Objectives Explore how Latin American Nations Gained Independence Explore the Pros and Cons of European Nationalism Explore the Pros and Cons of Globalization Analyze the Impact of Nationalism on Europe and the creation of Germany
Vocabulary Words Imperialism Militarism Propaganda Nationalism Ideology Globalization
How Latin American Nation Gained Independence The Creoles of Latin America were some of the least oppressed people in Latin America. After Napoleon took over Spain in 1808 and placed his brother in charge they began to revolt. Simon Bolivar helped to liberate Venezuela in Leader Jose de San Martin joined the efforts of Bolivar and went on to help liberate Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, Guatemala, and Ecuador. In Mexico, Miguel Hidalgo was a priest inspired by the Enlightenment
German Unification Inspired by the French Revolution and a desire for a united Germany, Germans revolt against the Prussian king At first Prussian king Frederick Wilhelm IV agreed to bring about democratic reform, but later breaks his promises Germans create an economic alliance between the German States, the Zollverein, which promotes trade and a strong economy. Otto von Bismarck leads Germany towards unification using the political philosophy of realpolitik, or “the politics of reality” In 1866 Prussia defeated Austria in the Austro-Prussian War In 1871 Prussia defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War, and Germany was unified.
Italian Unification In 1815 the Congress of Vienna split the Italian states apart. In 1831 Giuseppe Mazzini formed a nationalist group called Young Italy to fight for the unification of Italy. In 1852 Camillo di Cavour united states in northern Italy In the 1860s Giuseppe Garibaldi continued the fight for the rest of the Italian states In 1861 under Victor Emmanuel’s reign, Italians voted for Unification
Other Nationalist Efforts in Europe Nationalism ended both the Austrian Hapsburg Empires and the Ottoman Empires. In the 1800’s and early 1900’s, Russians rebelled against the absolute power of the czar and demanded social reforms.