Nationalism: A Force for Unity or Disunity Authoritarian Leaders began to use nationalism to their benefit…unite masses of people
Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires Three aging empires: 1. Austrian Empire (Hapsburgs) 2. Russian Empire (Romanovs) 3. Ottoman Empire (Turks) They all contained a mixture of ethnic groups These ethnic groups created unrest and eventually overhauled the empires
The Breakup of the Austrian Empire Austrian Empire brought together: Slovenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Poles, Serbs and Italians After the Austro-Prussian War (1866), Prussia (who won) gained the newly formed German Confederation Hungarians then pressured Francis Joseph Emperor of Austria to give them their own state ∴ Austria-Hungary is formed…each their own independent state under Francis Joseph’s rule Completely broken up after WWI, experienced 40 years of nationalist disputes.
The Russian Empire Crumbles Second Half of the 1800s: Russian Empire was 370 years old under the leadership of many czars Czars ruled over Russians, 22 million Ukrainians, 8 million Poles, + many more smaller ethnic groups each w/ own culture Romanovs issued the policy of Russification: Forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the empire Ethnic groups backlashed, increased nationalism for their own culture even more and greatly weakened the Russian Empire During WWI couldn’t handle the pressure and the last Romanov stepped down (1917)!
The Ottoman Empire Weakens Turks controlled Greeks (until 1830), Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, + Armenians 1856: Under serious pressure from Britain + France, Ottomans gave all ppl = citizenship Greatly angered the Turks: For example: In response to Armenian nationalism the Turks massacred + deported the Armenians Completely broken up after WWI
Cavour Unites Italy Italian nationalists looked towards the Kingdom of Sardinia (largest + most powerful Italian state) They had adopted a liberal constitution in : Camillo di Cavour was named prime minster to the King of Sardinia Sought to unite Italy 1 st step push Austria out of Northern Italy Napoleon III agreed to help Cavour defeat Austria and they did Got all of Northern Italy back w/the exception of Venetia
Garibaldi Brings Unity Cavour, was also secretly working to unite southern Italy during this time Helping southern nationalist rebels ∴ in Southern Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi led a nationalist army in 1860 and captured Sicily Garibaldi + his followers always wore a bright red shirt ∴ the became known as the “Red Shirts” Agreed to unite southern and northern Italy under the control of the Sardinian King 1866: Gained control of Venetia (Venice) 1870: Gained control of Papal States (besides Rome)
Bismarck Unites Germany 1815 (thru Congress of Vienna) 39 states joined to form the German Confederation Largely controlled by Austria, but.. Prussia anxious to unify the states
Prussia Leads German Unification Unlike Austria-Hungry, Prussia had a primarily German population ∴ nationalism unified Prussia 1848 – Berlin rioters achieved a liberal constitution
Bismarck Takes Control 1861 – Wilhelm I (King of Prussia) asks Parliament for $ in order to double the size of the army They refuse Wilhelm sees this as a major challenge to his authority The Junkers supported this view Strongly conservative members of Prussia’s wealthy landowning class I am a Junker! Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck Takes Control 1862 – Wilhelm names Otto von Bismarck, a conservative Junker as his Prime Minister Bismarck was a master of realpolitik: “The politics of reality” no nonsense, tough power politics w/ little room for idealism. Bismarck stated he would rule w/o consent of the parliament + w/o a legal budget Direct violation of the 1848 constitution Page 262 quote
Prussia Expands 1864 – Bismarck of Prussia and Austria form an alliance Go to war against Demark and win Schleswig and Holstein Schleswig went to Prussia, and Holstein to Austria
Seven Weeks’ War Bismarck purposely pick a border war with Austria over this newly gained territory Austria declared war on Prussia in 1866 known as the Seven Weeks’ War. Prussians had a superior army and very decisively humiliated and beat Austria Austria lost the area of Venetia (given to Italy) and had to accept the annexation of more German territory
The Franco Prussian War 1867: Bismarck thought he could gain southern German support by crafting a war with France Created the impression that the French Ambassador insulted the Prussian King France responded by declaring war on Prussia Prussian Army pours into France and took 83,000 prisoners including Napoleon III Forced Parisians into starvation until they surrendered Won the Southern Germans with strong national pro- German sentiments and they then accepted Prussian leadership King Wilhelm I named Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia. German Second Reich