Welcome to AVID 10 Parent/Student Meeting! It’s not only a program, it’s an ATTITUDE
Who are the AVID 10 Teachers? Matt Bean: (951) ext Char Gempeler: (951) ext 6605 Denise Williams: (951) ext 6617
How does the AVID program contribute to the success of the students? Teaches study and organizational skills Supports English classes through the use of writing as a tool for learning Gives tutorial help with college/AP tutors Enhances collaborative thinking to ensure success in rigorous courses Students visit colleges and universities- 1 st trip in October (UCLA and CSU Northridge) Assists students with the application process for four year colleges and universities Helps students with self exploration, and college / careers inquiry
AVID Financial Plan Previous AVID Budget- $29,000 (District) + $10, 000 (Fundraising) Current Budget- $9,000 District + ??? (Fundraise) Yearly Goal to Fundraise = $20,000 Average Yearly Expenses: $15,000 College Tutors $ 7, 200 (Local field trips 1 per semester) $3,000 (Program Contribution to Junior Field Trip) $3,000 Consulting/ Supplies/ Staff Develop.. $12,000- $15,000 Desired Purchase: (Portable Netbook/ Tablet Lab)
Financial Plan Fundraise/ Donate- $60 per student ($6 per month) Can make payments! Donate - Pay Cash or Credit Card to Bookkeeper- Tax Deduction (By October 1 st ) OR Fundraise- Sell the equivalent to $60 profit (Average return about 25% means you sell about $220 worth of product) or All Day Car Wash- Sell 6 $10 each $60 X 325 students = $19, 500
VMHS AVID Expectations Individual Determination (AVID is a choice not a requirement) – “It’s not just a program, It’s an Attitude!” Adopt the AVID Methodologies- Must be willing to change some of your personal habits. Do things the AVID way! Maintain a Competitive Grade Point Average (Tutoring/ Probation/ Dismissal)- Effort Wins! Complete a Rigorous Course of Study (minimum 1 Advanced Placement/ Dual Enrollment Course before graduation) Actively Participate on Campus (sports, clubs, band, leadership etc.)
Main differences Between 9 th and 10 th Grade Level of rigor in academic classes; for example Chemistry (standard 10 th grade course), Advanced English II/ AP Euro History (designed for competitive college bound) Increased Homework Time/ More Reading! One more core class- MWH/ AP Euro Begin basic introduction to SAT/ ACT
Significance of 10 th Grade! Grade Point Average Counts for College! 50% of College GPA is completed this year! Academic Separation (Students are moving at different academic levels which will directly impact college options). Math- Algebra 1B / Pre Calculus; Earth Science/ Chemistry; MWH/ AP Euro. AVID resources (tutoring) should be readily incorporated into student’s academic plan
10 th Grade AVID All students should take the PSAT (Wednesday Oct. 26/ Register w/ bookkeeper by Oct. 21st- $23). All students should take the Practice Full- Length SAT (end of January / $20 to bookkeeper). All Students should challenge themselves w/ level of Rigor (40% increase in College Readiness). All students should attend two field trips (fundraise $$$), one each semester (cannot have any D’s/ F’s on grade check given every 3 weeks). First Trip UCLA and CSU Northridge in October
AVID Protocol All schedule changes go through AVID teacher/ coordinator + AVID counselor + AVID administrator. Communicate with us about everything! Priority of schedule changes are based on “Core Teachers” who support the needs of AVID students. Allow your student to handle his/her issues (They must communicate with teachers) Rigor- Advanced English / Take at least one Advanced Placement (AP) course during high school. The Program dictates the student’s schedule – not the student or the parent Hold your student accountable!
Tutorials Occur at least once per week Students break into groups based on core subjects in which they need support Students engage in collaborative inquiry and problem-solving A tutorial form MUST be filled out before the tutorial Tutorials are turned in at the end of the tutorial. They should not be taken home except as a study tool! No late tutorials will be accepted. Missed Tutorials (due to absences, etc.) must be made-up on the assigned makeup date (2 per month) Tutorials are NOT a place to do HOMEWORK! Tutorial Request Form- new.docTutorial Request Form- new.doc
Notebook Checks Used as a way to check organization and note taking. Notes are checked daily! Note guidelines: (for core classes) -1 pages for every block period (Front and Back) Detailed Summary is the most important part of the notes. -1/2 page for 5 th Period (Front Only) --Notes must be complete and include: heading, name/date (in pen!), topic, notes, and summary All students should have 7 checks (7 pages of notes) every three weeks. AVID GENERAL STUFF\Cornell Note Template.doc AVID 2011 Note Verification 10th (3).doc
Tutoring Program If a student is struggling in a class (grade is less than 75%), students are required to get tutoring. Any D’s or F’s or Multiple C’s requires tutoring. Identify if “Concept Based”/ “Effort Based” Tutoring consists of two hours a week of mandatory tutoring in the subject area. If a student has multiple unsatisfactory grades, he or she should divide the tutoring time among all needy areas, but he or she should not exceed four hours of tutoring. AVID GENERAL STUFF\Tutoring Program 2007.doc
Tutoring Always contact the specific teacher first! Communicate with your AVID teacher! AVID Lunch Tutoring 1 st Lunch –Mon/ Weds (EE25) Tues/ Thurs (E217) 2 nd Lunch: M- Fri. (EE28) * Late Start Tutoring 8-9:30 in Library
Probation Probation is assigned to any student that receives a “D” or to the students that do not maintain a competitive G.P.A.. For 10 th grade the G.P.A. should not be below 2.8. (Anything under a 3.0 will result in very few college options) Consecutive grading periods on probation will result in dismissal from AVID. (It is an academic program!) Summer School and/ or ELO is required for all grades lower than a “C”. Failure to attend may result in dismissal from AVID as well as incomplete college eligibility.
College Information A-G requirements: A:History/Social Science-2 years required B:English-4 years required C:Mathematics-3 required, 4 recommended D:Lab Science-2 required, 3 recommended E:Foreign Language-2 required, 3 recommended F:Visual and Performing Arts- 1 year required G:College Prep electives-1 year required ** Course level impacts college decisions and increases college readiness.
AVID’s Impact on College National College Going Rate to complete 4-year college entrance requirements: National (Non-AVID): 36% National (AVID): 89% VMHS (AVID):98%
College Admission Profile Cal State’s Eligibility Index: GPA (10-12) x 800+ SAT CR+ SAT Math / ACT 2900 minimum to qualify; target score: Reality SDSU GPA = 3.79 CR= 580 M=590 Index 4202 LB State Index CSUF Index CSUM Index 3300 (local)
College Admission Profile UC Eligibility: SAT CR, Math, Writing / ACT w/ writing 3.0 (academic GPA ) minimum to apply Other factors: -extracurricular activities/involvement/essays/ rigor of academic schedule Reality UC Berkeley GPA = 4.18 CR=665 M=696 W=674 ACT=29 UCR GPA = 3.58 CR= 536 M= 576 W= 576 ACT= 24
How can parents help? Encourage students to come to school daily! Be active with and abiwww.vmhs.net Discuss with students selection of tutorial group they will join on tutorial day. Occasionally review a page of notes. Use questions developed by students to help review for concepts and tests. Have weekly checks of organization
How can parents help? (cont.) Discuss colleges and if possible, visit colleges Develop a Family College Plan Force your children to be responsible for their education- Don’t bail them out! Good resources: