservatism 1. To conservatives, society was hierarchical. 2. The basis of society is organic, not contractual. 3. Stability & longevity, not progress and change, mark a good society. 4. The only legitimate sources of political authority were God and history. 5. Conservatives believed that self-interests do not lead to social harmony, but to social conflict. Reject individualism and natural rights. Reject the “social contract” theory. Very anti-democratic
Conservatives 1.benefitted from old social order **want to restore monarchies** Social hierarchy where lower classes respect, obey social superiors 2.Support established churches: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox 3.Natural rights/constitutional govts would only lead to chaos—are these scare tactics?
Conservative leaders like Metternich: Support 1.Opposing freedom of the press 2.Crush protests in their countries 3.Sent troops to crush rebellions in foreign lands 4.Perhaps they remember the French Rev Austrian Prince
Reality Check What was the “Old Order” and why did conservatives want to restore it?
Let’s get cheesy…….. Is Your Dad A Preacher? Cause Girl You’re A Blessing Your so cute its distracting You look familiar, didn’t we take a class together? I could’ve sworn we had chemistry Roses are red violets are blue I didn’t know what perfect was until I met you
Liberals support Bourgeoisie 1.Speak out against monarchies, aristocracy (nobles), established churches 2.Defend ideas of Natural rights—equality, liberty, property want rulers elected by the people Support republican govt over monarchy 3.Liberals: business owners, bankers, lawyers, politicians, newspaper editors, writers, they’re not peasants
Liberals support Bourgeoisie **Liberals ideas sometimes called “bourgeoisie liberalism” b/c they spoke mainly for the middle class** 1.In 1800s, this means protecting basic rights Govt is limited to protecting freedom of thought, speech, and religion only and Only male property owners could vote
Liberals 1.**strongly support laissez faire economics—best way for businesses to succeed** Surprised? 2. These capitalists have different goals than the working class!!!!!!!
Nationalists Want Their Own Country 1.In 1815, Europe had many empires that included many nationalities. 2.***Nationalists figure people w/ a common heritage should have their own homeland (country, state)*** 3.Nationalism gives people: Sense of identity Their own homeland Breeds intolerance of other groups
19 c Latin American Independence Movements This is Nationalism!!
Central Europe Challenges the Old Order 1.Revolutionaries fight old social order 2.Begins in the Balkans against the Ottoman Empire 1st
SuccessfulUnsuccessful 1. Serbia (indep 1830)1. Poland (1830) 2. Greece (1830)2. Austria (1848) 3. Belgium (1830)3. Italy (1848) 4. Germany (1848)
Independence Movements Independence Movements in the Balkans Nationalism and war go hand in hand sometimes
Serbia Ends Ottoman Rule Serbs fight a guerilla war against Ottoman Empire 2.Unsuccessful—but gives them a sense of Serbian (national) identity fight a successful war Get help from Russia Both share Slavic language, Christian Orthodox religion
Serbia Ends Ottoman Rule 1.By 1830—w/Russian help—Serbia get **autonomy: self-rule** 2.Russia would continue to defend the Serbs in the future (WWI)
Greece Ends Ottoman Rule Greeks revolt 2.Badly divided at 1 st —long wars helped forge a national identity 3.Get help from BR, FR, Russia 4.Independent by 1830 But had to agree to a German king BR, FR, Russia didn’t support the nationalism that started the revolution
Revolutionary Movements in the Early 19 c More Nationalism Revolts spread To Spain, Portugal, Italy
Why would a monarch order his army to suppress an uprising in another country?
20.1 Creative side Make a chart comparing the following ideologies: Make a slogan for each group. Extra Credit: Make a simile for one (1) of the above ideologies. _____ is like _____ because _______. Conservativism (4)Liberalism (3)Nationalism (2) define 2.
20.1 Creative side Divide your paper in quadrants. 1.Draw a picture for conservatives, liberals, and nationalists. 2.Include a slogan for all pictures. 3.Make 1 simile for either of these 3 ideologies.
LiberalsConservatives Nationalists Simile