Uncle Sam wants YOU to study World War I
Long Term (MAIN) Causes of WWI M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism
Long Term Causes of WWI Militarism –Each empire increased the size of its army and created better weapons –Most countries had “conscription” (draft) –Each country had detailed war plans –Because they had bigger armies it took longer to get ready so they had to mobilize Mobilization was seen as a declaration of war
Long Term Causes of WWI Alliances –Militarism, imperialism and nationalism led to hostility between countries & increased tensions –Network of alliances emerged –Alliances were defensive and would only operate if a country was attacked
1879 The Dual Alliance Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia 1881 Austro-Serbian Alliance Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia to stop Russia gaining control of Serbia 1882 The Triple Alliance Germany and Austria- Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia 1914 Triple Entente (no separate peace) Britain, Russia and France agreed not to sign for peace separately Franco-Russian Alliance Russia formed an alliance with France to protect herself against Germany and Austria-Hungary 1907 Triple Entente This was made between Russia, France and Britain to counter the increasing threat from Germany Anglo-Russian Entente This was an agreement between Britain and Russia 1904 Entente Cordiale This was an agreement, but not a formal alliance, between France and Britain.
Long Term Causes of WWI Imperial Rivalry –Every country wanted more land –Germany & France disagreed about the territory of Alsace-Lorraine –Germany started building up its navy & interfering with Ottoman Empire which worsened tensions with Britain
Long Term Causes of WWI Nationalism –Each empire was dependent on production and export of manufactured goods Access to natural resources was important Needed ability to sell manufactured goods –France upset about loss of Alsace-Lorraine Lost natural resources AND humiliated by loss –Austria invaded Serbia To protect against a threat to its empire
Short Term Causes of WWI Moroccan Crisis –1904, Morocco given to France by Britain, but Moroccans wanted independence. –1905, Germany announced her support for Moroccan independence, but war avoided –1911, Germans were again protesting against French possession of Morocco. Britain supported France and Germany was persuaded to back down for part of French Congo.
Short Term Causes of WWI Unrest in the Balkans –Balkans area was important to Austria- Hungary and to Russia –Austrian Empire ruled over a collection of people Austria lost territory (Italy & Germany) People (like the Czechs) were resentful of Austro-Hungarian control, but the people were too divided nationally to form a cohesive opposition
Short Term Causes of WWI Bosnian Crisis 1908 –Austria & Russia agreed that Austria could annex Bosnia & Herzegovina Austria would get the territory Russia would get access to the Mediterranean Sea through the Adriatic Sea –Austria annexed Bosnia, but didn’t give Russia the access –Serbia angry about the annexation & Russia supported Serbia Russia eventually backed down when Germany supported Austria
Short Term Causes of WWI Balkan Wars, –Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece & Montenegro formed The Balkan League to drive the Ottoman Empire out of Europe starting the First Balkan War –Treaty of London (1913) ended the war and changed territories in the Balkan region –Serbian territory expanded and Austria was threatened –In the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria attacked Serbia & Greece because it was unhappy about its territory from the 1 st war
Short Term Causes of WWI – The Trigger Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Countdown to War 28 June – Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 23 July – Austria issues ultimatum to Serbia 28 July – Austria declares war on Serbia 29 July – Russia orders troop mobilization 30 July – Germany mobilizes & demands Russia stop mobilization
Countdown to War 1 Aug – France mobilizes; Germany declares war on Russia 2 Aug – Russia declares war on Germany 3 Aug – Germany declares war on France 4 Aug – Germany invades Belgium; Britain declares war on Germany 6 Aug – Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia 10 Aug – Britain and France declare war on Austro-Hungarian empire
Factors in Austria’s decision for war Preservation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Reliance on Triple Alliance (mainly Germany) Belief that victory would be quick & decisive Influence of growth of military power and military planning Desire to stop spread of Serb nationalism Willingness of its leaders to take a risk
Factors in Russia’s decision for war National feeling (support for the Serbs) Military power & preparation (required early mobilization) Alliance network (help from France & Britain) Need to support the Russian Empire Humiliation in foreign affairs in 1905 (Russo-Japanese War led to revolution – needed victory to support Tsar) Willingness of Russian leaders to take a risk & expectation of quick victory
Factors in France’s decision for war Concern over Germany’s challenge to its empire Build up of military power Hoped for support from Russia and Britain Strong nationalism Wanted return of Alsace-Lorraine Confidence in plan of attack made war a good risk
Factors in Britain’s decision for war Treaty obligations (with Russia & France AND Belgium) National feelings (patriotism) Security of Britain (end German navy) Military power (had strong navy) Need to maintain balance of power in Europe War was an acceptable risk
For you to consider: –The effects of alliances, international markets, industrialism, imperialism and nationalism during this time period. –Other economic, ideological, political and religious causes of the war. –Was this war truly inevitable? Were there possible steps that could have been taken to avoid war?