Unit 10 Nationalism, Industrialism, Imperialism, & Militarism Nationalism
What is Nationalism? Nationalism is the desire by those groups to be free of empire and govern themselves Many ethnic groups wanted to be a nation- state, or have its own independent country
Clashing Philosophies Three schools of political thought would to the movement of Nationalism: –Conservative: Usually wealthy property owners and nobility, argued for protecting traditional monarchies in Europe –Liberal: Mostly Middle-class business leaders and merchants who wanted elected parliaments, but only landowners could vote –Radical: Favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people
Aging Empires Three major empires contained a large number of ethnic groups –Austrian Empire of the Hapsburgs Solvenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Poles, Serbs, and Italians –Russian Empire of the Romanovs Ukrinians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Jews, Romanians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks and others –Ottoman Empire of the Turks Greeks, Slaves, Arabs, Bulgarians, and Armenians
Greeks Gain Indepdence Most European nations opposed revolution in Greece, but popular support came because of Greece’s history and Christian heritage Great Britain and Russia would help[ed] Greece to become the first people to win self-rule, or gain it’s own nation breaking away from the Ottoman Empire
Russification For 370 years Russia would rule a number of these ethnic groups The Romanov dynasty would use a tactic of force called russification to coerce these groups to adopt Russian culture This policy backfired and would eventually cause disunity and a strengthen[ed] the idea of nationalism causing the Russian Empire and Czar to give up power
Fall of the Romanov Dynasty
Count Cavour Italian nationalist looked for leadership from Piedmont- Sardinia the largest and most powerful Italian state in the Austrian Empire Sardinia King Victor Emmanuel II, named Count Camillo di Cavour (kuhVOOR) used his politics, alliances, and military skill to annex(ed) and united the Northern part of Italy from the Austrian Empire
Unification of Italy Rebels known as Red Shirts led by Giuseppe Garibaldi (GARuhBAWLdee) with the aid of the Cavour united the southern half of Italy Garibaldi agrees to step aside allowing Cavour to rule unifying both North and South Italy
Otto Von Bismarck Germany was not a country, but a loose set of 39 states formed into what was called the German Confederation Wilhelm I would become the king of Prussia and would elect[ed] Otto Von Bismarck to become prime minster Bismarck would rule with what he called the “politics of reality” –No consent from parliament –A illegal budget –Blood and Iron
Bismarck Unites Germany Prussia and Austria teamed up to go to war against Denmark and expand territory Seven Weeks War –Under Prussian rule Bismarck went against Austria in boarder conflicts eventually humiliates Austria gaining the states of northern Germany The Franco Prussian War –Bismarck would manufactured a war with France to unite the primarily Catholic south to the protestant north creating the country of Germany crowning Wilhelm I Kaiser or emperor of the German empire of Second Reich
Five Great Powers The 1815 Congress of Vienna had established 5 great powers in Europe: –Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia By 1871 Britain and Germany would compete for the dominance of Europe