EU Urban Agenda Working Group Amsterdam, 16th March 2016 Urban poverty partnership Coordinated by France and Belgium State of play.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Urban Agenda Working Group Amsterdam, 16th March 2016 Urban poverty partnership Coordinated by France and Belgium State of play

Summary: Coordination team Presentation of the partnership 1 st meeting follow up actions (recruiting experts, drafting a scoping paper, online survey, mapping of policies, extensions of the partnership, online collaborative platform) Communication Next steps Questions

Anissa Rejeb (till end of July) Intern assisting the French coordinator Master degree in European Affairs - Sorbonne University in Paris France Valérie Lapenne Head of office Territorial and urban cohesion European Department General Commission for Territorial Equality Belgium Rik Baeten Head of office Federal Policy for Large cities SPP Social Integration Coordination team of the partnership

Cities Birmingham (UK) Daugavpils (LV) Kortrijk (BE) Lille (FR) Lodz (PL) Timisoara (RO) Regions Brussels-Capital (BE) Ile-de-France (FR) Member States Belgium France Germany Greece Spain Organisations (Full-members) URBACT EUKN UN Habitat (Observer) Members of the partnership Commission DG REGIO DG EMPLOI

Conclusions of the 1st meeting of the partnership (20th January, CGET in Paris) 1. Recruit experts 2. Drafting a scoping paper 3. Mapping the EU funds and policies 4. Extend the partnership 5. Create an intranet collaborative platform

Follow up action 1: Recruitment of experts Their tasks: 0/ Drafting scoping paper 1/ Drafting the European Action plan on urban poverty 2/ Preparing and participating (with possibility to moderate some exchanges during the meeting) in the meetings of the partnership. It will include also the review of the conclusions afterwards 3/ Drafting the roadmap of the partnership 4/ Preparing and participating in interviews with key relevant stakeholders 5/ Synthesis of relevant studies, experiences, policies connected with the thematic 6/ Preparing contribution to an open event (open days) They are financed by the Dutch Presidency in 2016

Laura Colini (German- Italian) Researcher Diplomas: Architecture Degree, PhD in Urban and territorial studies Significant works undertaken: for URBACT, case studies on practices about integrated urban regeneration in Europe Large experience in urban research (as a Senior Researcher in Germany and at the Sorbonne Paris IV), urban regeneration and social issues URBACT lead expert since 2005 Follow up action 1: Recruitment of experts Ivan Tosics, Managing Director Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest (to be confirmed) Diplomas: Mathematician and Sociologist (PhD) Significant work undertaken: for DG Regio in the Cities of Tomorrow program, he was one of the organizers of the high-level conference on Demographic changes during the Hungarian EU Presidency. Large experience in urban sociology, strategic development, housing policy and EU regional policy issues, teaches at university URBACT expert since 2011 : one of the Thematic Pole Managers (Program Experts), was Lead expert of 2 URBACT programs

Follow up action 2: Drafting a scoping paper By the experts Based on the 1st inputs of members (responses to the online survey) First analyses of responses to the online survey: So far, 5 responses 7 to remain

Follow up action 3: Mapping (by the Commission) of EU funds and policies Ongoing work with the input of the coordinators Analyse of the 4 EU social pillars: Social OMC Social Investment Package Platform against poverty Pillar of social rights

Follow up action 4: Huddle group Put at the partnership disposal by URBACT program Share resource documents to all the partners Inform about the partnership calendar and composition Give tasks to each member The Huddle group is managed by the coordinators

Communication Dutch Presidency website: Contribution of France and Belgium for contents on the Urban poverty dedicated page Preparation of flyers about the partnership and about EU poverty references

Next meetings 6th April (Amsterdam): Focused on scoping paper+ mapping EU policies Introduction of new members, experts Survey findings 4th May (Brussels): with view on DG meeting on urban policies (12/5) June event: open seminar with the support of EUKN and URBACT

Thank you for your attention Do you have any questions ?